Surf Atleta Formação Programa

12 Semanas

Comprovado, Programa Passo-a-Passo para uma Surf Melhor, Mais Rápida, & Mais Durável

Aumente radicalmente a sua contagem de Ondas. Porque ficar sem combustível quando está a queimar é uma porcaria

(373 comentários)   4976 surfers

O Seu Corpo Está a Retardar a Sua Progressão Surf ?

Um corpo mais forte e mais flexível ajudá-lo-ia a desfrutar do seu tempo no oceano?

A tua condição física e saúde é, em última análise, a base para o teu surf.

Por isso faz a ti próprio estas perguntas:

Quando entras no oceano, como é que o teu corpo se sente?

És fluido, forte e poderoso? Ou a desmaiar, sem fôlego, e frustrado?

Com os braços e o fôlego gaseados? Uma coluna baixa que está chateada por 30 minutos de remada?

Isso parece muito frustrante.

A arte e habilidade de surfar não pode ser construída sobre um corpo rígido, fraco, com excesso de peso e pouco saudável.

Se isso soa como o teu surf e o teu corpo, estás a limitar o teu surf, e VOCÊS PODEM consertar isso .

Melhore radicalmente a sua navegação por Melhorar o seu corpo

Tire o máximo partido do seu tempo e esforço para melhorar o seu corpo.
Treinar utilizando treinos concebidos profissionalmente para que possa verdadeiramente beneficiar & melhorar.
Construa uma aptidão física que se prolongue até como se sente, e como se move no surf!
Descubra um programa de treino que constrói, melhora, e restaura surf o atletismo.
Fluida, forte, poderosa capacidade de movimento...por isso pode surf!
Treinos, rotinas de flexibilidade, e mais
Para melhorar ou restaurar a sua capacidade de se mover da forma que um surfista necessita.
Construir força e poder fluido que se transporta para o surf.
Desenvolver um corpo que possa trabalhar graciosamente na habilidade e arte do surf. Prepare o seu corpo para o que o seu surf & o oceano exigem. 
Mova-se Fluidamente, Atleticamente, & Poderosamente.
Construa força dinâmica e resistência que se transporta para o seu movimento no oceano.
Formar utilizando Treinos Profissionalmente Projectados.
Siga as rotinas de modo a beneficiar e melhorar verdadeiramente como um surfista precisa de fazer.
Construir um Corpo mais forte e mais móvel
Melhoria da resistência, saúde dos ombros, flexibilidade dinâmica, força central, por isso não está limitado no surf.
surf imagem da academia de atletismo

Descubra um Surf-Programa de treino específico que constrói "Surf Athleticism" (Atletismo)

Melhore o seu potencial navegando e desbloqueie o seu potencial construindo um corpo que

Surf de forma fluida e poderosa, sem restrições corporais.
Passar mais tempo na água e apanhar mais ondas!
Exercício comprovadamente poderoso produz resultados perceptíveis em menos tempo
Trabalhar no Skill & Art of Surf mais facilmente quando o seu corpo não está limitado, tire os travões do seu surf.


12 Semanas de Formação Simples e Eficaz para Apoiar a sua Navegação

  • Bem-vindo!

    O Froth começa aqui

  • Comece agora 

    Deve Observar Primeiro

  • Como encurtar os treinos

  • Como Alterar o seu Programa de Formação

  • Trabalho do hálito


  • Altere o seu Estado Físico e Mental

  • Respiração Diafragmática

  • Abra os seus pulmões e costelas

  • Respiração da caixa

  • Teste de Tolerância co2

    142 protocolo

  • Urge to Breathe (Urge para respirar)

  • Efeito Bohr

  • Tabelas Wonka

  • Burpee Retém

  • Meditação Respiratória

  • Fluxo dinâmico

    Fase 1

  • Fluxo dinâmico

    Fase 2

  • Fluxo dinâmico

    Fase 3

  • Introdução á nutrição

    Comece agora 

  • Nutrição: Começar

  • Nutrição

    Lição 1

  • Nutrição

    Lição 2

  • Nutrição

    Lição 3



  • Fase 1


    00:01 min
  • Malibu

    Fundamental Surf Padrões de Movimento

    31:50 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:20 min
  • Weligama

    Fundamental Surf Padrões e Mobilidade

    31:45 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:20 min
  • Malibu

    Fundamental Surf Padrões de Movimento

    31:50 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:20 min
  • Weligama

    Fundamental Surf Padrões e Mobilidade

    36:25 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:20 min
  • Malibu

    Fundamental Surf Padrões de Movimento

    41:40 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:20 min
  • Weligama

    Fundamental Surf Padrões e Mobilidade

    40:45 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:20 min
  • Malibu

    Fundamental Surf Padrões de Movimento

    39:15 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:20 min
  • Weligama

    Fundamental Surf Padrões e Mobilidade

    42:20 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:20 min


  • Fase 2


    00:00 min
  • Árvore Oca

    Surf Desenvolvimento do Movimento de Força

    28:25 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:40 min
  • Rio Margaret

    Funcional Surf Movimento

    32:30 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:40 min
  • Árvore Oca

    Surf Desenvolvimento do Movimento de Força

    29:50 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:40 min
  • Rio Margaret

    Funcional Surf Movimento

    35:15 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:40 min
  • Árvore Oca

    Surf Desenvolvimento do Movimento de Força

    38:50 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:40 min
  • Rio Margaret

    Funcional Surf Movimento

    44:40 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:40 min
  • Árvore Oca

    Surf Desenvolvimento do Movimento de Força

    42:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:40 min
  • Rio Margaret

    Funcional Surf Movimento

    47:35 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:40 min


  • Fase 3


    00:01 min
  • Uluwatu

    Dinâmico Surf Movimento

    36:50 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:55 min
  • Gasoduto

    Surf Desenvolvimento de Energia

    29:55 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:55 min
  • Uluwatu

    Dinâmico Surf Movimento

    39:30 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:55 min
  • Gasoduto

    Surf Desenvolvimento de Energia

    31:35 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:55 min
  • Uluwatu

    Dinâmico Surf Movimento

    41:40 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:55 min
  • Gasoduto

    Surf Desenvolvimento de Energia

    35:20 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:55 min
  • Uluwatu

    Dinâmico Surf Movimento

    44:50 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:55 min
  • Gasoduto

    Surf Desenvolvimento de Energia

    37:45 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    00:00 min
  • Dia de Recuperação

    40:55 min


  • Foundation Training Fundamentos

    00:28 min
  • Foundation Training Acompanhar

    00:22 min
  • Treino de Remo


    24:50 min
  • Treino de Remo


    35:35 min
  • Teoria da Remada 101

    00:23 min
  • CARS Rotina de corpo inteiro

    Rotações Articulares Controladas

    00:23 min
  • CARS Rotina Rápida de Corpo Completo

    00:16 min


Treinos, Formação de Pás, Melhor Postura, Melhorar a Flexibilidade, Durabilidade das Juntas, e Surf Fitness


Fase 1


Build Fitness That Supports Your Surfing Esta é a sua introdução ao verdadeiro "surf-fitness". Exercícios para melhorar a sua mobilidade fluida, Cardio para construir o seu Motor de Resistência, Exercícios que Desenvolvem a Força Dinâmica. Isto é Movimento, Treino, e Aptidão concebida especificamente para os surfistas.


Descubra as suas limitações e como melhorá-las
Aprenda os Protocolos de Formação que Na realidade levam ao seu Surf.
Apresente um programa que irá mudar para sempre a sua abordagem à Fitness


Aumentar a flexibilidade com sequências de fluxo dinâmicas
Estabelecer as Fundações da Durabilidade em torno das Ancas e Ombros
Desenvolva a sua Rotina Cardio para os Infinitos Padde-Outs


É tempo de começar a aumentar o volume e a intensidade da formação com foco na Qualidade e Eficiência da Formação
Construir Força Funcional em Preparação para Movimentos de Força e Explosivos em fases posteriores


Os hábitos foram agora construídos para uma vida inteira de movimento melhorado... porque o surf é movimento.
Mudou a forma como se move e preparou o seu corpo para novas fases de treino e potencial de surf

Fase 2


Força desafiante e chocantemente eficaz, flexibilidade e exercícios de resistência. Desenvolve uma maior intensidade de cardio e resistência para sessões mais pesadas em surf e nunca gaseando. Constrói flexibilidade para novos níveis de movimento fluido & Surfing. Desenvolvimento da força que é feita à medida para surfistas que precisam de ser rápidos, coordenados, ágeis, e em forma. Maior durabilidade para a longevidade no surf.


Novas Perfurações, Novos Exercícios, Novos Exercícios, melhorando a forma como se sente e como se move no oceano.
Treino progressivo para aprofundar a sua compreensão do que é realmente o treino de desempenho para surfistas.
Exercícios desafiantes com enfoque na construção da saúde global, para o longo prazo.


Sequências de fluxo dinâmicas que não só o fazem sentir-se muito bem, mas também desafiam a sua força e flexibilidade de base. 
Sessões de cardio que simulam as exigências energéticas de um maior desafio surf.
Treinos que integram surf força e flexibilidade específicas.


Novos níveis de aptidão física e melhoria dramática das capacidades físicas.
Continue a desfazer o que a negligência, a idade, ou o desgaste fizeram ao seu corpo.
Rotinas de recuperação que lhe ensinam como cuidar de si mesmo, durante décadas de surf de alto calibre. 


Ficará impressionado e surpreendido com o quão longe chegou até este ponto!
Consciência e verdadeira compreensão do que é necessário para melhorar o desempenho do surf
Ultrapassar os limites anteriores e explodir em novos níveis de treino de desempenho.

Fase 3


Este é um treino de nível profissional a que tiveste acesso através de uma progressão inteligente, eficiente e bem planeada. Assim que sentires o primeiro treino, saberás imediatamente porque treinaste para chegar aqui! Este é o treino IS para o desempenho surf . É assim que vais treinar para o REST da tua vida. Este é o treino que te prepara para os rigores do surf e para a diversão sem fim no oceano.


Treino corporal completo que o prepara para décadas de surf a qualquer nível.
Progrediu para um nível de treino que apoia verdadeiramente a capacidade de surf.
Não voltará a cair na surf- os truques de adaptação nunca mais porque construiu uma biblioteca de conhecimentos de formação


Isto não é alongamento, são rotinas de fluxo dinâmico que desafiam o seu núcleo, ancas, coluna, e ombros. 
Como um surf precisa de se mover rápida e poderosamente. Este é um treino que suporta isso, e melhora o movimento fluido. 
Isto não é um treino cruzado que apenas o esmaga... é um treino de alto desempenho que melhora o rendimento da sua vida. 


A melhor resistência que já sentiu na água devido a esta fase final do treino cardiovascular.
Verá uma sensação de grandes diferenças, mesmo fora de água.


Apreciar as mudanças de corpo inteiro que tornam o surf mais divertido, mais fácil e mais seguro.

You've got 2 options to start your surf trip prep program.  You can get a subscription to the Surf Athlete Pro, which grants you access to nearly all the programs in the surf athlete app, including the surf trip prep program....OR....  You can buy 12 month access to the surf trip prep program only.  Your choice, your training, your surf trip! Surf Athlete Training Program

HERE'S WHAT YOU GET with a Surf Athlete Pro Subscription
Surf Atleta PRO
US$10.99 US$9,99
Surf Atleta PRO
US$10.99 US$ 4,97
Um programa
Pagamento seguro
Cartões de Crédito Disponíveis

Fim do Desconto em breve


O Atleta Surf
tem andado a bombear...

4976 Surfers Transformed



O que vai aprender neste Programa pode literalmente salvar a sua vida.

Descobre os Protocolos Essenciais de Trabalho da Respiração para melhorar a tua concentração, acalmar o teu ritmo cardíaco, construir confiança em situações de água pesada e aumentar o teu desempenho geral.

A Respiração é uma ferramenta crítica e valiosa que aprenderás a influenciar a tua fisiologia, saúde, desempenho e impacto real no teu surf.

Descobrirás os métodos que aprendi com líderes no campo, e as ferramentas que ensino aos clientes todos os dias. Desde o básico de optimizar a tua respiração até ao treino de suster a respiração.

Os métodos que vais implementar são alguns dos mais eficientes de treino da respiração por aí. Esta série de treino é um incrível ponto de partida para compreenderes como usar a tua respiração para teres impacto na tua saúde e no surf. Aplica estes métodos à tua vida, ao teu surf, ao teu treino e à tua recuperação.

1.5 horas de conteúdo

10 séries de vídeos

Valor: $99

Bónus #2: Treinos de Resistência ao Remo

A maior parte do seu tempo na água não é passado a surfar, é passado a remar.

Implemente estes exercícios específicos de treino de remadas e aumente a sua resistência no surf. Menos flocos e fadiga, e mais fortes pancadas e ondas de remada.

Para indivíduos que não surf frequentemente
Os requisitos físicos inerentes ao surf (na sua maioria remadas), causam fadiga rápida e potencial frustração. Quero ajudar-vos a construir a vossa "capacidade de trabalho". Se não sabe remar, não pode surf. Isso é frustrante e irritante. Pode consertar isso, e estes exercícios farão exactamente isso.

Long and Endlesly
A sua capacidade de manter remadas de longa duração, a capacidade de mover os braços sem parar, mergulhar repetidamente, suster a respiração, e depois continuar a remar. Estes treinos concentrar-se-ão não só na criação de uma parte superior do corpo mais robusta e durável, mas também ajudarão a dar-lhe um amortecedor de resistência e capacidade de remada.

Valor: $99


US$10.99US$ 4,97
por semana


Os Mais Abrangentes Programas de Formação de Surf de Sempre Criados

Está pronto a partir.
Assim que tiveres os programas aperceber-te-ás de como isto é realmente um recurso tremendo, e como não precisarás de outros programas de treino surf . Podes, e vais, voltar a consultar estes programas durante anos. Enquanto estiveres a surfar irás usar estes programas, eu garanto-te.

Isto irá mudar a forma como treinas e como moves o teu corpo. Em última análise, vai ajudar-te com o teu surf. 

Estas são as ferramentas que guiam os seus treinos, acompanham o seu progresso, e removem as adivinhações dos seus treinos. Tenha confiança sabendo que está a fazer os melhores treinos possíveis.


Garantia de devolução do dinheiro a 100%

Aqui está o acordo:

Estes programas são espantosos, e sei que os achará espantosos, mas só para ter a certeza de que está confiante na sua compra, estou a oferecer uma Garantia de 7 dias. 
Se utilizar os programas, e o utilizar realmente, e não estiver satisfeito com o conteúdo absolutamente incrível e impactante, então entre em contacto connosco e providenciaremos um reembolso.


Anéis olímpicos
Formador de Suspensão
Bola de exercício
Foam roller
Faixa de resistência de círculo completo
Bola de Gatilho de Amendoim
Quer ver uma lista de recomendações de equipamento?


US$10.99US$ 4,97
por semana


Cris Surfing nas Mentawais 2019

Cris Mills

On a daily basis I help people (predominantly surfers) improve performance, ranging from nutrition, to rehab, and sport specific training.

I know what a surfer needs to work on in order to maintain their interaction with the ocean (surfing). Not only from a personal standpoint, of being a freakish surf-addict who has an intention to keep charging, while also dealing with my own laundry list of injuries, but also having worked with countless surfers from rehab to skill development.

The intention is to keep surfing. In order to do that an individual's perspective must shift to a focus on health and longevity. Your body is the vehicle through which you interact with the ocean. Keep yourself capable, and invest in your body, it’s movement capacity, it’s joint health, and it’s durability.

Melhore o seu Surf construindo as Fundações que o Surf requer do seu Corpo.

Habilidade & Arte de Surfar

Resistência, Flexibilidade Força, Poder, Durabilidade

Mobilidade Conjunta, Respiração, Mindset, Saúde

Arte e Habilidade
O melhor surf é construído com o tempo na água, desenvolvendo a Arte & Habilidade do Surf. Este é o aspecto técnico e de coaching do surf. 
Aspectos de desempenho
Força, Poder, Resistência, & Flexibilidade são a base que lhe permite trabalhar sem esforço na "habilidade" e técnica do surf.
Surf Fundações
Os requisitos fundamentais para o corpo, para que possa funcionar de forma óptima no oceano.


US$10.99US$ 4,97
por semana

Perguntas Mais Frequentes

Qual é o equipamento necessário?
Tudo o que precisará para este programa é:
  • Resistência Elástica
  • Bandas Anéis Olímpicos ou Treinador de Suspensão
  • Bola de Exercício (insuflável)
  • Foam Roller ou Bolas de Ténis
  • Algumas Campainhas ou Sinos de Chaleira
Com o equipamento listado acima, podes treinar 100% do programa, e ter um ginásio completamente abastecido para toda a vida!
No MIMIMUM, vais precisar de uma bola de exercício, e de anéis olímpicos ou treinador de suspensões. Vais precisar dos anéis ou do equipamento de suspensão para treinar movimentos de puxar...é um pouco relevante para toda esta coisa de remar!
Um conjunto barato de bandas de resistência pode percorrer um longo caminho e abre a oportunidade para o trabalho de remada, treino de durabilidade dos ombros e treino de núcleo.
Os halteres leves podem ser substituídos por latas de sopa ou garrafas de água. Carregar a musculatura do ombro para remar a resistência não leva muito peso, por isso as garrafas de água podem ser facilmente utilizadas.
São recomendados chaleiras ou alguns halteres mais pesados para que possas aplicar carga e resistência aos exercícios da parte inferior do corpo. Uma parte inferior do corpo forte é durável e leva ao Power Training.
Os principiantes também podem fazer o programa?
Absolutamente, existem movimentos alternativos e progressivos para cada nível.
Esta formação irá aumentar a sua durabilidade, promover a prevenção de lesões, e introduzir um treino dinâmico de alto nível.
Como é que o programa me é entregue?
Este é um programa digital ao qual terás acesso através da aplicação Surf Athlete, que podes descarregar em qualquer app store. Destina-se a ser utilizado através da aplicação no teu dispositivo móvel, na nossa "web-app" ao qual podes aceder apartir do teu "desktop", computador portátil ou até mesmo no teu iPad. Inscreve-te na aplicação Surf Athlete e poderás aceder ao teu programa sempre que quiseres e onde quiseres. 
Porque é que é necessário equipamento?
Existem requisitos de equipamento básico para este programa de formação, mas com estas ferramentas básicas será capaz de treinar eficazmente durante anos. Para treinar eficazmente os padrões de movimento que se transmitem ao surf, é necessária resistência aplicada. Por exemplo, a remada é um movimento de puxar, pelo que várias formas de puxar precisam de ser treinadas para desenvolver resistência e durabilidade.

Um conjunto de anéis olímpicos, bandas de resistência elásticas, ou algumas chaleiras leves permitirão uma vasta gama de exercícios de puxar para aumentar a sua resistência ao remar. Muito do trabalho do Núcleo Rotativo requer ou uma Bola de Exercício ou Bandas de Resistência. Desenvolver força e poder para a parte inferior do corpo requer a adição de resistência, pelo que uma choca-chaleira se torna bastante benéfica.

