Exercícios de Mobilidade do Tornozelo - Um Ponto de Partida

Salva os teus joelhos, mobiliza os teus tornozelos!

Rasta, pulling off a pretty serious bottom turn. I want you to focus on the rear foot, especially the angle of the lower leg, or the amount of dorsiflexion at the ankle.

What the hell is dorsiflexion?

It’s movement of pulling your foot/toes towards your knee.

And without proper range of motion in that movement, a bottom turn like that will simply not happen.

Not only will it just not happen, if you’re lacking proper range of motion, you’re inevitably going to get some seriously pissed off knees.

Pissed of knees are going to keep you out of the water, and if not out of the water, they will certainly chip away at your abilities.

Dor na articulação do tornozelo

So you know what dorsiflexion is now. But why the hell would movement, or lack of movement at the ankle effect the knee.

Well folks, the body is engineered with everything interconnected. Everything is everything, a very zen moment.

An offset at one joint will affect other body parts up the kinetic chain.

The ankle, being damn near the start of the lower body kinetic chain can set of a ton of issues further up the body, with the knee being commonly effected.

Again, your body is interconnected, so if it is lacking range of motion at one joint, the body will force or rob movement at another joint.

Lacking range of motion, dorsiflexion at the ankle joint, will force the knee to compensate with more movement. And the knee likes to be stable, not excessively mobile.

Quando uma articulação concebida para ser estável é forçada a mover-se excessivamente, aí vem a inflamação, os danos dos tecidos e a dor..... No bueno, e No surf.

This is why I continually harp about thoracic spine mobility for shoulder health.

If you’re thoracic spine isn’t moving, it offsets all the joints around it, similarly with the ankle.

So to keep your knees healthy, or help to restore your knees to optimum performance, you gotta start looking at the foot and ankle.

The average weekend warrior surfer, is likely sitting at a desk.


Sitting at a desk, is without a doubt going to slowly but surely decrease your ankle range of motion (dorsiflexion). Everybody, even the pros, could benefit from increasing ankle mobility.

This will not only help to increase performance by allowing more dynamic movement at the ankle, thus allowing for more serious board positions.

But it will make huge leaps and bounds at making your body more resilient to injury, especially at the foot and knee.

Lack of ankle range of motion will even stop you from being able to squat or lunge efficiently…

Think about how that could effect your pop-ups, floater landings, barrel tucking, the list just keeps going.

Esta é fácil de trabalhar. E, se está de facto a levar a sério a melhoria do seu tempo na água, livrando o seu corpo de dores e dores, e apenas tornando o seu corpo mais à prova de lesões, então comece a trabalhar em alguma mobilidade do tornozelo.

More ankle mobility will be coming in the future, so in the mean time, get your ankles moving properly using the movements in the video and also foam roll the calf area…………… and if you’re a high heel wearing woman, or even man for that matter, put in some double time on this mobilization.

Ver vídeo aqui

Mobilidade do tornozelo: A chave para um surf forte

Agora que compreendemos a importância da mobilidade do tornozelo e o seu impacto nos joelhos, vamos mergulhar em alguns exercícios para melhorar a dorsiflexão e manter os tornozelos em boa forma para o surf.

Lembra-te de que estes exercícios foram concebidos para aumentar a mobilidade e evitar lesões, por isso ouve sempre o teu corpo e pára se sentires dor ou desconforto.

Porque é que a mobilidade do tornozelo é importante para o surf

As a surfer, your ankles are crucial for maintaining balance and stability on your board.

Without proper ankle mobility, you may struggle to maintain your footing and perform the necessary maneuvers to catch waves and ride them to shore.

In addition to improving your surfing skills, ankle mobility exercises can also help prevent injuries.

Strong, flexible ankles are better equipped to handle the rigors of surfing, which involves a lot of twisting, turning, and sudden movements.

Causas comuns de rigidez do tornozelo

Há muitos factores que podem contribuir para a rigidez do tornozelo e para a redução da mobilidade. Estes incluem:

  • Má postura e alinhamento
  • Músculos fracos ou tensos nos pés, panturrilhas e tornozelos
  • Lesões ou cirurgias anteriores
  • Envelhecimento e desgaste natural

Exercícios simples de mobilidade do tornozelo

Aqui estão alguns exercícios de mobilidade do tornozelo que podes fazer em casa para melhorar a tua flexibilidade e reduzir o risco de lesões:

  1. Faz círculos com os tornozelos: Senta-te no chão com as pernas esticadas à tua frente. Roda lentamente os tornozelos no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio, fazendo grandes círculos com os dedos dos pés. Repete no sentido contrário ao dos ponteiros do relógio.
  2. Levanta os calcanhares: Põe-te de pé com os pés afastados à largura das ancas e levanta lentamente os calcanhares do chão, elevando o peso do corpo para a planta dos pés. Mantém a posição durante alguns segundos e depois volta a baixar os calcanhares até ao chão.
  3. Flexiona o tornozelo: Senta-te no chão com as pernas esticadas à tua frente. Aponta os dedos dos pés para longe do corpo o máximo que conseguires, depois flecte os pés para trás em direcção às canelas. Repete várias vezes.

Ankle mobility is essential for surfers who want to improve their skills and prevent injuries.

By incorporating a few simple exercises into your routine, you can increase your flexibility and keep your ankles strong and healthy.

Remember to always listen to your body and stop any exercise that causes pain or discomfort.

If you have a history of ankle injuries or chronic pain, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.

Agarra o programa Surf Athlete e melhora o teu surf e a tua saúde hoje... e para sempre


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