O treino com pesos ou resistência não o tornará numa cabeça de carne ou excessivamente volumoso. O que fará é ajudá-lo a desenvolver um corpo mais forte e mais capaz. Se não tiver todo o equipamento de imediato, não se preocupe. Para quase todos os exercícios existem opções alternativas de movimento se não tiver esse equipamento em particular
Política de Reembolso
Estes programas são espantosos, e sei que os achará espantosos, mas só para ter a certeza de que está confiante na sua compra, estou a oferecer uma Garantia de 7 dias.
Se utilizar os programas, e o utilizar realmente, e não estiver satisfeito com o conteúdo absolutamente incrível e impactante, então entre em contacto connosco e providenciaremos um reembolso.
Como descarregar o Programa?
Os programas dentro do Surf Athlete podem ser descarregados para que possas aceder a eles offline.

O conteúdo do programa é transferido para dentro da aplicação. Os ficheiros separados não são transferidos para o teu telemóvel ou portátil. Os ficheiros são guardados dentro da própria aplicação, por isso podem ser acedidos offline.

Esta função funciona para a aplicação web no teu desktop/portátil, e também para a aplicação do telefone.
Já andou a fazer exercício?
Perfeito! Este programa irá mostrar-lhe como é realmente o treino de alta qualidade para surfistas.
Este treino orientará a sua compreensão da "surf fitness" durante os próximos anos. Ao completar todas as 3 Fases (12 semanas) de treino, terá uma compreensão completa dos exercícios dinâmicos que implementará durante o tempo em que surf.
Nunca trabalhou antes?
Isso é perfeito! É uma folha em branco, por isso este programa irá ensinar-lhe métodos eficientes e eficazes de formação específica surf .
O programa dar-lhe-á regressões de exercício, pontos de partida inteligentes, e ensinará a sua técnica perfeita. Irá aprender exercícios e movimentos que poderá utilizar para o resto da sua vida.
Os Surfistas Intermediários podem fazer o programa?
Está a subir a escada da perícia do surf, e a última coisa que quer é que o seu corpo limite a sua progressão. Melhore a sua flexibilidade, melhore a sua resistência ao remar, e construa força para que possa trabalhar sem esforço na habilidade de surfar quando entra na água.
Os Surfistas Avançados podem fazer o programa?
É preciso tempo no oceano, e o máximo de tempo possível na face da onda. Se começou a surfar, sentiu a exigência física necessária do corpo. Este programa irá construir os fundamentos que um surf- corpo requer. Entre na água e descanse com a certeza de que poderá surf , desde que as ondas o permitam.

Aceda ao  teu treino
Onde quer que estejas 24/7

Mesmo sem rede! Descarrega os vídeos e aceda a todo o conteúdo mesmo quando estás Offline!

O que os outros estão a dizer

  1. Benny S.

    Benny S.

    exercícios de fluxo dinâmico e estabilidade

    with my current injuries this program has been a great tool to help me get fit in and out of the water.

    Rating :

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    NICOLAS C. (proprietário verificado)

    Como um código de batota para surfar

    The membership is like a cheat code for surfing. Technique/skill, fitness, recovery, mobility, even nutrition, Cris’ programs cover so much, it’ll for sure make you a better surfer.

    Rating :

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  3. Ben L.

    Ben L. (proprietário verificado)

    movimentos dinâmicos

    my surfing HAS IMPROVED

    Rating :

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  4. Jon K.

    Jon K. (proprietário verificado)

    os vídeos de demonatração e os vídeos educativos de fundo são óptimos

    I love how you are always improving the app and adding new content. also love how you respond to comments in the app

    Rating :

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  5. Marca B.

    Mark B. (proprietário verificado)

    Concentrou-se em áreas-chave que melhoraram a minha força e condicionamento

    a well structured program that made progression easy

    Rating :

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  6. Peter F.

    Peter F.

    o maior impacto para mim foi o esquema de abordagem faseada. isto torna muito fácil construir a base de cordas necessária antes de avançar para os movimentos mais avançados

    I’ve become so much more fit and balanced as a surfer overall thanks to the thoughtful, phased approach Cris and team take with surf athlete

    Rating :

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    NICOLAS C. (proprietário verificado)

    A paixão de Cris

    Right from the start, you feel that Cris is really passionate about surfing and everything that can enhance surfing. The programs are progressive, very detailed and the exercises thoroughly explained. The app is top notch, can be used on the computer at home or one th phone at the gym. Can even download workouts and exercises for offline use on surf trips. Insane !

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  8. Doug F.

    Doug F. (proprietário verificado)

    Uau, é difícil dizer uma coisa. Flexibilidade e força, no entanto, o trabalho de respiração pode ter-me salvo a vida na minha primeira viagem a surf .

    Truly focused on surfing and hits all muscle groups required.

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  9. Jason J.

    Jason J.

    O trabalho de base está realmente a dar resultados na fase 3

    I’m in phase 3 and I’m really seeing progressive gains in core strength especially, and I’m definitely feeling the difference in the water and on the rugby field!

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  10. Phil D.

    Phil D. (proprietário verificado)

    O teu nível de fitness melhorou, e até a flexibilidade, o que para a minha idade é ótimo.

    easy to follow programs, quality content .all round excellent product .

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  11. Mark H.

    Mark H. (proprietário verificado)

    ter exercícios fáceis de fazer e completos para os dias em que viajo ou não posso surf

    love the ability to skip around to the workouts that match where I’m at and what my needs are, and love the bonus content too!

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  12. Kristopher u.

    Kristopher u. (proprietário verificado)

    Antes deste programa, eu não conhecia todas as áreas em que a minha falta de flexibilidade me estava a impedir. Trabalhei muito para melhorar a minha flexibilidade e isso melhorou muito o meu surf.

    Thanks for the easy to follow programs that really help improve my surfing.

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  13. Phil D.

    Phil D. (proprietário verificado)

    fitness e flexibilidade

    Training on the surfathele Apps, has given me a positive Outlook on my abilities in the water and changed my life for the better.

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  14. Adam D.

    Adam D.

    O aquecimento dinâmico com foco nos flexores da anca.

    I am 35 and have a busy family/work life, and cannot get in the water every day like I used to. Chris’s surf-centric programs allows me to maintain a level of readiness so when surfing is available I am conditioned.

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  15. Christian P.

    Christian P.

    A multiplicidade de exercícios diferentes. A mobilidade em particular.

    The program is well balanced and a lot of fun.

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  16. Elio M.

    Elio M. (proprietário verificado)

    Desfrutar do oceano sem efeitos secundários

    The training sessions allowed me to feel like I could use my body to enjoy the time in the water, rather than being limited by lack of fitness or pains and injuries

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  17. NICOLAS C.

    NICOLAS C. (proprietário verificado)

    Tão abastecido sobre os efeitos dentro e fora da água

    Wow this is easily the best online course I have ever followed, even better cause it’s aimed at surfing.
    First, Cris is amazing, explains very clearly the exercises, and you feel his deep, genuine love of surfing and coaching fellow surfers. The man has learned everything he could so he could surf better and help as many people as possible, while doing what he loves. Respect.
    The website and app are absolutely top notch, so good to use, no glitch no bug, just high quality content in perfect software. So nice to be able to save workouts for offline access.
    The program I followed (Surf Athlete) is very progressive, building strength, flexibility and mobility week after week. I feel like this is the building block that was missing in my life to fix my old injuries, get more physical, more active during non surf days and being able to surf for many more years. I don’t think I have ever felt that good, fit and complete in my body.
    Thanks a lot for the amazing work.

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  18. William S.

    William S. (proprietário verificado)

    Vejo melhorias!

    The Surf Athlete training program has helped me improve my pop-up and helped me with my stretching

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  19. Jana F.

    Jana F.

    é um plano de chá eficaz, mas muito avassalador, por isso sinto-me confiante em segui-lo

    I feel stronger and more agile. I also better better balance. I like that I can adapt to what’s happening each week (if I’m during more or less, or super busy at work).

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  20. Andrew B.

    Andrew B. (proprietário verificado)

    alongamentos pré e pós rotina muito úteis!

    it’s full body and relevant to what we do in the water!

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  21. Nick L.

    Nick L. (proprietário verificado)

    O programa SA aumentou maciçamente a minha mobilidade e o meu núcleo e força.

    Really well thought out, well presented program. I’ve been using the Surf Athlete program for over 18 months and still find it both beneficial and challenging. I’m 49, and it’s much more accessible for me than other programs that assume you have the fitness of a cross fit athlete. I’ve reached out to Cris with questions a number of times and he has always responded quickly and thoughtfully. Cannot recommend highly enough, for both surfers and non surfers.

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  22. Elizabeth Bishop B.

    Elizabeth Bishop B. (proprietário verificado)

    Este programa de formação é espantoso 365 dias por ano. É essencial ver antes de remar nos dias em que eu surf e um condicionamento fantástico para dias em que não consigo chegar ao oceano.

    Keep up the good vibes and detailed education – I learn a ton!

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  23. Dave L.

    Dave L. (proprietário verificado)

    surf análise do atleta


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  24. Todd H.

    Todd H. (proprietário verificado)

    mantendo-me jovem

    when I keep up w surf strength training everything comes easier in the water. keeps me paddling out and traveling to surf destinations at 61. thx for all the help.

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  25. Jaime R.

    Jaime R. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Atleta é de topo!

    The Surf Athlete program that Chris has put together is amazing, comprehensive, and professional. It helps you stay in shape for the water and is a wealth of knowledge, that, if you combine with discipline will do loads for your surfing.

    I would say that the app could improve by including notes (to self) in the workouts. I would use these to remind myself of weights, reps, variations, etc.

    Thank you Chris for your amazing programs!



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  26. Elio M.

    Elio M. (proprietário verificado)

    Faça-os e sinta-se mais jovem na água

    Friends complain they are tired in the water or feel pain after a session. I feel that when following the Surf Athlete program consistently I can have long energizing sessions without feeling any bad consequences. The trainings are well balanced and challenging yet not too heavy. Complement with Cardboard Surfer, a must, really!

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  27. Brett S.

    Brett S.

    Brett S >50

    Program is keeping me focused and motivated towards my goal
    of continued improvement with my surfing by making sure I work on flexibility, strength and mobility!

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  28. Andy M.

    Andy M. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande Programa

    I have been using the Surf Athlete program for number of years which in itself is a good recommendation as I have started and stopped on a number of fitness regimes.
    Its flexibility and progressions are a perfect fit for my timetable. No need for expensive equipment and great range of exercises working the whole body, improving mobility and strength so I can keep surfing. After finishing each session with recovery breathing you are relaxed and ready to go.
    Thanks Cris

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  29. Erik I.

    Erik I. (proprietário verificado)

    o melhor

    got me back in to surf life

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  30. Jefferson T.

    Jefferson T. (proprietário verificado)

    altamente recomendável isto a qualquer surfista de nível lá fora!

    I can’t tell you enough how this program has made me a more of a confident surfer and better yet, I’m able to understand and push maneuvers that I thought were never possible. I highly recommend this to any level surfer out there!

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  31. Diego H.

    Diego H. (proprietário verificado)

    Estoy realizando el programa de surf atletas y aunque tan solo vaya por la tercera semana de la fase uno, me ha sido de gran ayuda la recuperación de mis sesiones de surf, siempre tenia la espalda cargada con muchas contracturas y el dia de recuperación ha sido un antes y un después, solo por eso ha merecido la pena.

    Gracias Cris!!!

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  32. Paul P.

    Paul P. (proprietário verificado)

    reabilitação e surf mais forte

    I have done the routine many times and built other routines. feel strong. thanks for the details in your programs.

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  33. Edgar C.

    Edgar C. (proprietário verificado)

    uma boa base para o seu surf!

    I feel more flexible and stronger in the water than ever. after hurting my back and injuring my shoulder from Crossfit I didn’t expect as simple as the surf athlete workouts would improve my fitness in surf but it did! im lighter and more agile in the surf. no joint pains and very flexible. i highly recommend the perfect popup, surf skate and surf athlete program as good foundations for your surfing! or for just overall fitness/health. The knowledge that cris shares is very good. yiw!

    ig: stok.ed

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  34. ou b.

    or b. (proprietário verificado)

    melhor aplicação de sempre

    chris thanks for all the social media info as well.

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  35. Silvia K.

    Silvia K. (proprietário verificado)

    Melhor programa de fitness lá fora

    I’ve done both the Surf Athlete and Body Weight programs and can honestly say these are some of the best programs out there. I’m 42 and a mom and I’ve been surfing for over 20 years, but lately I get to surf a hand full of times a year. I did almost no surfing all last year and just came back from a Fiji vacation having scored some of the best waves of my life. I was paddling and surfing better than I ever have with zero prep other than Cris’s workouts. Moreover, before I started the workouts my back and hips hurt all the time, I had zero strength in my arms, and I was tired all the time. My body and my health are completely changed and I can finally enjoy playing with my kid not to mention rip on my short board. Highly, highly recommend these programs.

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  36. Scott C.

    Scott C. (proprietário verificado)

    Nunca me senti tão confiante na água ou em terra.

    I’m about 2 weeks out from finishing the surf athlete program and I can honestly say that this was exactly what I hoped it would be. I’m a former D1 college athlete, getting back into surfing after a long (almost 10 year) hiatus. My paddle strength/endurance was pretty much gone, and nagging injuries and chronic pain impeded my mobility and flexibility…after a few months working this program and surfing (or snowboarding) pretty much every week, the improvements in overall fitness, flexibility, and my actual surfing have drastically improved. Cris’ approach is scales well and applies to more than just surfing. He really breaks things down from the beginning so that you can get to where you want to be from any starting point…whether you’re a “de-trained” athlete like myself or a beginner surfer who’s never stepped foot in a gym. The movements and exercises really go far beyond just surfing. I would highly recommend the program to anyone that wants to level up in the gym and and in the water. Big ups to Cris for putting together such a bad*ss program.

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  37. Heidi L.

    Heidi L. (proprietário verificado)

    Não apenas um treino

    I love how this program is teaching me more about movement and stretch, not just strength. A great combo of strength, cardio and stretch.

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  38. Steph C.

    Steph C. (proprietário verificado)

    Very good program. It’s a solid training for surfers

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  39. Leon M.

    Leon M. (proprietário verificado)

    Adoro o seu companheiro de trabalho.

    Downloaded your value bundle of Surf athlete, perfect pop up and stretches for surfers. I’ve been using your perfect pop up program with the cardboard surfer from OMBE for about 2 weeks.

    I wish I’d started using your paid programs straight away as I could feel the difference immediately. Had a couple of surfs in fun waves about a week into some training and could feel the difference.

    Last week was a bit of a slack week training wise. I’m a bit time poor sometimes with 3 young boys and running my own business.
    Being 42 years old, working in construction and having pre – existing sports injuries you could say that my body was in bad shape.

    I’ve also started surfing at about 21 so didn’t come as easily as learning as a child. I first came across some free content from you on surf line during the first Covid lockdown last year.

    I found the exercises and the stretches challenging and had been trying to do some daily and could really feel the difference. All the fine details that you explain with each exercise really help with getting the most out of them, activating the targeted areas and how to avoid injury with correct movement.

    I’m going to go back to the start and taking it slow to make sure that I’ve got the perfect pop up and cardboard surfer nailed. Once I’ve worked through that I’ll jump into the surf athlete program.

    Feeling optimistic about a better surfing future and general sense of physical well being.

    Keep up the great work!

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  40. Mindi R.

    Mindi R. (proprietário verificado)

    O melhor investimento!

    The Surf Athlete program is the best investment I have made outside the water. As a longtime strength athlete, the training in Cris’ program is different from anything else I’ve seen. No corny moves that look IG cool but don’t help your surfing… all of the moves are LEGIT, and one reason I am able to progress in my surfing as an advanced beginner.

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  41. Silvia Jelitto J.

    Silvia Jelitto J. (proprietário verificado)

    Muito obrigado pelo vosso trabalho!

    I am learning to surf and at my age of 58 the confidence in own abilities is not as it used to be when you are 16. (surprise) I was told to get a surfskate to be abel to practise even living in a landlocked Location. i bought your program and are making my first steps with it. I learned so much it is unbelivable. I just love to watch the videos and seeing the examples i can visualise what you explain. and best of all i can try it out with my skate and can feel it. I know my surfing will be a million times better the next time i have an opportunity to surf .

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  42. Winnie v.

    Winnie v. (proprietário verificado)

    Um sólido 9 em cada 10 para este programa!

    I kust finished week 1 and so far I really like the program. There is plenty of variability so it won’t get boring! Love it.

    I give this program a solid 9! Very happy customer:)

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  43. Brett T.

    Brett T. (proprietário verificado)

    Aprendi como o meu corpo deve estar em movimento

    Love this app and the content. Cris breaks it down so well and explains everything in a clear and easy to understand way . It has helped me gain mobility and a better understanding of how I should be moving my body. I only started learning to surf at age 40 and am now 43 but via the app Cris has been a massive help and inspiration. I’ve loved the journey. Thanks mate

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  44. Mathew A.

    Mathew A. (proprietário verificado)

    É fantástico e o produto inteiro está bem montado!

    Previously I had been doing the odd yoga, gym and running sessions in preparation for the winter season. Then when I’ve felt slower and stiffer each year I simply put it down to age.
    Using the Surf Athlete has put consistency, structure and purpose into my training. I already feel as agile and fit as I did 10 years ago and can’t wait for swell season to come.
    The app is very well laid out, exercises are clearly explained (with reasoning why included) and the follow up by Cris great.
    Highly recommended for all ages and abilities.!

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  45. Logan I.

    Logan I. (proprietário verificado)

    O programa completo

    I’m always on the hunt for new programs to do. And I’ve done lots now, the significant difference with this is its surf specific but what also sets it apart is the structure. I like to have my workouts laid out easily, so you just tap in and go. But what’s handy about this is you can access different section as and when. So you surf or do a run, then you can jump back in the next day. I’m looking forward to where this will take me. Also Chris is super responsive over Facebook if you have questions.

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  46. Elliott B.

    Elliott B. (proprietário verificado)

    Realmente feliz com o programa!

    Really happy with the program so far! I’m someone that always says I want to do surf specific training just never really new where to start. Great mix between mobility and strength work!

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  47. Ben R.

    Ben R. (proprietário verificado)

    A aplicação é fantástica!

    I’ve never found stretches that hit the areas I make tight surfing/training like I have in your Surf Athlete Training Program. The flow sections feel like they’re prepping my back and body to stay loose for a long time to come. I’m only 2.5 weeks in so the strength side hasn’t really kicked in yet. But I can tell it’s working in the areas I need it. Looking forward to getting further into the program and seeing the results. I like the way it’s set up to fit in with life. And even got instructions to back it off when the waves are good!

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  48. Cams D.

    Cams D. (proprietário verificado)

    Muito bom!

    Really good and complete program to train your body for surfing. Great moves with many flexibility movements and not only basical strenght.

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  49. ryan s.

    ryan s. (proprietário verificado)

    Adoro-o absolutamente!

    Recently I went to El Salvador and the surf was solid double overhead, and even though I had barely surfed in months, I was able to surf 5 hours a day for 4 days straight without too much issue. I think I owe most of that to the Surf Athlete program (I had just finished the 12 weeks before I went, and was extremely diligent about it). Huge thanks for all the good content you produce, both free and also paid.

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  50. Christian P.

    Christian P. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande bem-estar geral saudável

    This program is the perfect mix for general flexibility and great healthy feeling. And this easily jumps over to the surf. Simply great!!

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  51. Li-chuan E.

    Li-chuan E. (proprietário verificado)

    Aumente a sua qualidade de vida!

    Awesome body of knowledge presented in an easily digestible way… I don’t surf but was looking for something to help my teenage kids learn. In searching for what was available, I bumped into the Surf Strength Coach website and started looking into what it had to offer. I’m finding the information not only great for surfing, but for generally just keeping in shape and feeling so much better every day. Thanks Cris!

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  52. Li-chuan E.

    Li-chuan E. (proprietário verificado)

    Aumente a sua qualidade de vida!

    Awesome body of knowledge presented in an easily digestible way… I don’t surf but was looking for something to help my teenage kids learn. In searching for what was available, I bumped into the Surf Strength Coach website and started looking into what it had to offer. I’m finding the information not only great for surfing, but for generally just keeping in shape and feeling so much better every day. Thanks Cris!

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  53. Samuel S.

    Samuel S. (proprietário verificado)

    Enviando-lhe paz e energia positiva

    Dude. Do NOT give up, or in to keyboard jockeys. You’re shit is real, effective, and at 45 years old I have benefited greatly from it. I’ve been surfing for 30 years and have always kept myself fit through yoga and weightlifting but your program takes all that and makes it surf specific. After injuries from overuse – shoulder rehab, knee rehab – it has truly helped in recovery training and the surf athlete program has kept me shortboard fit, flexible and ready for good waves and surf trips. Just fucking amazing.

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  54. Richard D.

    Richard D. (proprietário verificado)

    Eu uso o vosso programa todos os dias!

    I tell people about your training all the time… I’m 43, I live by Land’s End here in Cornwall in the uk… I started your training last year at the beginning of lockdown, and it’s honestly done so much for me! I wasn’t massively unfit, but my surfing was a bit mediocre I now realise… From doing your program it’s become waaaay better, like I regularly get other surfers congratulating me on my waves! And I have to be carful not to take all the waves, because I’m much fitter and can paddle faster than most of the other surfers… also my confidence in the surf is much better, as I just don’t feel I’m going to get injured, as I feel much stronger.

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  55. Paul H.

    Paul H. (proprietário verificado)

    Mente e Corpo Sinta-se melhor!

    LOTS of people, including me, use your app and your training. We understand them and how our bodies get them. We need them for our bodies but also for our minds, because as we unlock our stiff bodies, our minds feel better and we surf better and everything is better. You’ve been doing this for 10 years and you’re getting better at it and the programs and app get better and better. Well done!

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  56. Camron C.

    Camron C. (proprietário verificado)

    Ajudou-me imensamente, continuem assim!

    All of the insights and coaching you provide are effective and informative in an entertaining format with some good humor infused throughout. Your Surf Strength coach programs have already helped me immensely and I appreciate all the sacrifices you have made to make the SSC what it is and has been to me and so many others. Excellence & full dedication to craft is rare to find in this world and you exemplify it & that has helped me get better at and enjoy surfing much more than I had previously to being made aware of Surf Strength coach last year. I look forward to taking and retaking all of them and continuing on with fitness and nutrition provided through your formats. Thank you again and keep up the great work!

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  57. Brennan S.

    Brennan S. (proprietário verificado)

    Estou tão entusiasmado como sempre!

    Just wanted to check in and let you know I am loving the 12-week training program. The daily structure and detailed guidance give me enough freedom to explore what’s best for me while producing noticeable results at the same time. I love how my body feels more loose and flexible than ever before in my entire 42-year life. I’m as stoked as ever and much of that comes from simply feeling primed and ready to surf.

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  58. Scott C.

    Scott C. (proprietário verificado)

    Desejo-vos a todos o sucesso com a SSC

    I signed up to your program in 2016 and bought various programs from them on.

    You programs have taught me more about my body than any other program, personal trainer or physiotherapist I have ever consulted.

    While I still use physiotherapists and other programs for rehabilitation, strength and movement I have utilised the knowledge I have learnt from SSC to be the basis for my consultations with these. I think my physio appreciates that I can explain what I’m trying to work and know what I’m having issues with. I have also explained some of the movements I learnt from you and they say keep doing it.

    What I would like to say is the noise (negative) about anything you do is probably a small percentage compared to the silent majority (like myself) who have benefited from your work.

    I will continue using your teachings and you have made my life better by being better physically as I’m sure many do.

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  59. Andrew R.

    Andrew R. (proprietário verificado)

    Vale cada tostão!

    Cris, stellar program.  I bought the complete set of packages and have been going through them all since.  I’m in my 40s and current landlocked. The mobility and strength exercises have had a huge impact on my overall well being.  The foundation training especially opened up a few things for me. Anytime I go through and rewatch a video I get something new out of it.  I’ve been active my whole life, so I took your advice and cherry pick pieces out of each video to work into my routine and change it up.  A little foundation work and stretching/mobility drills 6-7 days a week and added in body weight 4-5 of those days consistently.  Workouts are between 15-45 minutes each day.  Days I’m feeling rough I stick to breath work, and mobility.  I’ve yet to jump into the nutrition, but years of bad habits take time to break.  Thank you for putting all of this info in one place.  I’m happy to let anyone know it’s worth every penny, probably more, (good on you for knowing your audience, we all want to spend our money on our next surf excursion).   Like anything else though, if you don’t put in any work, you won’t get any out.  Keep up the good work.  

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  60. Paul S.

    Paul S. (proprietário verificado)

    Montanhas com o melhor conteúdo de PhysioSurf do planeta

    I have barely scratched the surface of the new programs. The amount of content is really mind-blowing. As with your original (2015?) Surf Training Success series (BG’s, baby!.. stayin’ alive) everything is so well thought out. This is something few will recognize. They will just start going through motions. The SSC series is so carefully crafted, it’s genius really, and most people don’t even realize it. Circuit progression alternates (for the most part) muscle groups throughout each movement – BG’s work hips, quad, balance, ankles, and some shoulder range of motion movement. Then it’s on to YogaPlex – (perhaps the best exercise on earth). Less of a strength move than a flow and stretch move, activating just about every muscle in the body. Perfect after BG’s. Lateral Ball Roll is next for core stability, isometric upper back, glute, and hip-activating side to side shuffle (another really unique exercise) Yoga Push-Up – The strength/endurance building movement for shoulders, chest, triceps rounds out Phase 1 Program A Circuit A. We’re not grinding set after set of the same exercise ’till exhaustion. Your programs are carefully designed to not overtax any one muscle group with successive exercises. This is training through multiple movements in a most beneficial sequence.
    So just like your original series, I am dissecting and absorbing these new programs. I started the STS series all over again (it had been a couple years) a month ago so I am still on the “Learn” tab in Bodyweight Athlete … haven’t even gotten to the “Train” tab. There’s just so much in there. Articular rotations (CARS=Awesome!), skeletal routines, mobility evaluation tests (super valuable), stretching of course, and TISSUE RELEASE! Man, you thought of everything, and what’s more, the sequence is so well-thought out. People can learn the physiology and the techniques to gain (or regain) proper range of motion and flexibility to slowly strengthen the joints and muscles.
    You are the master of surfing physiology. Your video instruction is so succinct. Fully explained, clearly demonstrated. Very impressive. Plus, you’re just a regular dude who loves the ocean and gives what he knows back to help the rest of us keep moving at a higher level. And you do it all with a genuine enthusiasm.
    When you open up the surf trips again, I’d be all in, if you have space for a 62-year-old guy shortboarder who can still bust a move on occasion. One more trip to the Ments is on my bucket list, or maybe just as far but not as remote or intense, Maldives! Just let me know when!
    Please feel free to use any or all of this long-winded testimonial as you see fit. I had a lot to say!
    Much appreciated! Stay stoked!
    Paul Stewart

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  61. Steven C.

    Steven C. (proprietário verificado)

    Recomendo vivamente este programa!

    After using Cris’ surf coaching app for a year, I decided to contact him for help addressing my back injuries.

    Cris provided valuable knowledge on how to strengthen specific muscles and provided specific exercises and routines. Following our private coaching session, he emailed an outline of what we discussed and provided great resources to improve my back and surfing.

    I highly recommend his surf coaching app, and his personal coaching sessions, to anyone looking for longevity in the water and improvement in surfing.

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  62. Tim H.

    Tim H. (proprietário verificado)

    um grande obrigado!

    This is a big thanks for your training programs that I have been doing consistently for 16 months now, depending on life and injury interference. so it took me 6 months to complete the 12 week surf athlete program. I really appreciate the time and effort for the detailed information.

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  63. Dario W.

    Dario W. (proprietário verificado)

    Adoro o seu programa e os seus boletins informativos!

    I am very happy with your 12 week athlete Programme- I feel way better prepared! Thanks heaps!

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  64. Richard W.

    Richard W. (proprietário verificado)

    É um transformador REAL!

    the Surf Athlete program has been a real transformer for me over the last year or so. Thanks for incorporating all that knowledge and practice into your work – it’s made a difference on so many levels.

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  65. L C.

    L C. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa espantoso com que um homem pode sonhar...

    Excellent breakdown of exactly how you should be moving during workouts and how it should feel in the water. I cannot emphasize enough how well I feel even after a few weeks. I swam and played water polo for over a decade and as cliche as it is, my shoulders feel stronger than ever. Cris is dedicated to his craft and continually looking to improve the products even after I have purchased them

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  66. Richard G.

    Richard G. (proprietário verificado)

    Nos primeiros dias, mas muito impressionado até agora!

    I’m a 51 year old trying to work out why I never learnt to surf properly earlier in my life and using everything available to start he journey now. I truly believe Cris’s programme is the answer. I only discovered Cris’s website about a month ago but was really impressed with how comprehensive the content is. He has amalgamated a wealth of skills, information and techniques to produce videos that appear to cover every possible aspect of learning to surf. Having spent the past 20 years dabbling in yoga, pilates, and cross training I love the way Cris has distilled out surf specific exercises for the most effective progression. I’m three weeks in to the Perfect Pop Up and loving it. Already seeing increases in strength and slow improvments in mobility. I have an arthritic hip with FAI, a topic Cris addresses directly in his hip mobility videos. The exercises give me relief from discomfort and now I’m doing them most days. The pop up and stance drills really work too. Last couple of waves I caught I found I had both hands forward automatically and was already lowering my stance. I love learning new skills and this coaching is proving to be super effective for me and a ton of fun.

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  67. Cliff R.

    Cliff R. (proprietário verificado)

    Excedeu as minhas expectativas

    the twelve week program was fantastic. tough but manageable exercises, good recovery days and exercises, excellent progression. I can’t wait until surf season is here!

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  68. Bernardo R.

    Bernardo R. (proprietário verificado)

    O programa mais completo com que já me deparei!

    I am an experienced surfer and an avid searcher for surfing tutorials to upgrade my style and technique.
    The Surf Strength Coach is by far the most complete, detailed, and comprehensive program I have ever come across. I bought several programs including the Surf Skate, the Perfect Pop Up, Surf Athlete, and the Body Weight Training. I’ve been training constantly I can say that I and my buddies have already noticed a big improvement in my surfing. I feel more loose, more fit, more aware, and more confident than ever. I highly recommend the programs. They are effective l and worth the price you pay. Differently than many other bullshit coaching programs I unfortunately acquired before I knew Surf Strength Coach.

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  69. Wayne R.

    Wayne R. (proprietário verificado)

    O fluxo dinâmico salvou-me

    I surf probably 3 time a week and using dynamic flow everyday I’m ready to everything I hit the surf. I understand what helps me

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  70. Jake B.

    Jake B. (proprietário verificado)


    This program is absolutely amazing. Cris does a great job making it fun and engaging. It will definitely help you in the water, but I’m impressed at how much it’s helped outside the water with my physical and mental health. Thanks for everything!

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  71. Vara N.

    Rod N. (proprietário verificado)

    Obrigado heaps

    This program is the best! It’s full of awesome strength, flexibility, mobility & recovery routines. It has changed everything for me, I wish somebody told me all of this in my 20s instead of my 40s!
    The app works great and everything is presented so well.

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  72. David S.

    David S. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande programa!

    I am 38 years old and started surfing at 14 in Florida. Lived in Hawaii for a while and took several Central American surf trips. My surfing life went off the rails when I moved to the Midwest for love and work. I lost my surfing shape when I could only surf on vacation. I now have an opportunity to live in Costa Rica for 3-6 months a year. This program has been the perfect solution to keep me in surf shape and to help me relearn all of those skills that used to be muscle memory. Cris is super knowledgeable! It’s not just exercise, it is stretches, breath work, and science.

    I just got back from a 10 day trip to Costa Rica and my surfing is on its way back to what it used to be. I hope to surf until I am 100.

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  73. Guilherme A.

    Guilherme A. (proprietário verificado)

    Conteúdo espantoso e funciona realmente

    The app is full of amazing knowledge, true golden nuggets. After following the daily exercises for just two weeks I feel my movements to be more fluid, precise and with loads more of mobility. Great app and amazing coach.

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  74. Guilherme A.

    Guilherme A. (proprietário verificado)

    Conteúdo espantoso e funciona realmente

    The app is full of amazing knowledge, true golden nuggets. After following the daily exercises for just two weeks I feel my movements to be more fluid, precise and with loads more of mobility. Great app and amazing coach.

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  75. Fred K.

    Fred K. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande comunicador, instrução de primeira classe

    Hi Chris, I have a NASM certification but my flexibility is limited and I realized that during my first surf lesson and immediately bought a few of your products. They work. Your email speaks to me. I am just really getting into the programs. I have been doing some new things I learned in terms of flexibility and dude you are a rockstar. Great communicator, first class instruction. Well thought out. I can’t begin to compliment you enough and I wish we were neighbors, you are my kind of guy. So yes, I am in, all the way. Thank you for creating a system that is bringing joy to my life.

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  76. Joe C.

    Joe C. (proprietário verificado)

    Quem me dera ter feito isto há 5-10 anos!

    The Surf Athlete training programme has kept me going throughout the Corona lockdown. Getting involved is the best decision i’ve made. I am a 30 year old intermediate weekend warrior who has spent almost no time in the water over the last two years. My paddling has never been strong and is particularly bad at the moment due to lack of going surfing altogether and lack of exercise that actually translates to surfing and paddling technique. I am already noticing huge improvements to my general strength, posture, flexibility, health, mind and the all important stoke! Everything Cris says is legit. I feel confident following this programme knowing i’ll get good results through constant evidence of his passion and knowledge for surfing and fitness. Most importantly I’m noticing fast improvement in my shoulder endurance and paddling strength which is my main goal, but i’m also noticing improvements in hip movement/flexibility, leg strength and all those other areas I would have probably neglected. All of this has also lead to a huge cut down in the amount I drink and the amount of crap food I used to eat. I feel so much better for all of it. Unlike with other mailing lists, I enjoy receiving Cris’s regular emails that really motivate you to do the next workout or try other things such as breathing technique, tissue release and nutrition advice etc. It always keeps me motivated and reminds me why i’m doing it. His “Coaches and Coffee” episodes and other regular videos also offer the best entertaining advice and keep the stoke alive every time. Although I haven’t been been able to do any real surfing during the lockdown, I am 100% sure my first time back in will be a stronger, more confident and enjoyable experience thanks to Chris and the Athlete programme. This may sound cheesy, but thank you for improving my outlook on life, health and surfing! Surfing and fitness is now becoming a priority in my life, and I look forward to continuing with it from here on out. I only wish I did this 5-10 years ago! Sorry to ramble on, there is a lot to be said… Anyway thanks again, loving all that you do!

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  77. Karen B.

    Karen B. (proprietário verificado)

    Faz uma enorme diferença

    I’m so impressed by your cautions and advice as to when to see a healthcare practitioner. I really just wanted to thank you for your help. I love your positivity and the supportive vibe you have. I have really enjoyed watching your videos progress and this website is totally rad. Keep sending all the healthy positive vibrations out there. It makes a huge difference and wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated it. Peace and love my friend.

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  78. Bryan G.

    Bryan G. (proprietário verificado)

    isto tem sido perfeito

    Hey Cris, I really enjoy your program, this has been perfect. I really like that each exercise/stretch has its own video with instructions on form. To be honest, I had been using the free content on your app for a few months, and wasnt really sure that paying for a program would be worthwhile, since you have so much rad free content on the app! But I’m really glad I did. Im stoked to progress through each of the phases and look forward to seeing the results when I get to surf (hopefully sooner than later).

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  79. Eitan S.

    Eitan S. (proprietário verificado)


    Love what you’re doing and how you changed my perspective on surfing and fitness

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  80. Phillip C.

    Phillip C. (proprietário verificado)

    alterador de jogo

    Cris Mills surf athlete app has been a game changer for me.

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  81. Andy H.

    Andy H. (proprietário verificado)

    grande programa!

    Your program is epic! I use your program for flexibility run through ensuring I roll out my muscles and move my joints properly along with various workouts of his for home workouts when I can’t leave the house. I also do yoga for night time/morning time stretch and go to the gym 2-3 times a week. All in moderation is my belief, don’t go pump iron like a body builder and get massive, no harm in getting a solid muscle mass to remain strong and healthy.

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  82. Ron A.

    Ron A. (proprietário verificado)

    Agora sinto e movo-me muito melhor

    I gave up on traditional weights training – I looked better than I moved. Cris Mills got me onto functional mobility – there is still some weight training in there but it’s about moving without being locked in place. I now feel and move so much better in the water and on land with less injuries!

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  83. Chris C.

    Chris C. (proprietário verificado)


    Check out the Cris Mills surf strength coach app. This will help with stretching, mobility and so much more!

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  84. Geraint T.

    Geraint T. (proprietário verificado)

    Adoro o aplicativo. Trabalho de topo meu amigo

    Dude!! I’m loving the program. I am definitely noticing the difference in the water. Much more paddle endurance in my shoulders and my pop ups are so much more fluid due to improvements in my hip mobility and flexibility. Love the app. Top work my friend.

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  85. Reitor B.

    Dean B. (proprietário verificado)

    As coisas têm vindo a melhorar gradualmente

    Aloha Cris
    I want to take a well-deserved moment to say a massive thanks for your help via your program, and regular Instagram motivation which has also improved my approach and outcomes to cooking too. Things have been gradually improving and coming together since I started with your program, and…….. I had an awesome surf a couple of days ago, where a few things aligned and I got a bunch of waves and rode them with more focused awareness resulting in better positioning, more confidence, quicker take-offs, more rail time, and longer rides……… so stoked!!!! It’s been many years, and I specifically attribute 99.99% of turning the clock back to my significantly improved SSC training program (including the cardboard surfer) and surf knowledge and awareness that I have learnt in the last 6 months from you
    I’m still working my way slowly through the programs so there is still heaps more knowledge and skill work to tap into and I’m loving it. Thanks heaps, and all the best,

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  86. Gordon M.

    Gordon M. (proprietário verificado)

    tem sido uma mudança completa na minha vida

    I just wanted to let you know how massively chuffed I am at the program it has been a complete change in my life over the last few months. As a 59-year-old I wish I’d come across you years ago. Your explanations and videos are fantastic clear to understand underproduced fantastic results. Thanks buddy

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  87. Alex J.

    Alex J. (proprietário verificado)


    I’m blown away by the app, your knowledge, the exercises, and your holistic/applicable approach to this all. I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time. So so grateful that I found your stuff, and I can’t wait to enlist in your other modules, too. Very impressive man. I see you’re based in Bali. My wife and I took our honeymoon there, I miss it. Take care, and please keep the content, workouts, knowledge comin’. Phenomenal!

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  88. Henry M.

    Henry M. (proprietário verificado)

    Não tenho palavras para agradecer a Chris.

    I have had lower back problems for years and can get quite stiff through the hips with limited movement and yes a lot of pain at night after work (concreting). Since starting the surf athlete program I have had a huge transformation through this area, the stiffness has greatly reduced my range of movement has increased and i feel like a grommet again. I can’t thank Chris enough.

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  89. Ben C.

    Ben C. (proprietário verificado)

    Muito obrigado por criar este programa

    Done! The app rocks. It’s helping me more than any physical practice yet, and that is translating to many things in life.
    Thank you so much for creating this program and app, and for the generous discount!

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  90. Kevin K.

    Kevin K. (proprietário verificado)

    Você é o homem!

    I’ve never felt so good as I do after 2 months doing your surf athlete app program, it’s so addicting! You’re the man!

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  91. Carl C.

    Carl C. (proprietário verificado)

    Sou fã de Cris Mills há algum tempo

    I’ve been a fan of Cris Mills for a while. As a lifelong surfer with a shitload of injuries I am always looking for knowledge to keep the body functioning. I can say Chris is legit. He seems to care about everything he speaks about. There is so much info to absorb you almost don’t know where to begin. I recommend the program to most of my clients.

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  92. Scott D.

    Scott D. (proprietário verificado)

    Adoro o teu trabalho, meu! Respeito!

    Hey Chris! I just wanted to send you a personal note saying thank you! I am improving big time. I just wanted to say thanks man, tonight was a classic socal sunset session, glass conditions, south + NW mix swell and cardiff reef was pumping. I was catching waves, going down line, making sections, making turns, and smiling ear to ear. As a coach myself, a heart felt thank you to you! My surfing has progressed more in the past four months then it had in the first 40 years of my life. I can’t wait to feel the progression over the course of the next decade… Not sure when we are going to get back down under or if you ever make it up to San Diego but one day I want to shake your hand, share a surf, and buy you a beer. Love your work dude! Respect!

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  93. Reitor B.

    Dean B. (proprietário verificado)


    Thanks for the opportunity to get onboard this programm!ll Cheers!! I had another fun surf at my local today….again, another big thanks to you and your Surf Strength Coach programm for giving me the tools and roadmap to make this happen!!!! Mate, don’t sell yourself short….. Positive impact on my time in the ocean……..FK YEAH!!! SUPER POSITIVE IMPACT!!! HUGE THANKS!!! Positive impact on land, positive impact in the gym, positive impact in my mind, positive impact on my choices, positive impact on my diet, positive impact on life……. Also, ABSOLUTELY loved the passionate Instagram rant verbal download (and subsequent post) on paddling starnina and the required training and impact!!!

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  94. Anton C.

    Anton C. (proprietário verificado)

    aprendeu tanto com a sua formação

    I have learned so much from your training videos that I have seen on Youtube. I am trying to speed up my pop up. I saw better surfers at my local break doing the both feet landing on the board at once type of pop up. At that point I was trying to copy them and it really screwed me up. I am so happy because your video confirms that I have been on the right track all along. All of the other details that enable a person to have the proper mobility really make a difference. I had been doing some of those exercises because of instructions that I got from your videos on Youtube. This course has it all in one place and I am so grateful for that. Thank you for being so meticulous in your presentation. Your mantra of building strength and mobility at home and then using them to surf better has been instrumental in getting me to where I am at today. Have a nice day!

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  95. Scott H.

    Scott H. (proprietário verificado)

    Vale cada centavo.

    Hi Cris, my wife and 8yo daughter gave me your program for Christmas. Since we all surf together it was really a gift for all of us. We’re watching your program as a family…it’s awesome. We usually watch a video or two on the program before we hop on our boards and practice and critique each other on those drills. No more big effort pop ups. Just to land with feet in the wrong position and have to readjust on a critical part of the wave! It’s wild to get this knowledge after surfing nearly 30 years and see how much more fun we can have in the water by being intentional about our focus for that session. It is such a great asset for my coaching my daughter too. It’s crazy to go out in the water and see how few people really pay any attention to their technique. Glad we’re not in that camp any more. You’ve really got some incredible programs and have put a massive amount of work into putting them together. We appreciate that work, the improvements its already bringing to our surfing and even drawing us closer as a family.

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  96. james g.

    james g. (proprietário verificado)


    I live in Utah but normally work in Southern California. Started today and loved it! I’m all in! I finished the stretching and the Malibu workout. My cardio for phase one is bicycle and elliptical and trying to go to a nearby lake and paddle for 45 minutes. Glad I ran into this, I’m going to share it with a couple of my Utah surf buddies.

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  97. Zachary G.

    Zachary G. (proprietário verificado)

    Contar a todos os meus amigos sobre estas coisas!

    Cris, your App content is amazing. I’m in the 12 week program and really feeling like my body is getting back to “grom mode” at age 45. You really know your stuff! The cardboard surfing info has transformed my style in just 2 weeks. I’ve been doing it all wrong for at 20 years Coffee cup! Looking forward to the getting in to the breathing work soon. -Zach

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  98. Ben C.

    Ben C. (proprietário verificado)

    tem ajudado a transformar a minha vida

    Thanks Cris, awesome, you should know that because of your work and communicative skills you are part of a group of people who have transformed my life over the last 5 years…big time bro Much gratitude I can’t believe I’ve only been surfing 5 months!! We have so many years ahead.

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  99. Simon C.

    Simon C. (proprietário verificado)

    Estou extremamente grato.

    Hi Cris, I’ve been doing the stretching, dynamic flow, and strength work religiously since the start of lock down in March. I am a sporty guy and have trained hard for years, but the I cannot overstate the improvement that these practices have had to my physical capabilities, my general comfort levels, and my understanding of how my body works.

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  100. Aleksi A.

    Aleksi A. (proprietário verificado)

    Continuem o bom trabalho!

    Coach, you probably get tons of testimonials already, but quickly I want to say that your program is simply awesome. I have done now first 4 weeks of the program and I am already feeling big differences in my body. Earlier I have done crossfit, climbing, yoga etc, but none of these prepare body for the waves or paddling. Also the surfskate program has opened new ideas. I am 43 years old and have surfed only for 3 years but the plan is to keep surfing in my 60s, and with this stuff it is possible.

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  101. Ben T.

    Ben T. (proprietário verificado)

    Estou a gostar tanto do programa de atletismo surf !

    I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying the surf athlete program! Anyhow I back off the training when I’m surfing a lot, just stretching, loads of windmills, dynamic cat cows and the like, so I just got back on the training today, repeating the 1st week of phase 2. I actually found myself looking forward to getting away from the surf and into the training again, a little strange! Great work on the app, and updating the program often. It would be easy to let it sit. And while I’m at it, thanks for putting a bunch of stuff out there for free, I’ve been free riding on your YouTube channel for years.

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  102. Shane M.

    Shane M. (proprietário verificado)

    Tão contente com o programa!

    I’ve been surfing for 15 years and it changed my life!!!

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  103. Michael D.

    Michael D. (proprietário verificado)

    Graças ao seu programa

    I’m getting in the best surf shape of my life. Thanks for creating a strength and conditioning program that works for surfers. I continue to increase my flexibility at 54. Hang in there 2020 has not been easy for anyone. Surfing helps me reset my brain and destress. Surfing at a higher level because your working to stay in shape only makes it more fun. Thanks for helping to make my life more fun! Praying for you and a great 2021.

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  104. Ben C.

    Ben C. (proprietário verificado)

    Uma aplicação e um programa fantásticos!

    The app rocks. It’s helping me more than any physical practice yet, and that is translating to many things in life.
    Thank you so much for creating this program and app, and for the generous discount!

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  105. Anton C.

    Anton C. (proprietário verificado)

    Aprendeu tanto com os seus vídeos de formação!

    I have learned so much from your training videos that I have seen on Youtube. Thank you for being so meticulous in your presentation. Your mantra of building strength and mobility at home and then using them to surf better has been instrumental in getting me to where I am at today.

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  106. Gary W.

    Gary W. (proprietário verificado)


    I just want to say thank you for putting this program together! I’m just getting started in Week 1. My goal for the winter here in PA is improve strength and flexibility. I just turned 60 and trying to get back into surfing. I was out for the first time in October, Cape May, NJ great waves and I was struggling bad!. It was a good motivator realizing how far I’ve drifted out of surf shape. Started doing some stretches and yoga but stumbled on your program and seems like it will be the best surf specific program. Biggest problem was pop up which is mostly related to little flexibilty in hips and back.

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  107. Daniele R.

    Daniele R. (proprietário verificado)

    Estou tão feliz por ter encontrado a vossa aplicação!

    im dan from chile living in australia!! first of all i wanted to say that i love your videos, i have been following you for few months and I find your videos incredibly helpful.

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  108. Carl C.

    Carl C. (proprietário verificado)

    Recomendo o programa à maioria dos meus clientes.

    I’ve been a fan of Chris Mills for a while . As a lifelong surfer with a shitload of injuries I am always looking for knowledge to keep the body functioning. I can say Chris is legit. He seems to care about everything he speaks about. There is so much info to absorb you almost don’t know where to begin.

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  109. Dan S.

    Dan S. (proprietário verificado)

    Continua assim, meu!

    Loving the programs really changed my lifestyle especially in this weird covid times. Thanks for the breathwork vid on you tube, mind blowing ive read Wim Hoff and am well on with O2 advantage, its like a parallel universe, i’m fifty and been fit and active since a teenager and didn’t think anything like it existed. I am totally nurding out on it.
    Please keep it going, loving it.

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  110. Inigo G.

    Inigo G. (proprietário verificado)

    Fica bem companheiro.

    Cris, you are helping lots of people, starting by yours truly.
    I hope you give yourself credit for that every morning.

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  111. Yanneth A.

    Yanneth A. (proprietário verificado)


    Just to say thank youuuu so much for gathering so much valuable experience and information 🙂

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  112. Ka'iulani B.

    Ka’iulani B. (proprietário verificado)

    Não pode ir sem a sua aplicação!

    I’m a lifeguard on Oahu and an avid stand up boogie/surfer, all of your videos and knowledge has changed the game tremendously. I love sharing all your videos with my coworkers (normally they too cool for yoga or stretching but when they see and hear you it a different package entirely 😆) right on for using your knowledge to help people like me with the long game, longevity!

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  113. Tim M.

    Tim M. (proprietário verificado)

    Adorando a formação

    I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying the app and training. I was doing everyday Gum sort of work outs before but am loving this because it’s more specific to surfing and something I love doing.

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  114. Victor M.

    Victor M. (proprietário verificado)


    I wanted to congratulate you for the app, I’ve been looking for something like this for months and I’m very happy to have found surf strength coach.

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  115. Roan R.

    Roan R. (proprietário verificado)

    Adorando os treinos!

    Seems like a perfect time to just say how much I LOVE the app and all the workouts, Im feeling so strong and so psyched about my surfing! It’s f***ing bomber!

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  116. Anders M.

    Anders M. (proprietário verificado)

    Apreciar o programa!

    I have to add I really enjoy the training program, especially in these quarantine times, and I have recommended it to a couple of my friends already 🙂

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  117. Robert H.

    Robert H. (proprietário verificado)

    Senti uma diferença no meu surf!

    Just to let you know your videos/workouts have made a difference in my surfing. I guess you could say I’m a conscious incompitent and am making the transition to a shortboard now.

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  118. Pete S.

    Pete S. (proprietário verificado)


    Thanks for putting together a solid program. I’m excited to see where it takes me.

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  119. Mason H.

    Mason H. (proprietário verificado)

    Uma lenda abdolute!

    You are an absolute legend. I have been thoroughly enjoying this program and my surfing has gone through the roof.

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  120. Eric L.

    Eric L. (proprietário verificado)

    Muito obrigado

    An awesome program! I still have a long way to go fitness-wise but I’m working on that using your program, as well as a local surfer’s gym. I also love that you keep updating the programs with refreshed and new content! 

    So a big thank you, and I hope I’ll be able to redeem that failed Samoan trip at some point! 

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  121. Dave P.

    Dave P. (proprietário verificado)

    Mostrou-me resultados, sessão após sessão no surf. Essa sensação é viciante!!

    This program has been extremely helpful in identifying and clearing out those bad habits (you know the ones that hinder progress only after realizing feeling it in the water) and also gaining body awareness. This brings out results in;giving confidence from land traininglooking for & feeling out the power zones of the wavegliding across and making the section or overtaking drop-in’sdrawing out turns with REAL lean and holding the rail engaged back to the power zone still high on the face

    I feel these are the results from your program, your App updates keep it fresh.I can recommend the program as applying to real-life surfers all in the preparation in chasing and dialing in for THAT wave, whatever the conditions.

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  122. Sam B.

    Sam B. (proprietário verificado)


    This changed my surfing and opened my eyes to a lot of things that I had been doing wrong for years.

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  123. Vara N.

    Rod N. (proprietário verificado)


    Got out for my first surf today since checking out your Paddling 101 videos. All the tips you cover in those videos are so good and different to what I’ve had going on in my head all these years! Thanks again for making so much of a difference to my surfing already!

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  124. Bryan G.

    Bryan G. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa Stellar

    I had to move inland for a few months for work and I knew I wouldnt be surfing much, so I picked up the 12-week training program in hopes that I’d stay in shape and be able to get right back to it when I my tour was over. I just started week 4 and have thoroughly enjoyed the program. It’s so much more than just a workout regimen – the short videos explaining each movement are extremely helpful in ensuring correct form. The only thing I would be conscious of for this program is that you do need a few equipment items to completely all of the workouts, but it’s reasonable. I also picked up the bodyweight program for when Im staying at a hotel and don’t have my normal equipment/space. It also seems like a great program!

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  125. Kecia D.

    Kecia D. (proprietário verificado)

    Óptima forma de se manter em forma para o surf (e qualquer coisa realmente)

    This is a complete program that you can use to stay in surfing(or really general) shape. Cris’s stuff is some of the most thorough programs that I have seen with all aspects, mobility, strength, cardio , breathing that I have come across. He also explains in detail each exercise and it’s purpose so that you have the tools to figure out what might be holding back your surfing, and how you might improve it. It is well worth the money for the amount of information that you get with this and all of his programs

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  126. Matt B.

    Matt B. (proprietário verificado)

    Resultados épicos!

    I completed the twelve week programme during NZ’s Covid lockdown in 2020 when our beaches were off limits for surfing. A year previously I’d subluxated my shoulder resulting in super annoying aches and pains during surfing and in my work as a builder. Long story short, I’ve been surfing every week pain free since completing the programme and definitely going to keep a regular routine going based on Cris’ exercises. Cheers!!!!!

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  127. Marcos L.

    Marcos L.

    very nice !!!

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  128. Thomas C.

    Thomas C. (proprietário verificado)


    love it

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  129. Ben J.

    Ben J. (proprietário verificado)

    bom material


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  130. Stephen B.

    Stephen B. (proprietário verificado)


    really easy to follow and excellent results

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  131. Alex R.

    Alex R.

    Programa muito bem pensado e desenvolvido!

    Started surfing at 48 and quickly hurt my shoulder. Took me a while back to return to the water and struggled to improve my surfing. I’m following the twelve week program and already manouvering in the waves and feeling much better. It’s a really well thought and put together program to help you improve your resistance in the water: surf more waves and enjoy them much better!

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  132. Pascual E.

    Pascual E. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa épico!!!

    46 years old and recovering from a neck injury. It was a wake up call for me to change my lifestyle and get back to what made me happy. I wanted my stoke back and in order to do that I needed to get my strength back. And I also wanted to come back better than before. After checking out some of the free stuff I decided to pull the trigger. I had already started self training a few months ago so I was on my way but this program has started to take it to the next level. I just finished week 2 of the surf strength program and I can already feel the difference. Check it out. Try it out. And be honest with yourself. A really coach has lots to offer that I never realized before. Much gratefulness!!!

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  133. Jason B.

    Jason B.

    Inicialmente céptico/ Agora desfrutar plenamente de todos os programas

    Aloha. First review I’ve ever written. This guy is legit and these programs are tremendously helpful. I’m in my forties and live in Hawaii. Wanted something to help me learn to surf and to surf well. These programs are all wonderful. Challenging workouts and a skilled instructor. And the APP is easy to use and very informative. Give Chris a shot. Won’t regret. Mahalo.

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  134. David L.

    David L. (proprietário verificado)

    Incrível - Vá buscá-lo!

    This is the perfect balance of strength and mobility. It’s obvious a lot of thought went into creating the program, the result is a clear structure and progression that prevents injury while increasing the challenge over time. The benefits to your surfing will also translate beyond to overall health and posture in every day life. This is not only the best surf training program, but probably the best training program period. The videos have high production value, the app is great, and the bonus content on breath work and paddle training are fantastic. I have zero hesitation recommending this, get it now!

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  135. Nicholas C.

    Nicholas C. (proprietário verificado)

    Melhor lugar para aprender

    At the ripe old of age 40, i have been watching surfers in amazement and thought – I need to try this. But I had no idea where to start. After some research, I stumbled across some fantastic Youtube videos by Chris and they left me wanting to learn more from him. I then found the Surf Strength Coach – and was WOWED!! It provides a profound understanding of what is required to get up and surf, starting at the very beginning. It is like having my very own personal coach on demand in my pocket.

    I am only new to it, and am very slowly progressing – but this is due to my level of fitness and time demands. The program allows me to go at my own pace, which again is what I need. At this age balancing work/life balance is a challenge – but knowing I have this little gem in my pocket, am confident I will be up and surfing in no time.

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  136. Aly L.

    Aly L.


    Just complete week 2 phase 1 of the surf athelete program and I feel much better, improving flexibility and endurance during surf session. I am re-born actually thanks to this program! Highly recommended.

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  137. ippolito b.

    ippolito b. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa de treino super eficaz!

    Living far from the easy is not easy for a surfer. When I happen to go surfing I want to be as ready as possible in order to fully enjoy my time in the water but usually I struggle during the first session as my mind and my body aren’t ready due to the long inactive period. I’ve never done a surf focused training so I decided to give surfstrenghtcoach programs a go. I started with the perfect pop up training and then moved to surf athlete program and I can tell you that I’ve noticed changes since the first week! Now, every time I go surfing, I feel ready to surf at my best since the first wave of the session and I feel at ease also in more challenging situations. Furthermore, Chris is very clear in explaining every aspect of the training and he also teaches the technical know-how of the surfing act. Definitely worth the investment if you want to improve not only the quality of your surfing but also your body!

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  138. John K.

    John K. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf treinos para a vida

    I’m 5 weeks into the Surf Athlete Program and feeling great. As a guy who doesn’t get to surf that much due to my location, training before trips is extra important. Surf Strength Coach provides great surf specific workouts that I can see myself using throughout life! The workouts target small muscle groups, build flexibility, balance, joint strength… The fact that the workouts are surf specific keeps you motivated. – I’m stoked to program exists. Highly recommended.

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  139. Gregory S.

    Gregory S. (proprietário verificado)

    Excelente programa

    I am only in week 3 and have only got in the water once so far since starting, but I already feel a difference in my mobility and overall strength. Truthfully, this has taken me past just being stronger for surfing but being more capable of playing with my 2 year old. Well worth the investment.

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  140. Terry K.

    Terry K. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Força

    Chris is legit. I have trained with pro coaches before and Chris is right there with them. Surf specific whole body movement workouts with a detailed explanation as to why and huge emphasis on proper form. Mobility is center-stage along with pre-surf and workout warm-ups. I want to be the best surfer I can be and this program is what I need to get me there.

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  141. Hendrik Engel E.

    Hendrik Engel E. (proprietário verificado)

    Combinação perfeita de conhecimento, formação e diversão

    Not only are Chris’ programs exceptionally well designed and he does a great job of explaining the movements, positioning, and how they relate to each other, it’s just fun to do the exercises and follow along.

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  142. Justin Trent T.

    Justin Trent T. (proprietário verificado)

    Tanto conteúdo

    There is way more content than I thought there would be covering every aspect of surfing. Its really well put together and will definitely benefit any level of surfer

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  143. Axel R.

    Axel R. (proprietário verificado)

    Melhor surftraning ( força uma cartolina)

    I have practiced Cross Fit and Yoga for 7 years now, but I was stuck in my surfing like the typical intermediate surfer you can see in the videos. (card board surfer). I am stoked with the program which helped me to improve my surfing a lot and gave me a lot of benefit. Especially flexibility, stability and of course my posture. All of the exercises really matter to surf. Thank you.
    Cheers Axel

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  144. Eitan S.

    Eitan S. (proprietário verificado)

    Uma reviravolta espantosa!

    I’m on my early 40s, started working with the “SURF ATHLETE” program a few weeks ago and already started noticing major improvements in my mobility and strength. The targeted and ramp-up approaches really focus on the physiology required for surfing and the educational parts really interesting. The training is challenging but fulfilling!

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  145. Martin Wilson W.

    Martin Wilson W. (proprietário verificado)

    Fazer a diferença

    Really enjoying the program. As a 60 yr old looking to make sure I am at my maximum potential for my next Costa Rica surfing trip, I have found the Surf Athlete program an excellent decision. The workouts are clearly laid out and the descriptions/tips really help. My overall balance (esp one legged) and flexibility are improving measurably already, and I am just 2 weeks in. Luckily I will complete the 12 wk program just in time to head to CR and jump on a longboard! Already stoked! Aloha, Marty

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  146. Lee K.

    Lee K. (proprietário verificado)

    Adquira-o - não se vai arrepender :)

    Great training programme focusing on what we surfers need the most and also explaining why we need to train these muscles, and more importantly, how – to make the most out of our bodies and surf as well as we can! Thanks Cris.

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  147. Patti V.

    Patti V. (proprietário verificado)

    Programas espectaculares!

    I have purchased most of the programs. There is so much well organized content. Chris gives clear, detailed instructions that include variations to make exercises easier or more challenging. The workouts are simple to follow on either my phone or computer. I have quickly noticed an improvement in my fitness. I have also been enjoying breath work. Because of the pandemic my access to surf has been limited. This is less frustrating knowing I am doing things to improve my surf fitness while I’m in dry dock. It also helps relieve the boredom.

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  148. Chris P.

    Chris P. (proprietário verificado)

    Direito ao dinheiro

    Having just turned 50 the tips and drills in this program should keep me going thru 70. The stretching exercises are particularly spot on. Well worth it

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  149. Will S.

    Will S. (proprietário verificado)

    Atencioso, abrangente e profissional

    This is the best surf specific strength training app I’ve seen. The ux is quite good with a few exceptions and the content is easy to follow. I also liked that the programs are very comprehensive and systematic. The underlying physiological theory behind what you’re doing is explained so you are doing exercises with a clear “why” in your mind and can take that deeper understanding forward with you whether you keep using the app or not.

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  150. Willy C.

    Willy C. (proprietário verificado)

    Simplesmente fantástico

    The program is great, it’s easy to follow, fun exercices to work out and you feel amazing. Great for your surfing and overall for your day to day life. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge with us !!

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  151. Michael V.

    Michael V. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Actualização do Sucesso da Formação

    I enjoyed very much STS a couple of years ago and I have improved my training and fitness knowledge a lot from it. So there was no excuse not to get the Surf Athlete Program. I love the highly updated interactive workout program (instead of .pdf sheets) and props for the hard work Cris. Really worth the bucks.

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  152. Enda Brian M.

    Enda Brian M. (proprietário verificado)


    the program in very easy to follow, very well explained , and i feel this program very good in that i see it strenght the right muscles and the correct mobility,there hesent been any swell here yet , but feel like i will feel the difference in the water

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  153. Nick L.

    Nick L. (proprietário verificado)

    Dois polegares para cima.

    I’m still only a few weeks into the Surf Athlete program but I’m really enjoying it. Really good program, well presented so super easy to understand what I need to do and how each exercise should be done. Minimal equipment for doing at home, and exercises that are as much about ability to move as strength. Like it alot so far.

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  154. Graham L.

    Graham L. (proprietário verificado)


    Most comprehensive fitness program tailored to surfing that I have seen. Definitely recommend.

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  155. Jimmy M.

    Jimmy M. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa fantástico

    A well balanced and thought out program. I’m in it at the moment but I fell I have improved in a short amount of time. The only negative is that I wish I’d pulled the trigger and bought it sooner.

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  156. Sam B.

    Sam B. (proprietário verificado)

    Produto fantástico

    The best training program online for surfing with a focus on doing things properly i.e. correct form.

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  157. Shane H.

    Shane H. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf O Programa de Atletas é Legítimo

    The surf athlete program is great. I’m a fit surfer in my late 30s and get in the water 3 to 6 times per week. This program is helping me in the areas of flexibility, mobility and keeping fit so I can surf well for longer. I like the way the program can be flexed up or down depending on your own requirements. Would recommend it to anyone that wants to catch more waves.

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  158. Edgar C.

    Edgar C. (proprietário verificado)

    treino eficaz para desportos de prancha!

    I have done the popup and surf skate program and this program tops it up with exercises focusing on overall flexibility, core and strength that I needed for surfing and snowboarding. I am currently on week 4 phase 1.

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  159. Jean L.

    Jean L. (proprietário verificado)

    Grandes programas, melhoria espantosa após 2 semanas de formação (Bundle)

    Bought the Bundle program so my partner can learn to surf with The Perfect Pop Up, decided to go through the material myself and I am now applying it our my own surf and I can already see an improvement. My hip was stuck and the program is helping to lose it up, which is helping with the movement flow, also fixed my back foot position which made the board a bit more loose ( easier to turn ). Now I am going to finish The Perfect Pop Up before I go into the 12 weeks program. Also the Stretches For Surfers helped a lot, throughout that that I found out about my hip… Great program

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  160. Michael G.

    Michael G. (proprietário verificado)

    Been viewing Cris’s free content for some time, top marks for the quality and depth of these, all for nothing ! Took the jump into buying the Surf Athlete programme recently as , although I’ve been training most of my life, my workouts sometimes lacked a bit of direction and flexibility in particular needed lots of work. Only a few weeks into the programme but already seeing benefits in why a particular exercise is beneficial and how to structure these to focus on improving your surfing – which is why we are all here anyway ! If like me you hesitated into paying some cash, don’t be – the knowledge you will gain will be priceless – cheers mate

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  161. Steve J.

    Steve J. (proprietário verificado)

    Uma formação realmente boa, eficaz e segura

    Really good training system. Perfect for when I have an hour or more or only 10mins, I can find something to do quickly and always feel great for it.

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  162. Lucas P.

    Lucas P. (proprietário verificado)


    This training is excellent for snowboarding as well. I never surfed a wave in my life (still on my list), but I was looking for a training routine during the lockdown(s) to be ready for the next freeride trip. And thanks to this program, I feel more ready than ever. Thanks, Cris! 🙂

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  163. Ray E.

    Ray E. (proprietário verificado)

    Excelente formação

    After week one I noticed my weak points right away. Sore oh yeah those stretches help. I’ve noticed my paddling is strong. I had been going on surf trips and need a day to get my strength right for the rest of the sessions. By doing these work outs my strength is at max.

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  164. Mike H.

    Mike H. (proprietário verificado)

    This is a fantastic program for anyone looking for a balanced regimen to enhance their skills out of the water. Cris provides excellent instructions with the right amount of exercises focusing on core, flexibility, strength, and rehabilitation. Love it, app is great also.

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  165. Silvia Jelitto J.

    Silvia Jelitto J. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Formação

    This is a real good well explained program from an expert knowing how the body works
    In my age (57) one becomes slower and muscles get tight. After the recovery das I fehlt 10 years younger and ready for the next week

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  166. Rui M.

    Rui M. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Programas de formação

    We can easily see in the explanatory videos that Cris Mills completely dominates the science of surfing, and the presentation of the training is intuitive and the explanation of the exercises is very detailed.
    Excellent job.

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  167. Barney Joyce J.

    Barney Joyce J. (proprietário verificado)


    This is excellent stuff. Very detailed and down to earth descriptions of what to do, what it should feel like and how to get the most out of the program. Highly recommended!

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  168. Joe M.

    Joe M. (proprietário verificado)


    Great program getting me through a bunch of blocks. I needed this

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  169. Olivier D.

    Olivier D. (proprietário verificado)

    grande programa de formação e mobilidade

    I started surfing a few month ago, really liked it, that’s why I started following Cris on social media, then I decided to go with the 12 weeks program. Surf season is finished here but it serves me for wakeboarding. Can’t wait for my foot to heal to get back at it 100%

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  170. Tom S.

    Tom S. (proprietário verificado)

    Love this program! I’ve never really been a “gym” guy so I have done (and completed) a variety of at home work outs. I’m on week 3 and like the logic of the workouts and areas they’re targeting. I have regularly used the recovery as well post surf and find the videos clear and easy to follow. Plus…man can’t tell you how much better I feel completing and targeting some of those really sore areas with the recovery workouts. Though I’m just starting the program…I can already see added benefit in my shoulders as well in thoracic mobility (something I’m working on). Great program and highly recommmend!!! 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻

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  171. Michael M.

    Michael M. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande programa de formação

    I’ve been using the program for about 4 weeks now & the range of exercises & explanatory videos is excellent. Many I’ve seen or done through Pilates or gym training but having them all in 1 location like this & seeing the direct application to surfing is really motivating.
    I’ve been using the app at home during COVID but an looking forward to putting it into action in the gym.

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  172. Michael M.

    Michael M. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande programa de formação

    I’ve been using the program for about 4 weeks now & the range of exercises & explanatory videos is excellent. Many I’ve seen or done through Pilates or gym training but having them all in 1 location like this & seeing the direct application to surfing is really motivating.
    I’ve been using the app at home during COVID but an looking forward to putting it into action in the gym.

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  173. Carrie M.

    Carrie M. (proprietário verificado)

    Alongamentos, Exercícios e Técnicas de Surf

    I am still in the beginning stages of the training but so far I’ve found the stretches , exercises and surfing techniques super helpful! I’m definitely one of those people that always wants to improve and my surfing, it’s been difficult to find one place that has a full spectrum of options to help grow my surf practice. I personally want to look like that effortless smooth surfer who can gracefully paddle and “walk up” and feel confident in my surfing skills – I’m hoping the home practices, tutorials and exercises can keep me surfing painlessly for a long time. Also! Chris was responsive to my questions I had about the app. Looking forward to checking out more of what the app has to offer 🙂 Here’s to keep on keeping on!

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  174. Ben J.

    Ben J. (proprietário verificado)

    Bem pensado, grande programa!

    I haven’t been this motivated to workout in years! I have been really enjoying the program so far, it’s well thought out and organized and the video examples are extremely helpful. I come from a multi-sport background and worked (until very recently) as a competitive gymnastics coach. I completed the NASM PT program and the Corrective Exercise Specialist program, to better help my gymnasts and myself, after undergoing extensive  rehab and training, for a series of injuries related to a herniated lumbar disc and subsequent muscle imbalances and inhibitions   I have been assessing the program with critical eye, and have found very few flaws in it. Congratulations to you Chris! I really appreciate the amount of time and energy that must have gone into this, having tried for years to make my own exercise programs, it’s worth every penny so far. Can’t wait to see how the rest progresses

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  175. Nicola P.

    Nicola P. (proprietário verificado)

    Incríveis programas de formação

    I’ve purchased the Surf Athlet Program and it’s just too good! Chris is so good at elwhat he’s doing, I would recommend it!

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  176. Steve D.

    Steve D. (proprietário verificado)

    Mais conteúdo do que aquele em que pode abanar a sua prancha!

    Wow I have to say this program has blown me away. I wasn’t expecting so much content and so much detail. Highly recommend it, super easy to use the app and follow the instructions.

    Looking forward to moving my surfing up a gear or 2

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  177. Graeme H.

    Graeme H. (proprietário verificado)

    Atleta de Surf

    I’m 53 surfed since about 13 and keep fit. But my surfing has been lacking and i found myself more and more surfing my Mal. Whilst i enjoy longboarding my shortboarding was getting frustrating. Lacked the dynamic strength to get onto the waves and felt like i was always trying to catch up. So i did a couple of weeks of the free program and am now on the 3rd week of the surf athlete. Amazing turn around – back surfing a 6″ twinnie and loving it. The program is definitely working – and its fun! Sign up and reap the rewards!!

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  178. Jonathan D.

    Jonathan D. (proprietário verificado)

    Vale a pena se estiver a considerar se mas a questionar-se sobre o preço

    I completed the cardboard surfer program and now am in Phase I of the Surf Athlete program. I just completed a 1 week surf camp in Costa Rica where we were in the water for 4 hours a day. Coming from home, where sessions were about 1.5 hours, I was worried I whether I could hang with multiple surfs a day. I did the workouts before and during my surf camp and I have to say the dynamic flows were a really great tool to recover and prepare my body for the next surf. By the the end of the surf camp I was amazed that I didn’t feel sore or stiff from all that surfing.

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  179. Steve H.

    Steve H. (proprietário verificado)

    Obtendo o meu surf em

    The program came highly recommended by a good friend and my son and I are really enjoying it. Thanks!

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  180. Geoff M.

    Geoff M. (proprietário verificado)

    Bom começo

    I’m only a couple of weeks in so far but am finding the course good. Physically it is not that challenging yet but there is a good focus on mobility which is definitely easing out a few bunged up areas. Plus the bonus breathwork material has been an eye opener onto a world I hadn’t really thought too much about before. Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the course brings and hopefully upping the wave count with some better long term fitness. Cheers Cris!

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  181. Ivan G.

    Ivan G. (proprietário verificado)

    Excellent program targeting surf-specific mobility and strength. Highly recommended!

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  182. Lorna E.

    Lorna E. (proprietário verificado)

    Mudança de jogo

    I bought the bundle Surf Athlete, fix your pop up and stretches.
    I’m halfway through the popup program and it’s already worked magic!

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  183. Anton C.

    Anton C. (proprietário verificado)

    The results have thus far been phenomenal. I have developed so much strength in my back and shoulders which has translated into a dramatic improvement in my surfing. The paddling seminar was so helpful because of all of the detail that you provided. Anyone who listens can get the feel of all of the mistakes that they are making. Making those subtle adjustments has helped me with wave selection, my ability to catch waves along with seeing the line that I need to take when popping up and riding the wave.

    Totally Stoked,

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  184. CK k.

    CK k. (proprietário verificado)

    programa espantoso

    started of with the first *free* 2 weeks and after workout one I knew I was going to purchase the 12 week program!
    lucky wise I got a lot of surf days lately so running a little behind / but thats another thing I like / you can just continue without feeling bad… its a great mix of maintaining and developing your bodies possibilities
    Just purchased the skate surf program for the flat days and excited to try it

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  185. Will A.

    Will A. (proprietário verificado)

    Altamente recomendado para qualquer pessoa com interesse em surf e fitness

    Very clear and easy to follow program focused solely on improving surfing athleticism. Ideal for anyone who can’t surf too often but wants a high level of surf fitness.

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  186. Will A.

    Will A. (proprietário verificado)

    Altamente recomendado para qualquer pessoa com interesse em surf e fitness

    Very clear and easy to follow program focused solely on improving surfing athleticism. Ideal for anyone who can’t surf too often but wants a high level of surf fitness.

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  187. Stuart R.

    Stuart R. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa de treino completo e fantástico

    Awesome! Cris has developed a comprehensive, holistic body wellness, strength and flexibility program that gives you everything you need to work towards your own fitness and body wellness goals. Awesome detailed micro video instruction that takes you through every session, with physiological theory explained simply so you know exactly what you are trying to achieve. Simple equipment needs that gets the most out of a basic home gym set-up. Loving this program!

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  188. Gareth Jones J.

    Gareth Jones J.

    Just started phase 2 of the surf athlete program, already benefiting… my body position is so much better on the board due to being able to get in to a deep squat position which I couldn’t do a month ago. Also had some great direct contact with cris. Overall very happy with the program…

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  189. Mick H.

    Mick H. (proprietário verificado)

    Produto de qualidade

    I have surfed for over 30 years and it’s getting to that stage where the little aches and pains have kicked in
    Using Cris Mills training has helped immensely
    He has given me ways to work around and move forward with my surfing instead of putting it on the shelf
    His techniques reflect a lot of what Physio’s preach and from the CHEK institute
    I researched his stuff a lot and have dabbled in others training but this is definitely the best

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  190. Mick H.

    Mick H. (proprietário verificado)

    Produto de qualidade

    I have surfed for over 30 years and it’s getting to that stage where the little aches and pains have kicked in
    Using Cris Mills training has helped immensely
    He has given me ways to work around and move forward with my surfing instead of putting it on the shelf
    His techniques reflect a lot of what Physio’s preach and from the CHEK institute
    I researched his stuff a lot and have dabbled in others training but this is definitely the best

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  191. Caroline R.

    Caroline R. (proprietário verificado)

    Absolutamente brilhante!

    I absolutely love this program! I teach yoga / SUP yoga and have been a Personal Trainer for years but have needed a bit of a focus for my own training for a while and this has hit the spot perfectly! I windsurf, surf and sup surf and I love the fact that there’s not the usual guilt-tripping about missing sessions being a sign of poor committment, as we all know on-water time is the really important thing so we’re all going to miss workouts sometimes when the conditions are good! I also love that the goal is just one of each workout a week plus cardio / recovery, I’ve actually in the past been so ruined from training my on-water time has suffered not been enhanced which is crazy. I’ve been loving the stretches and dynamic flow, and I’ve been doing this most days. Despite teaching yoga I actually teach and do more watersports so am constantly tight and sore and don’t do enough for myself on a daily basis other than get on the water, this has motivated me to get back to some proper self-care too. I’ve learned some stretches which are now all time faves and can’t wait to work though all the programmes – the 6 week pop up next, then Cardboard surfer! There is so much content, and as a Personal Trainer some of the off the cuff comments are the ones that impress me the most and prove Cris knows his shit and makes me feel happy trusting my training plan to him (I actually rarely follow a programme in full because of this, usually adding my own elements or skipping certain things, so this is actually quite a big deal for me). I also have a major knee restriction due to a long-standing injury (apparently need it replaced) while this is not directly relevant everything in the programme is what I need to be doing and addressing. The fact the focus is on improving surfing really helps me want to do this more than just another fitness programme, as they tend to be pretty bland and formula one way or another, this is in a different league on so many counts. Can highly recommend!

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  192. Aleksi A.

    Aleksi A. (proprietário verificado)

    I really enjoy the program and after 2 weeks I already can feel improvement in mobility etc. Cris knows his stuff!

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  193. Stephen C B.

    Stephen C B. (proprietário verificado)

    Traduz-se não só para o surf mas para todas as outras áreas da sua vida!

    I stumbled upon Cris and his work about 8 years ago and started on his older Surf Strength Training programs. Fast forward to present day and here I am writing him a review. What has impressed me the most is his focus, his commitment to fitness and to health and wellness overall. His programs continue to evolve, which shows me he is always learning and staying up to date with what is best for the body. His methodology and his routines have my body feeling strong, stable and moving the right way. The best part is… I maybe surf a couple times a year but his workout, stretch and mobility routines allow me to stay strong, mobile and flexible, which carries over to many different activities besides surfing. He also always responds whenever I have questions. I can’t say enough great things about Cris and his workout routines and the community he is building. Great job Cris!! And anyone reading this… get into it!

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  194. Dylan A.

    Dylan A. (proprietário verificado)

    Incrível! é só começar

    Great content and very well constructed program. Cris is very knowledgeable and explains well the exercices and their benefits. I just got started but already feel that this will benefit not only my surfing, but also general longevity. Already feeling better! Yewww !

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  195. Sam M.

    Sam M. (proprietário verificado)

    Muito satisfeito, exactamente o que eu esperava.

    I’m 57 yrs old and still good for a strong session in the water, however what I was hoping to get from Cris’ course was more knowledge on how to make this fundamental pleasure last. The 12 week course is really taking my workouts and body knowledge to where they need to go. All being equal, I’m more optimistic than ever that I will be surfing well into the future.

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  196. Fred K.

    Fred K. (proprietário verificado)

    Óptimo para tipos mais velhos a aprenderem a surf!

    This program is amazing for people who need to compress the timeline for obtaining the knowledge needed to surf. I’m a busy guy and while I’m in good shape, (ran marathons, lifted weights for years) my flexibility has diminished. Additionally, I needed to adapt my training for this new activity. Chris’ program closed the knowledge gap quickly. I highly recommend it!

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  197. Jesse H.

    Jesse H. (proprietário verificado)

    Grandes Coisas

    I fell and hurt my shoulder a few months ago, this program has really helped me regain paddle strength as wells as reduce some nagging aches. On week 5 and have been really happy with the results. It’s a great program, totally worth it.

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  198. Fabian K.

    Fabian K. (proprietário verificado)

    melhor surf instrução de formação

    Cris is legend! His programm improved my surfing and my overall fitness by miles! I would recommend it to all, not only surfers, because it changes your body ability and keeps you in shape… even the older generation! Love it! Aloha Fabian

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  199. Richard H.

    Richard H. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa verdadeiramente espectacular

    I can’t say enough great things about the surf athlete program. Cris has poured years of knowledge into this specially crafted mobility and workout program for the body a surfer needs. It’s amazingly well thought out and easy to follow. Personally, I’ve noticed my surfing improve quite a bit due to my body being able to handle the rigors of surfing, paddling and wipe outs! It’s a really cool feeling to know your body is moving better and feeling stronger doing the thing you love doing!

    Also, Cris has added some amazing bonuses in terms of special workouts to improve paddling and some of his thoughts and philosophies and most importantly a full set of recovery routines for each muscle in the body. This alone is worth the cost of the program because going to someone to do this kind of work is expensive and he walks you through each one really clearly, explaining the what and how super clearly.

    What takes this all over the limit is the way it’s all put together, you just plug and play, follow along, progressively through for phases, week by week, day by day, and through each exercise. It’s amazing and I cannot express enough gratitude for the feeling I feel when I’m in the water. It truly is like having a different body, that handles surfing so much better!

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  200. Todd A.

    Todd A. (proprietário verificado)

    Afinação perfeita

    Age & old injuries were starting to get in the way ….. I’m only 2 weeks into it and the improvement in body movement is very noticeable- Thanks Chris

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  201. Twisp N.

    Twisp N. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Programa de 12 semanas de Atleta

    Chris has put together the ultimate training program which combines a mixture of fundamental stretches, strength training and focused core work specifically aimed for the surfer. The 12 week program sets out a no brainer program to follow which I can honestly say that even at the 3 week mark I am seeing a massive difference in the water. Thx Chris it’s well worth it.

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  202. Vila F.

    Vila F. (proprietário verificado)

    bom JOb

    I have a problem with my hips, I wear two protheses only in cape femur since the program started i fell good i feell lighter more flexible , fluid, althought i´ve only a week I notice my body , mind are better , the next week i can to surf in basque conuntry and i will try flow more .
    In conclusion i m very happy and motivated with this program , when i finish probably i ,ll begin others , thanks Cris

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  203. Leslie Porter P.

    Leslie Porter P. (proprietário verificado)

    Era mesmo o que eu precisava!

    Thank goodness I was drawn to Cris’s surf strength training program. He has given this 61 year old female surfer who lacks time in the water the tools I need in the gym to increase my strength and keep injuries at bay. Cris walks the talk; his virtual interpersonal skills are inspiring and supportive. Right on, Cris, Thank YOU! Leslie P., Rockville, Maryland

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  204. Diego S.

    Diego S.


    A brilliant programme that really works and targets areas that almost immediately translates into the water. I can not recommend highly enough.

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  205. Ben C.

    Ben C. (proprietário verificado)

    Tenho tudo

    What an awesome program to fix years of misuse and overuse on the body! It feels like I have brand new spinae muscles 🙂 My overall strength and mobility has improved in just 3 weeks time, and I feel it out on the water with my board. The app is organized and clean, the video instructions are clutch, and the audio walk throughs are to the point.

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  206. Peter W.

    Peter W. (proprietário verificado)

    Melhor programa surf

    This has been amazing for surfing and balance ..recommend it to everyone looking to improve fitness and surf mobility.

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  207. Firas K.

    Firas K. (proprietário verificado)

    Perfect program to get in shape and improving your surf fitness 🙌🙌

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  208. Firas K.

    Firas K. (proprietário verificado)

    perfect program to get in shape and improve your surf fitness 🙌🙌

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  209. Alistair M.

    Alistair M. (proprietário verificado)

    O programa BEST de força e mobilidade.

    A body suffering 35 years of being treated like luna park is now ache free.
    Shoulders don’t hurt when paddling;
    Thorax mobile again;
    Sciatica disappeared;
    Piriformis pain free;
    Neck mobile;
    I actually recommend the program to MTB and kitesurf mates for their strength and mobility.
    Wanna keep surfing hard? Here’s the answer to avoid buying a fat c–t board cause you can’t paddle anymore.

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  210. Scott C.

    Scott C. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa espantoso

    A year ago I was coming off a neck injury, plus just years of bad posture, bad mechanics, too much sitting at a desk, etc. Dipped a toe in the water with some of Cris’ Youtube videos, and then decided to take the plunge with the Surf Athlete App. I honestly can’t say enough great things about it. The workouts have not only improved my surfing, but improved every aspect of my physicality in regular life. The 12-week program really does a great job of allowing you to build up but also learn about what it is you’re building. And all of the extras–breathwork, recovery, paddle workouts–are excellent as well. Even after finishing the program it’s still a near daily resource for me. I use the cardboard surfer program as well, and just am a huge fan of all of it. Especially the fact that it’s so instructive as to the how’s and why’s of your body mechanics, and how much they teach you about your physiology. I’m also regular user of Foundation Training, which I know Cris is a fan of, and definitely recommend combining the two. It’s a great way to prehab/rehab your body not just for surfing but everything. At 43, my body is definitely not as durable as it once was, but this program, along with Foundation Training, has been a game changer. Thanks Cris!

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  211. Amanda Bird B.

    Amanda Bird B. (proprietário verificado)

    Se está pronto para subir o seu jogo surf , é agora!

    I recently finished the 12-week Surf Athlete program and just purchased the Perfect Pop-Up program. I had previously been watching many of Cris’ free videos on YouTube and managed to piece together workouts here and there. I made a commitment to the Surf Athlete Program as I desired a more focused program to really push myself to improve as a surfer. I 100% recommend this is you are looking to do the same and please listen and watch carefully. Cris provides very thorough explanations and helpful videos throughout. I found it very beneficial to replay the videos I had already watched over and over through the different phases as I did each phase and workout. I would catch helpful tips that I hadn’t digested properly earlier on! Not only has my overall body mobility significantly improved but I found that some annoying aches and pains associated with daily sedentary work life mixed with relatively short-duration and intense surfing and other workouts started to fade. The benefits Cris mentions throughout this program are quite attainable if you stick with it and put in the time. My surfing has vastly improved, particularly my pop-up and range-of-motion ON my board while riding. This program was not at all difficult mentally for me; I really looked forward to my Surf Athlete sessions! I now add them in before or after surfs, between work calls, or whenever works best as it’s easy to jump away from my desk at home, give it all I’ve got, and then return to work rejuvenated and feeling mobile and light! If you are considering this, please go for it! Thanks Cris!! Looking forward to the next ones!

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  212. Charlie C.

    Charlie C. (proprietário verificado)

    Abrangente Surf Programa de Formação!

    I feel like Cris has put together a truly comprehensive dry land surf training programme! It combines a variety of exercises,moves, mobility, tissue release, and general advice which you can learn and implement in your own training routine and conditioning. I have tried other types of personal training to not be as satisfactory as very often its more about a ‘pain train’ and less about learning and understanding movements and skills that i can carry over in the future. This programme is def legit. Cris is a really sound guy too that seems to be genuinely invested in sharing everything he’s learnt to us so we can move better and be better surfers 🤘 Thanks dude!

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  213. Thomas R.

    Thomas R. (proprietário verificado)

    Outro nível de progressão

    I’m on week 2 of surf athlete training. (Second attempt at committing to the program). I’ve been surfing for over 20years now and am always trying to find ways to keep my body in optimal surfing condition. I feel like I’ve done a good job. I thought I was flexible, core strong, and agile. After the first week of training with the program, I now see that I have a lot more weakness in several areas. Flexibility, mobility, and core strength. I now know that I am getting the types of instruction that will help me get to where I need to be for the winter season and for surf trips where you surf 3 times a day. The stretches, the dynamic flow, the deep tissue work is working. It’s hard work, especially learning the movements, but already I am feeling looser, faster, and more energized in the water. My plan is to be completely through phase 3 by October and be able to continue a healthy routine for the rest of my surfing life. Chris, thank you so much for this program! As an aging surfer of 44 years, I feel like I can still progress again. Put in the work and reap the rewards. Super pumped to surf!

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  214. Marcelo C.

    Marcelo C. (proprietário verificado)

    Tão entusiasmado

    I am so stoked with this program. If you want improve your perfomance and catching more waves, this program is for for you. The fun is guaranteed. I am looking forward to come back surf and fell how my performance is, i am felling my body ready to surf.

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  215. Simon C.

    Simon C. (proprietário verificado)

    Essencial para todas as pessoas desportivas

    I am a sporty guy and have trained hard for years, but the I cannot overstate the improvement that Cris Mills’ practices have had to my physical capabilities, my general comfort levels, and my understanding of how my body works.

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  216. Rob L.

    Rob L. (proprietário verificado)

    Love the program. Well structured. Responds to emails/questions quickly too!

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  217. Roland M.

    Roland M. (proprietário verificado)

    Preparação perfeita para o resto da sua vida de surf

    The surfathlet Programm brings you back into an amazing Shape and it is fun to do. Great mix of Stretching and Strength exercises.

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  218. Anjo H.

    Angel H. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande surf programa de formação


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  219. Patrick E.

    Patrick E. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa de fitness inteligente e completo surf

    So I’m 49 and my wife is 45. We’re no spring chickens but we both like to think we keep relatively fit and healthy – running, surfing and doing our own thing at home with dumb bells, TRX etc. I also did HIIT or circuit classes a couple of times week at the local gym on the assumption that someone shouting at me to do exercises to the point of organ failure was the kind of motivation required to stay fit. The COVID lock down changed all that. The gym closed and suddenly we were at home, with three kids, a dog and lots of time with zero structure. We needed a regime, a rhythm of training we could slot into to keep us sane during lock down. I’d been dabbling in a bit of Cris’s free YouTube videos and liked the focus on functional surf fitness given surfing is the thing I want to continue progressing at. It all seemed very plausible and well considered. Plus, Cris seemed to know loads of latin terms for obscure body parts I’d never heard of, so for that alone it was worth a go.

    We’re now in our final week of the 12 week programme and rate it very highly. The impact to our surfing has been palpable in terms of paddle strength and feeling better equipped in the water. There’s plenty of solid strength work, but also tons of challenging mobility exercises and a comprehensive series of great stretches. You’ll get the sweaty endorphins and the sense of achievement you get from any normal exercise session. But you’ll also come away with the sense that you’re re-wiring things in your body and that you’re more connected in the way you might feel after a yoga session for example. It’s not all fun and games. It’s hard. In fact, during moments of extreme effort I have to confess we may have called Cris some unkind names that may also have included some colourful curse words (sorry Cris, nothing personal, there was no one else around to aim at).

    Be patient. You’ll need to devote a bit more time than you might be used to in an exercise session, especially in the early weeks, as you wrap your head and your body around the movements. But it’s worth the time and commitment because it’s clear you’re on a path of progression rather than a treadmill to nowhere.

    Good stuff Cris! Thanks a lot. Would be nice to chat sometime. Cheers! Patrick

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  220. George H.

    George H. (proprietário verificado)


    Everything you need to stay loose and strong in all the right places to help you achieve the athleticism needed to surf well is in this program. When I first found Cris on youtube years ago, he helped me realize how much mobility I was missing in my entire body. I bought his program back when it was just a downloadable PDF and it was life changing. Turned me into a full on mobility junkie. Once he came out with the app I jumped on it, and have to say it is by far the best surf fitness program you will find. I like that it is equally about strength, mobility and flexibility, and that he doesn’t have you beating your body up to the point where you can’t move. Cris is passionate about what he does, and it shows through all the work that he has put into this program. If you ever get a chance to go on one of his trips, you should do that as well. You will not find a better coaching team anywhere. Thanks Cris for helping me to continually improve my surfing even at 45 years old and after 27 years of surfing. Keep up the good work!

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  221. Ryan John L.

    Ryan John L. (proprietário verificado)

    The program is a progressive, multidimensional approach to training. It wont leave your body taxed, and disrupt your surf sessions. It adds to the surf sessions, by giving vitality, strength, and confidence. Vitality, due to the holistic, and progressive approach, and confidence in different positions, due to the new found strength. This is the second program I have picked up from cris, and my family have been using the dynamic warm ups now for years, both for morning routines and pre workout/surf. There is a lot of knowledge that is shared through this app for which I am always grateful.

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  222. Jeff H.

    Jeff H. (proprietário verificado)

    Sentir-se mais forte todos os dias

    This program is a MUST if you do anything athletic. Even more so if you surf. Made my surfing so much better – so stoked to ride stuff that used to beat me up. You’ve gotta sign up for this program. It will be the best money you have spent to up your stoke. Do it!!

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  223. Reitor B.

    Dean B. (proprietário verificado)

    Resultados incríveis de surf e aptidão física

    The Surf Athlete Program and Cardboard Surfer Program have improved so many aspects of my surfing and health, way too many to mention!
    Essentially, with commitment and focus (whilst still attending to work and family), Cris has provided the Tools, Technique and Tenacity for me to enhance my surfing to a level well beyond my expectations… My mind surfing is becoming a reality!
    I’m approaching 50 years of age and frothing like I’m 15 again!
    Highly recommend tapping into Cris’ Surf Strength Coach programs.

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  224. Geth T.

    Geth T. (proprietário verificado)

    Mudança de vida!

    I hit 40 & realised I wasn’t as fit or flexible as I used to be. Laptop time +long hours behind the wheel=super tight hips +chronic lower back pain..
    The increased range of mobility I now have in&out of the water makes me feel much freer physically and mentally: no longer do I wake up wondering how sore will my back b today, it’s a revelation! I now relish workout sessions, no more begrudgingly going for a run. User friendly& clearly explained. Absolutely first class. Thanks Cris!

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  225. Kevin M.

    Kevin M. (proprietário verificado)

    programa de topo de gama para surfistas dedicados

    I am 63 , have been surfing for 45 years and this program is really working great! Cris knows the fundamentals of how our bodies need to react while out in the water surfing. I cannot surf as much when I was in my 20s and 30s, I own a business and have to drive a lot. This program will get you physically where you need to be in the water, and I am only part way through the routine that Cris puts out. I can see the benefits really quickly, amazing! Thanks Cris for putting this out there, cannot wait to get through the whole program, this coming winter will be ready!!
    Kevin M

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  226. THIERRY O.

    THIERRY O. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa Perfeito para se tornar um Atleta surf

    I Finished theSurd Athlete Training Program last October and honestly it was the best Training Program I ever did. I tried a lot of them, I even tried to create mine.
    The best points are :
    * Very precise,
    * progressive,
    * very well explained and easy to reinvest,
    * Not traumatic for the joints
    * Very quick first reluts
    * Complete : you work on strength, flexibility, cardio, core, balance, breath ….
    I would add a limit to this program : you need time to understand all the workouts and to do them almost evary day for at least 45mns during 12 weeks. Pretty hard to integrate this program in an already busy schedule.
    If you can handle it, it will deeply impact your body and your soul.
    For myself, I just continued with picking some exercises in this all possibilities and I built my own program I create 3 times a week.
    Great job Cris.
    Thak you

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  227. Kirra P.

    Kirra P. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa Abrangente

    A super comprehensive and rounded program that is easy to follow and caters for all levels. The work-outs are well rounded and designed for maximum effect and time efficiency. I particularly like the dynamic warm-ups and also use these on rest days with my mobility work. I highly recommend this program to everyone, you will not regret purchasing as it’s such good value for money.

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  228. Chris S.

    Chris S. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Em forma

    This is a fantastic program to develop and improve your Surf fitness, mobility and overall well being.
    Chris explains the program and the various steps clearly and precisely.
    I highly recommend the Surf Athlete Program.

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  229. Jesse T.

    Jesse T. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa 5 estrelas se o seu programa sério

    The app is super easy to navigate your way around with the added plus of being able to download the tutorials if your out of reception.
    Super stoked with the programme.
    I immediately felt progress change going into it for my long term goal and result so i know its worth it.
    The level of detail and support individually to tailor it to yourself is like no other.
    It targets everything, even if your not just using it for surfing!
    Cheers Cris!

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  230. Jesse T.

    Jesse T. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa 5 estrelas se o seu programa sério

    The app is super easy to navigate your way around with the added plus of being able to download the tutorials if your out of reception.
    Super stoked with the programme.
    I immediately felt progress change going into it for my long term goal and result so i know its worth it.
    The level of detail and support individually to tailor it to yourself is like no other.
    It targets everything, even if your not just using it for surfing!
    Cheers Cris!

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  231. Shane M.

    Shane M. (proprietário verificado)


    I’m 83% done with the 12 week surf athlete program. I’ve enjoyed it and am grateful for it. I’m 50 and have a few occasionally nagging old injuries. The program is progressive yet allows me to make adjustments and work within my limitations. But also push myself. Most noticeable improvements have been my core and leg strength whilst surfing. More spray for my ego! Many of the exercises have coincided with exercises my physical therapist has given me which has been great! My PT is also a surfer btw.
    Although I haven’t delved into it completely, I’m stoked to see the foundation training included in the app and have integrated a little if it into my morning warm up/ stretch routine.
    I’ve also integrated the must watch video “warm up for surfers” exercises and stretching into my morning routine and obviously I use it before I paddle out.
    I’m also appreciative for the breathe work. It’s prompted me to explore further breath work ie Wim Hof, and evening start attending a breath work class. I especially like the box breathing.
    Last but not least I’ve learned from the cardboard surfer program although I’m not a novice surfer. I’m working on correcting years of bad habits and improving new habits. And even though most would consider me a grumpy, old, wave hogging local, the cardboard surfer program has helped me translate techniques to beginning surfer friends. Isn’t it all about helping others???
    I look forward to more advanced carver training. Specifically with Clayton involved.
    If you are young or old, new to or experienced with surfing this app will improve your surfing, your physical, and even a little of your mental health if applied correctly.

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  232. Renn C.

    Renn C. (proprietário verificado)

    Altamente recomendado

    This training program could be applied in and out of the water. It improves flexibility, endurance, and recovery. I’ve been doing HIIT for years but I definitely think this is the right way to train to improve fitness.

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  233. Renn C.

    Renn C. (proprietário verificado)

    Altamente recomendado

    This training program could be applied in and out of the water. It improves flexibility, endurance, and recovery. I’ve been doing HIIT for years but I definitely think this is the right way to train to improve fitness.

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  234. Christopher C.

    Christopher C. (proprietário verificado)

    Chris C.

    Excited to be a part of this program and am enjoying digging further into the content every day. Cris has this knack of answering the questions I’d been meaning to ask and suggesting exercises that address problems I’ve always wanted to address. Just so thorough! ONWARD!!!

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  235. Alessio N.

    Alessio N. (proprietário verificado)

    A melhor formação de preparação para surf que já vi

    I really enjoy following this training program, it has a high variety of exercises and stretches that really matter to surf. The first weeks felt a bit weak, but as you progress it really starts to fire up.

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  236. Mateus C.

    Matthew C. (proprietário verificado)

    Alta qualidade e melhoria do meu surf

    The workouts/stretches/routines are all extremely well thought out and he breaks everything down really well. I followed the program exactly, along with some additional workout days in between. My shoulder flexibility, core stability, and power generation are far and above what they were before. The movements all translate into the water really well and it has improved my surfing dramatically. Everything seems a lot more fluid with my movements now.

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  237. philowen o.

    philowen o. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande aplicação e exercícios

    Easy to use app, great range of exercises with easy to follow training plans.

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  238. Lukas L.

    Lukas L. (proprietário verificado)

    Fez-me continuar!

    The structure of the program helped me to keep on doing the workouts! That’s great and something most other fitness programs that I have tried did not do. In addition, the surf specific knowledge improved my surfing. All in all, I am super happy with my purchase!

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  239. Damon F.

    Damon F. (proprietário verificado)

    Sinto-me como se tivesse novamente 25 anos! (Idade 38)

    Brilliant program. Kids, work, etc, allow me less time in the water these days. The resultant decrease in fitness and flexibility meant I wasn’t enjoying the time I did have in the water as much. The probability of an injury was also increasing. Rather than wait for the inevitable injury, I decided to undertake the 12 week program. I haven’t felt this good since I was in my 20’s – I feel stronger and a lot more flexible. I have recommended the program to mates and family who surf. Trips to the Chiro have also become less frequent, which has easily saved me more than the cost of the program. This program is a great way to get ready for the winter swells at the end of a long flat summer!

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  240. Hisham N.

    Hisham N. (proprietário verificado)

    Vale cada cêntimo!

    Outstanding programs with in-depth knowledge about surfing and workouts that push you to the next surf level. Especially for guys like me, living in the middle of Germany with no waves around. Thank you for your work and passion, Chris, your workouts are worth every cent!


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  241. Scott Barnes B.

    Scott Barnes B. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa perfeito pop up

    Big shout to Chris for putting such an awesome easy to follow surf program together.
    I am 42 years old and have only been surfing for 5 years.
    The surf athletic program and the pop up program has given me a much better understanding of surf technique, showed me the correct stretching technique which has made a huge difference to how my body feels and now 80% through both programs, I am really seeing the results in the water and absolutely loving the improvements in my surfing.
    Get on board and improve your surfing.

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  242. Craig C.

    Craig C. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa Top!

    I can highly recommend this program for any surfer of any age or ability level! There are great carry overs that make you stronger and fitter in the water, helping you surf better and enjoy it more. I have been following Cris’s program for years and it has made a huge difference.

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  243. Andreas V.

    Andreas V. (proprietário verificado)

    Good, fun and motivating workouts

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  244. Mark H.

    Mark H. (proprietário verificado)

    Apanhados pela vida

    100% worth every penny! Would recommend Chris Mills program to anyone and everyone, who has a desire to be more agile and healthier.
    Personally, I have been working in remote camps in Canada and haven’t been able to surf the whole time. I have followed Chris Mills programs for many years now but the program that has inspired me the most to stay fit and ready for the day I surf again is SURF ATHLETE 12 WEEK TRAINING PROGRAM.
    The Strength, agility and endurance I have acquired through the 12 week program is one of the most rewarding I have developed through exercise.
    I continue to use the practices taught in my everyday workouts. This type of knowledge is invaluable, it will last a lifetime.
    I am currently in mandatory quarantine back in my home of Australia. Still using his techniques in my hotel room(proof this can be done anywhere).
    This program is truly an inspiration and I can’t wait to hit the SURF!!!!!!
    Thanks Chris!!

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  245. Pergunta

    Andy M. (proprietário verificado)

    Your programs really work for me and have helped me get back in the water with confidence.

  246. Andy M.

    Andy M. (proprietário verificado)

    Recapturar o amor.

    The Surf Athlete Program has improved my surfing and overall health. I am 65 and have been surfing since 14. For a number of reasons including a total knee reconstruction my surfing and overall fitness had faltered. Surf Athlete has fixed that. It suits me perfectly because:
    I don’t like gyms
    You can follow along with an enthusiastic and knowledgeable instructor
    It’s flexible. The are alternatives for all levels of fitness and mobility
    It concentrates on improving mobility/flexibility using many yoga poses as well as strength exercises
    You need limited equipment. I use an exercise ball, some straps and milk cartons filled with water
    Feedback is encouraged and questions answered from any easy to navigate app.
    My pop up is better, my surfing and general fitness has improved,I am more confident in the water and surfing more. Great value.
    Andy Morgan

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  247. David U.

    David U. (proprietário verificado)


    Cris’s programs have been life changing. After struggling to surf for many years following illness, and then giving it away all together for two years, I decided to give surfing one last go. I found Surf Strength Coach on YouTube and was impressed by Cris’s thorough understanding of the human body, and what the required fitness levels are for competent surfing. I followed his training sessions to the letter 4 times per week for 3 months and completely transformed my body to be fit to surf again. Now in my 50’s , I seriously felt like the clock had been turned back 20 or 30 years.
    The only way this doesn’t work is if you don’t put in the time and effort. If you are not seriously surf fit (which is most of us) and you follow his programs properly, it is like magic. By the way, I am now more flexible than I ever been, and probably stronger too.

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  248. Jason M.

    Jason M. (proprietário verificado)

    I highly recommend these programs on what ever Leval your at. Wether you’re the weekend surfer or at a professional Leval. I’m currently recovering from a hip resurfacing. Ball and socket. Prior to my operation I was going through the program. Which helped my body get ready for my operation. The program is an easy step by step very intuitive. One of the best I’ve seen available. I can’t wait to get back on the program and get back in the water.🤙🤙🤙fully stoked at 50

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  249. Jason M.

    Jason M. (proprietário verificado)

    I highly recommend these programs on what ever Leval your at. Wether you’re the weekend surfer or at a professional Leval. I’m currently recovering from a hip resurfacing. Ball and socket. Prior to my operation I was going through the program. Which helped my body get ready for my operation. The program is an easy step by step very intuitive. One of the best I’ve seen available. I can’t wait to get back on the program and get back in the water.🤙🤙🤙fully stoked at 50

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  250. John K.

    John K. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande Programa Global!

    As a 40 year old father of two that lives an hour from the nearest wave I don’t get into the water as often as I would like. These programs are awesome for keeping me in shape and limber when those opportunities to surf do happen. Been following your workouts since before the website or app was really around, back when they were just youtube videos and downloadable program sheets you could print out and I definitely think these programs are a way better way to stay in surfing shape than trying to come up with routines on my own. The programs are great at leading you through a progression into more difficult routines down the line and you can feel how the movements will apply to your surf technique while doing them.
    I purchased the program combo and feel its well worth the money. Currently in phase 2 of the surf athlete program and I look forward to my workout every day.

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  251. Emma Freeman F.

    Emma Freeman F. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa fácil de seguir

    Really like these exercises. It is a cohesive, well-thought out program to help reach specific goals and overall better functional movement.

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  252. Craig B.

    Craig B. (proprietário verificado)

    Recomendo vivamente!

    I love the program but it is the results that matter – surfing better, feeling stronger and more confidence.

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  253. Michelle S.

    Michelle S.

    Grande aplicação para formação surf

    This is a fantastic training program for surfing. I have been using the free program for awhile, and recently started on the purchased programs. It’s really changed my perspective for training specifically for surfing, and I have seen results. Even our teen boys are using it consistently, which says something. Cris is very knowledgeable, and I love the community for communication and questions. Highly recommend.

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  254. Marca B.

    Mark B. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande programa!

    Really helped with improving mobility which being an weekend warrior and office worker has made a huge difference to my surfing and general fitness

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  255. Rik M.

    Rik M. (proprietário verificado)

    altamente recomendado

    have just completed 12 week Surf Athlete program. Not only has it helped to improve my surfing, it has helped with my fitness & set me up with long-term joint mobility health. Highly recommended for all surfing levels.

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  256. Rob F.

    Rob F. (proprietário verificado)

    Não só excelente para o surf

    This app has given me back my mobility! I am more flexible and stronger than I’ve been in years. Turning 40 and now a father of two, I can play with my kids pain free which is awesome.

    I have completed the surf athlete, pop up fixer and the cardboard surfer all of which I recommend most highly. Changed the way I workout and I would continue to purchase Cris’ content as he puts it out!

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  257. Rob F.

    Rob F. (proprietário verificado)

    Não só excelente para o surf

    This app has given me back my mobility! I am more flexible and stronger than I’ve been in years. Turning 40 and now a father of two, I can play with my kids pain free which is awesome.

    I have completed the surf athlete, pop up fixer and the cardboard surfer all of which I recommend most highly. Changed the way I workout and I would continue to purchase Cris’ content as he puts it out!

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  258. Matt P.

    Matt P. (proprietário verificado)

    Óptimo Surf e aplicação geral de fitness

    I’ve been very pleased with Cris Mills content over the years and when he put the app together, I was very stoked. The programs within not only help to improve your surfing abilities, but help you improve your overall fitness. Great stuff. Thanks Cris.

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  259. Jamie B.

    Jamie B. (proprietário verificado)

    Conteúdo fantástico, bem pesquisado e entregue numa sequência apropriada.

    High-quality content, easy to follow, and most of all, the outcomes are achievable, the exercises are specific and the layout is easy to navigate a must for a busy professional who does not have a lot of time. My fitness improved quite quickly and with this amazing run of swell and epic sand in Northern NSW i am finding 3 hour surfs are easy!

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  260. Simon C.

    Simon C. (proprietário verificado)

    Altamente recomendado

    Despite being a serious surfer and sportsman for my whole life, Cris Mills’ surf athlete program and blogs have genuinely changed my approach to sports, health, and fitness.

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  261. Frenchfranck B.

    Frenchfranck B. (proprietário verificado)

    The surf Strength coach app is easy to follow you have all you need for improving and maintaining optimal surf fitness
    In his app Cris combine all the essential practices breaks it down well in easy to understand videos
    I ve been going to the physio on and off for quite a long time mostly for for stiffness and back problems by chance my physio work also for a top rugby team (UBB 1st in the french championnat before the COVID )
    and he introduced me to the
    foamroller IT S IN THE APP
    Foundation training IT S IN THE APP
    I did a week-end introduction to the Wim Hoff
    Method to improve my breathing in some way IT S ALSO IN THE APP
    and it s mean that Cris clearly knows his stuff
    You can feel that the workouts are effective and you gain in strength and movement every time you go back in the water
    I can t wait to take a surf trip with him and to be coach
    And honestly I m not the type of person to do reviews and certainly not in english but this app and all the knowlege inside is worth it
    (sorry for the broken english )

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  262. Kevin T.

    Kevin T. (proprietário verificado)

    Do hospital para voltar para a água! Surf O atleta levou-me até lá

    My lung spontaneously collapsed (spontaneous pneumothorax) June of 2018. After being in the hospital for a week, I wasn’t allowed to lift more than 10 lbs. for 2 months. Lost almost all muscle, energy and endurance to be able to surf for any length of time or on rougher days.

    The day I was able to start physical activity again I started the Surf Athlete Program on the app, 3 months later I finished the program, strong and can paddle out, continuing to build muscle and endurance. I actually went through it a 2nd time and in better shape now than I was before the hospital and the breath work at the end has made me that much more confident out in the water.

    Really want to say thank you to Cris for putting content like this out there for those who want to not just be strong but also be mobile! Your hard work into making an interactive workout to get into surfing shape has made all the difference!

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  263. Jutin J.

    Jutin J. (proprietário verificado)

    As someone who started surfing later in life and doing 2-3 hour sessions at 37 years old while being at a desk all day, I needed something to help me become more mobile, recover faster, and also allow me to surf multiple days per week while minimizing injury. The Surf Athlete Program along with the vast amount of resources Cris has made available for his clients has provided me with the ability to last longer in the water, reduce shoulder fatigue, open up my hips, and prevent back injuries. These are workouts I will use for the rest of my life and the ceiling for progression is quite high for athletes of all levels. I truly enjoy the program and have definitely seen improvements in my surfing and overall fitness.

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  264. Yolanda N.

    Yolanda N. (proprietário verificado)

    Aos surfistas de surfistas - Recomendado

    There are a lot of training programs out there but this one covers all the points.It’s very complete from surfers to surfers. The only issue I have is I don’t have access to some of the exercise tools but all in all I can adjust and do most of them.

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  265. Ramon C.

    Ramon C. (proprietário verificado)

    Treino incrível para prolongar a sua vida de surf

    It’s been a while I was looking for a surfing specific program that helps fix all surfing imbalances in your body. Chris’s dedication and passion it’s truly translated into a high quality program!

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  266. Chad P.

    Chad P. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa soberbo

    I’m a huge fan of Cris Mills and his programs. I’m a physician and I can genuinely say that Cris’s knowledge of anatomy and physiology is so impressive. Of equal importance is his ability to synthesize this info with easy to follow, step-by-step training programs. I have used the programs available on his App as well as direct 1-1 virtual coaching with Cris. In addition to his body knowledge, his love of the ocean and all things surfing shines through. Whether you are a late 40 year old like me looking to stay motivated with regards to fitness or an 18 yr old competitive athlete, you will find much benefit in being a part of the @surfstrengthcoach community.

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  267. Milan S.

    Milan S. (proprietário verificado)

    Conhecimentos excepcionais

    As I am only in the end of week 3, I am still a newbie to the program, but for my personal intentions it is perfect, especially with its focus on mobility. Recommend it for every stiff person who’s in an office chair the majority of the day and seeks to maximize potential on their next trip to the ocean.

    Thanks Cris!

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  268. Nicole R.

    Nicole R. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa de Alta Qualidade

    A fantastic program that I am only half way through yet feel the results from already. I would have paid the same amount of money for the recovery videos alone! They have changed my body and released years of chronic tension enabling me to finally move again in a liberating way. As someone who has struggled with chronic illness and toxic fitness culture, this program has felt very accessible and inclusive.

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  269. Joshua Keen Server

    Joshua Keen Server (proprietário verificado)

    Sentir a diferença!

    I am going on week 4 of the surf strength program and am starting to get to know the work outs better. I can definitely feel the difference getting out of bed in the morning moving in and out of ranges of movement that I am usually stiff in. Although I’m struggling a little trying to keep a daily workout regime going, I’m sneaking in little snippets of movements and stretches from the workouts within my day.

    I guess more than anything this program has taught me how out of shape I really am. With this crazy pandemic we are in, I’ve lost all of my jobs and sources of income left to do what the rest of us are going through, raising a 13-year-old son, hunting work down, staying healthy, and trying to figure out how to get some free time to myself. So, when my last paycheck came through I asked myself how I could make positive out the situation I found myself in? After seeing your add pop up on Surfline, and watching all of your free workouts online, I decided to spend my money wisely and invest it into The betterment of myself. Looking forward to checking back in with you in a month to see how much I’ve improved, especially when I can get some time to apply everything to my surfing.

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  270. Tom King K.

    Tom King K. (proprietário verificado)


    Fantastic program. I really appreciate Cris’ dedication and passion to help us surf better. The program is very comprehensive and is preparing me to surf better. If you are undecided, hit go and get started. I am 56 with both hips replaced and wish I had started this program sooner.

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  271. Joe C.

    Joe C. (proprietário verificado)

    Completa, divertida, motivadora e massivamente melhorada a vida

    The Surf Athlete training programme has kept me going throughout the Corona lockdown. Getting involved is the best decision i’ve made.

    I am a 30 year-old intermediate weekend warrior who has spent almost no time in the water over the last two years. About a month before lockdown I just started getting back into surfing having bought a new wetsuit suitable for the cold water here in Cornwall, UK. My paddling has never been strong and is particularly bad at the moment due to lack of going surfing altogether and lack of exercise that actually translates to surfing and paddling technique. Not having decent paddling strength/shoulder flexibility has lead to poor confidence and fear when the surf gets any bigger than 4-5ft. It massively limits the amount of times I can go surfing, as the conditions here are so changeable and I only get a small window of opportunity on the weekends. I have slowly come to the realisation that I won’t ever build good paddling strength and general confidence from merely surfing on some weekends at best. Therefore I have finally decided to actually do something about it with Chris’s app.

    I am in week 4 of the first phase and am already noticing huge improvements to my general strength, posture, flexibility, health, mind and the all important stoke! Everything Chris says is legit. I feel confident following this programme knowing i’ll get good results through constant evidence of his passion and knowledge for surfing and fitness. Most importantly I’m noticing fast improvement in my shoulder endurance and paddling strength which is my main goal, but i’m also noticing improvements in hip movement/flexibility, leg strength and all those other areas I would have probably neglected. All of this has also lead to a huge cut down in the amount I drink and the amount of crap food I used to eat. I feel so much better for all of it.

    Unlike with other mailing lists, I enjoy receiving Chris’s regular emails that really motivate you to do the next workout or try other things such as breathing technique, tissue release and nutrition advice etc. It always keeps me motivated and reminds me why i’m doing it. His ‘Coaches and Coffee’ episodes and other regular videos also offer the best entertaining advice and keep the stoke alive every-time.

    Although I haven’t been been able to do any real surfing during the lockdown, I am 100% sure my first time back in will be a stronger, more confident and enjoyable experience thanks to Chris and the Athlete programme. This may sound cheesy, but thank you for improving my outlook on life, health and surfing! Surfing and fitness is now becoming a priority in my life, and I look forward to continuing with it from here on out. I only wish I did this 5-10 years ago! Sorry to ramble on, there is a lot to be said…

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  272. Paul W.

    Paul W. (proprietário verificado)

    Informação de qualidade

    It’s simple and effective advice, well delivered and packaged in a user friendly format. What more could you ask for?
    You do need to set some time aside to watch and understand the video tutorials before starting them and to ensure the correct movement is achieved, but so far, it’s been a great program and has certainly improved my hip and shoulder mobility already.

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  273. Paul W.

    Paul W. (proprietário verificado)

    Informação de qualidade

    It’s simple and effective advice, well delivered and packaged in a user friendly format. What more could you ask for?
    You do need to set some time aside to watch and understand the video tutorials before starting them and to ensure the correct movement is achieved, but so far, it’s been a great program and has certainly improved my hip and shoulder mobility already.

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  274. Jayme B.

    Jayme B. (proprietário verificado)

    Programação pensativa!

    I’ve spent my career in movement coaching my clients and members of Equinox. When I can across surf strength I was excited to see a precise and specific method for surf demands where I could be coached! I started surfing later in life, through my own expertise and experience I trained to progress my fitness, yet this training puts it all in one app and makes it so easy and fun to use. I recommend it for all who desire a more mobile and dynamic life, in and out of the water. Thank you!

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  275. Adam K.

    Adam K. (proprietário verificado)

    Conteúdo imbatível para os surfistas

    The content and layout of this program are incredible. I am on week 2 and what I have noticed so far is that Chris is someone who cares deeply about precision and is able to demonstrate and articulate not only how to train the human body, but also why it’s important to do certain movements/stretches/exercises as it relates to surfing. The hidden gem in my opinion is the recovery section. It is so thorough that at first I was intimidated by it and felt like it was a bit over my head. But after spending an hour going through it one by one, I realized how simple he made it for an untrained guy like me to understand the anatomy and the movement needed to execute a solid recovery session. I was mostly excited for the strength aspect of this program but was not prepared for how awesome the stretching and tissue release segment would be.
    I have no real complaints – but I think there is room to make the user interface a little easier to use and see, for example making the reps text larger and to add a back button in case you accidentally click “next” while going through the workouts. All in all, I am 100% stoked on this program and I think the value is through the roof!

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  276. Jason M.

    Jason M. (proprietário verificado)

    Protocolo Respiratório

    Very beneficial for ma t this time. I had my hip joint replaced this morning. Birmingham procedure, creates a calmness and relaxes you. Highly recommended 🤙

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  277. Dave T.

    Dave T. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa de 12 semanas

    Since Ive been doing your training and the 12 wk Surf Athlete Prog I have definitely felt better overall. Im a reasonably fit 49 yr old weekend warrior and I think you have helped me find what was missing from my training. I gotta say, your stretching and explanations and the way you’ve packaged into an app has provided me more benefit than any physio Ive ever seen. Hey, I’m a vey critical fella and don’t give good feedback lightly!

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  278. Jason M.

    Jason M. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa final

    This has to be one of the best training programs I’ve come across. It gets you back on track on where you should be. All and all highly recommend.

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  279. Jesse P.

    Jesse P. (proprietário verificado)

    Ahh para ser móvel novamente..............

    Been looking into the Surf Athlete Program for a while not being sure to commit or not and just started doing some muscle release exercises. After a couple of stiff sore body sessions in a row, that was it, I’d had enough of being restricted! I was going to make the change and get some fluidity/mobility back. So far I have almost completed week 2 and I can feel the benefits in that my body is starting to feel looser especially in my problem areas. I have a long way to go but if this trend keeps up I’ll be super stoked and frothing like a grom again 🙂
    Cheers mate.

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  280. P K.

    P K. (proprietário verificado)

    Magia absoluta

    Yesterday, after a few month of the lockdown, I went to Berlin’s wavepool again for the first time. During the lockdown I used the program to stay in shape. But I couldnt forsee the result, its magic! Thanks to Cris’ program, my surfing got better in these terrible weeks even without spending any minute in the water. If I ever experienced magic, this was it! Thanks so much Cris

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  281. Micah F.

    Micah F. (proprietário verificado)

    Treinar como um atleta profissional

    This is a full-body training, that has me feeling like a pro athlete. Stronger and suppler, throughout the whole kinetic chain. Oh, and my surfing is better…. Stoked.

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  282. Shane B.

    Shane B. (proprietário verificado)

    É o verdadeiro negócio

    I was tentative signing up to this 12 week program, just thinking it may not suit me, but after starting I realised it really is specific to surf strength and every move goes to benefit my time in the water.

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  283. Roland M.

    Roland M. (proprietário verificado)

    Vale absolutamente cada dólar...

    After years of researching and doing halfhearted Trainings i finaly found it. This Programms are all realy efficent and beneficial for your Surfing…

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  284. Juan Diego Tato T.

    Juan Diego Tato T. (proprietário verificado)

    100% recomedado .Healer!

    Started the program 3 weeks ago, is great! Make me feel better, with more energy. Can´t wait to go surf.

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  285. Adam M.

    Adam M. (proprietário verificado)


    This program is by far the most concise, effective, and functional program I have ever had the privilege of participating in. There are so many gimmicky products on the market and this is NOT one of them. Kudos to Coach Cris for creating such an outstanding comprehensive program! I highly recommend any of his products. You won’t be disappointed!

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  286. Mcdoug M.

    Mcdoug M. (proprietário verificado)

    Não me arrependo de me inscrever, este curso é óptimo!

    I was hesitant to pull the trigger on signing up as I have tried similar things and been disappointed, but I am glad I did! I followed the blog for a while and really liked the way Cris presents things and the kind of things he talked about so figured I would give it a go. The thing I like most about this is that there has been a lot of thought, research, and testing put into it before it was put out there. So many surf training videos are just standard workout classes with “surf” put in the title. This is different, firstly the foundation behind the workouts is really well explained providing context, the movements are relevant to surfing (loads of exercises I had never heard of before!) and the workouts are balanced, with stretches, core work, cardio, breath work etc. Really enjoying this, the nice thing is you don’t need much equipment at all.

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  287. Richard G.

    Richard G. (proprietário verificado)

    Desbloquear 15 anos de confusão!

    It’s brilliant! The fundamentals of surfing presented in a straight forward way. So many eureka moments already! The breakdown of fundamental movement patterns explained clearly with great video links. Once Chris takes you through the pop up and importance of hand / body posture you will never look back!

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  288. christian de roia D.

    christian de roia D. (proprietário verificado)

    O MELHOR dinheiro gasto

    honestly I am loving the program. You can tell that it is made with so much heart and honesty. The amount of training and videos in this program will last me a lifetime, I am already seeing an improvement and am more flexible. Cant wait to hit the water this summer after all of this training! 100% recommendable!

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  289. Peter L.

    Peter L. (proprietário verificado)

    Formação Profissional Integral

    As a german Physiotherapist I can say that the Surf Athlete Program by Chris is a nice allround concept of athletic strength, coordination, mobility and recovery. Its all meant to lead to better surf skills, but because of the allround concept and the detailed description of exercises it is also a physiotherapeutic like training concept for everybody. You don’t often find trainings online that are focused that much on technical execution. So if you need something that kicks your ass…do freeletics and try to recover your injuries by yourself 😉 But if you want to see useful progress of increasing your all-day-fitness and at the same time strengthen your base for surfing, try this! Nice professional variety of training exercises.

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  290. Jean Carlo Q.

    Jean Carlo Q. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande Programa!

    Has really helped me find out in which areas I am lacking strength and/or mobility. Cris provides clear and thorough explanation for each exercise and for all levels. Really recommend it for off-season training.

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  291. Cody M.

    Cody M. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Atleta para maior flexibilidade

    Great series of videos and lectures from Cris that help with movement and flexibility. Thanks!

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  292. Conall D.

    Conall D. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Programa de Atletas = Sucesso

    Chris leaves you with no doubt what is required for holistic health in terms of the art of surfing; this program is well laid out, easy to follow and introduces a fresh approach to “fitness” that will benefit all surfers; regardless of experience (and bad habits)…
    Been following Chris for a long time; it great to be able to purchase his mind for so little 🙂

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  293. Richard Barker B.

    Richard Barker B. (proprietário verificado)

    Qualidade ao longo de

    Very impressed with the wrap around nature of this program and Cris’ obvious enthusiasm for his cause! Only 3 weeks into the Surf Athlete program and I am yet to fault it – applicable, practical and targeted. Yet to get stuck into the Cardboard surfer but even from perusing the videos I am already thinking about the movements when in the water which is half the battle no doubt!

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  294. Joe L.

    Joe L. (proprietário verificado)

    Os programas são fantásticos!

    The knowledge and information shared in his programs are invaluable and truly helped me gain perspective on the importance of mobility and strength training as they apply to surfing, and really on just being more fit in general. I realized the benefits from his training within the first few weeks and I know I’ll use these techniques for as long as I can. Amazing and well worth the price!

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  295. Shawn H.

    Shawn H. (proprietário verificado)

    Faça-o e surf melhor

    This program is aces. Comprehensive but easy to follow and understand. Cris covers it all: mobility + strength + endurance.

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  296. Natalie Beier B.

    Natalie Beier B. (proprietário verificado)

    Simplesmente perfeito

    I had a free trial of the program first and was really impressed with the quality and well thought structure of the exercises. No-nonsense approach, no chitty-chatty bla bla, straight to the point, concise and precise – that’s how I like it! I’m not an expert in body movement physiology or physiotherapy but I have a medical and anatomical background and you can clearly see that Cris knows his stuff. On top of that I was surprised how user-friendly his app is – I can easily click through the parts that I need, track my progress (my pop up program had some bugs in the beginning though) and I love having a visual overview with thumbnails of my circuits and just click through them instead of scrolling back and forth through a long video with redundant information like I’ve experienced in other programs. That really appealed to me and during lockdown I finally made the purchase of a package plus the cardboard surfer – after 3 weeks of structured training (alternating between the surf athlete and the pop up program whilst implementing some technique of the cardboard surfer) and being back to work as a doctor and busy mum of two small children I must say that I can’t rate this program high enough! I get up early to do my workout before work and I’m looking forward to it the evening before already, no matter how tired I am – that has never happened before with any other workout programs. I can feel the benefits already, I’m feeling flexible and supple, not stiff anymore and I love the fact that I “feel” the effects of a full training in my muscles on the day after yet not being exhausted or worn out. I can’t wait to see how all those benefits might translate into the water, but I think I can’t go without this program and the app anyway. I’m so happy that I finally found my perfect fitness routine! Thanks , Cris!

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  297. Shayna N.

    Shayna N. (proprietário verificado)

    I’m loving this program! Even after just a few weeks, my mobility has drastically improved and I overall feel so much better than before. The explanations and focus of each exercise are incredibly beneficial. I’m looking forward to taking this to the water!

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  298. Matt L.

    Matt L. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa espantoso

    Recommend the Surf Athlete so highly. After 4 weeks I move better, feel better and surf better.

    Hope to go on a men’s trip with Cris in the future to learn more

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  299. Michael Stoten S.

    Michael Stoten S.

    Perfeito para os surfistas!

    Bought the package deal a few weeks ago and I’m super stoked. The program builds really well and actually has my pop up getting better (ive surfed for 30 years but injuries had me struggling and not wanting tobsurf). This program is full of detail and great surf-related moves. Cris is also really fast to respond to emails. 5 Star!

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  300. Steven H.

    Steven H. (proprietário verificado)


    Chilled, effective and fun, feeling the benefits already!

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  301. James M.

    James M. (proprietário verificado)

    Bem montado

    The program and exercises are excellent for training for surf. I bought the previous program before the app was developed and even though that program was great too, the simplicity and ease of the app set up with the new program is so much easier to follow and keep up with which means I’m more likely to stick with it. Great program and looking forward to the rest.

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  302. Felipe P.

    Felipe P. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf programa de atletismo

    It’s an incredible training program. I am thrilled with the exercises, they are simple to do and very well explained to do it right. It’s a challenging program that progress through the weeks. You certainly improve your mobility range and core strength.
    Completely recommended if you really want to move your surf to the next level.

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  303. Sergio L.

    Sergio L. (proprietário verificado)

    Conteúdo completo e detalhado

    The program is well structured and the information is precise and detailed. Highly recommended!!!

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  304. Sam P.

    Sam P. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande conteúdo

    Can clearly see that Cris has spent years on all the research and I think he’s done an awesome job in condensing it all into the surf strength coach app. Provides a great structure and base to stick to in terms of training and mobility around you surfing ! Thanks heaps Cris .

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  305. Howard D.

    Howard D. (proprietário verificado)

    criativo, abrangente e profissional

    Having been a healthcare professional for more than 30 years I am familiar with the material Cris has layed out in his program. No doubt, Cris has done his homework and presented a well organised, comprehensive training. My confidence level has gotten a much needed boost as I prepare for an upcoming surf trip. I especially appreciate the personable, open-hearted encouragement offered in his commentary. Thank you Cris!

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  306. Donte W.

    Donte W. (proprietário verificado)


    Loads of good info and it has help my flexibility improve heaps. Which has helped my surfing

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  307. Eileen T.

    Eileen T. (proprietário verificado)

    Excelente conteúdo

    This is a quality program to improve your physical and mental approach to surfing. Highly recommended

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  308. Mindi R.

    Mindi R. (proprietário verificado)

    Força Abrangente-Surf Programa de Formação TRABALHOS

    If you’ve been looking for a system of movements and training to follow on land to prepare for your surf time, this is THE app to get. The experience has been transformative, especially the instructional videos throughout the various programs that tell you exactly why you’re doing what you’re doing, discovering your limitations, and using your training to work on those. The most insightful videos for me were around fixing the popup. I’ve watched dozens of other tutorials on the popup, but this one hits home and helped me (finally) discover what I’ve been doing wrong in my first 40 surfing sessions to date. After watching the video, I understood what it means to be fluid and what my back foot/leg should look like. I’m excited to get further into the Surf Athlete Program.

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  309. Simone M.

    Simone M. (proprietário verificado)

    Melhoria da aptidão física

    Started surfing 1,5 years ago. Sadly most of the time I’m landlocked and have not the possibilities to enter the water. Started with the strechtching program and now I’m into the pop up program since the next surftrip is coming. Huge improvement in mobility and flexibility and got to now some new workouts. Perfect in combination with my other endurance sports I’m already in. Can highly recommend it :).

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  310. Richard G.

    Richard G. (proprietário verificado)

    Surafar e sentir-se melhor do que nunca!

    Started with the Pop-up program and now on to the Surf Athlete program. Huge improvement in mobility. I’m in my late 30’s surfing smaller boards and bigger waves with more confidence than ever. Highly Recommend!

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  311. Nota B.

    Bill B. (proprietário verificado)


    I have a surf trip coming up in about six months and I live in an area where I cannot surf very often. I need to get in shape . Right now, I’m in week three of the 12 week surf program and it has been fantastic. I look forward to doing the workouts each week. There are so many small exercises in each workout, it keeps you motivated and before you know it, the workout is over. I am really enjoying doing this program each week.

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  312. Ian Kilcoyne K.

    Ian Kilcoyne K. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande programa

    Great program, gradual and specific … Clear and easy to follow

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  313. Mike R.

    Mike R. (proprietário verificado)

    Exelente aplicação e programa de formação

    I am nearly through Phase 1 of the program and I am already noticing huge changes to my surfing and general health. Great variety to the work outs and plenty of additional content to keep you motivated. Looking forward to a taking all of this training and techniques into my Telos surf trip in a couple of months!

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  314. Inigo G.

    Inigo G. (proprietário verificado)

    Conselhos radicais, como diria Cris.

    Cris is making good and valuable stuff that requires your focus and hard work in a holistic way. He offers no-nonsense, no-miracle-techniques, and no instant-magic-awakening of your hidden god-of-surfing. Just a lifetime path of learning.

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  315. William A.

    William A. (proprietário verificado)

    12 Surf O programa da Semana do Atleta é óptimo!

    Just got back from a week long trip to Nicaragua after finishing the Surf Athlete Training Program. Paddling strength and endurance was much improved. Caught more waves. Paddled harder. Hurt less. Couldn’t be happier. Can’t wait to keep it up for the next trip!

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  316. philowen o.

    philowen o. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande Ajuda à Formação para o Envelhecimento do Surfista!

    I love the easy to follow programmes and videos

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  317. Brian S.

    Brian S. (proprietário verificado)

    grande aplicação para surfistas!

    Well done app full of great info and well laid out .

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  318. Michael S.

    Michael S. (proprietário verificado)


    I really like the diversity in this workout and it covers so many aspects of surftraining, stretches, breathing and just generally movements. Great work 😃🤙🏽

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  319. Ian S.

    Ian S. (proprietário verificado)

    Bom material!!

    I went through this program for 3 months and I believe it really helped my surf technique. This coupled with some work on a surf skate board made lots of difference. Many of my surf mentors and buddies noticed me being able to move a little more fluidly on waves.

    You gotta put in the work. But the program progresses nicely. And your body adapts slow and steady. And now I maintain doing the advance workouts weekly.

    I definitely recommend it!

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  320. alexandra k.

    alexandra k. (proprietário verificado)

    Profundo e profissional

    This program provides professional training exercises and information . I come from the health business my self and I’m impressed by the profound knowledge that stands behind all of that.
    At the moment I’m surfing in Brasil and I use the worm up bevor the session and it feels like Heven for my back!
    I highly recommend the program. It is fun and it works!

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  321. Heath N.

    Heath N. (proprietário verificado)

    Fundamentalmente mudou o meu surf e a minha saúde

    I am so inspired by Chris and everything he does so I may be a little biased. Let me just say I went into the Surf Athlete Program app with high expectations and they have been surpassed. Chris has managed to keep up the intensity and keep me engaged with the app. That is good because if you stick with it the mechanics of the exercises will absolutely change the way you surf. I’m in Phase 2 right now. In Phase 1, I came away feeling stronger, more flexible and with more stability in my core. Now I’m in Phase 2 and I’m seeing the improvements show up in how I surf and paddle. A recent session here in San Diego involved a lot of paddling. I paddled until I was absolutely spent. Afterward, I was more sore in different areas of my central back, instead of all in my chest and arms. This was a result of using a more effective posture while paddling, and this more effective posture was a result of the work I had done with the app. The program is worth the investment in time and money. Thanks Chris for all you do and being such a professional!

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  322. Elan Freedberg

    Elan Freedberg

    Basta fazer isto!

    Cris continues upping his own training game, making it easier for all of us to stay in surf shape regardless of how many times a week we’re able to paddle out. This is the second course I’m doing with Cris, and the fact that it’s now app-enabled makes it super-simple to do as well as to track progress. Work out with Cris on your mobile device or tablet and you’ll get more flexible, stronger, smarter, and healthier. A final word: Cris has always made himself available and responds quickly to any questions or worries I’ve had. If you’re looking for a fitness program tailored for the needs of surfers, you should definitely check this one out!

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  323. Lucas W.

    Lucas W. (proprietário verificado)


    Wanted to give 6 stars but couldn’t. Can’t say how much I love this surf program/programs they have help me not just in my surfing but I’m feeling better in everyday life from the surf athlete program to the breathing, the flow work and paddle training. I’ve started combining them all now and I’ve never felt better.
    Chris really knows his stuff and I feel he’s just a stoked guy who really wants to help guys surf there best. Cheers

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  324. Aimee H.

    Aimee H. (proprietário verificado)

    O programa de 12 semanas é um vencedor

    The 12 week program is great and constant improvements are being made to app functionality. The workouts cover strength and flexibility and provide a complete all round workout. Just choose a later week to start on if you want something more advanced. Videos are really well done and clearly explain how to maintain the correct form.

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  325. ryan b.

    ryan b. (proprietário verificado)

    Excelente recurso

    I am on week 3 and really enjoying the app. It’s exactly what I needed where I get programs and easy to follow. I also like you really don’t need a lot of machines and now looking at building a gym in my garage and quitting my gym. I just need a spin bike and with the beach pool just down the street i can get my cardio in.

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  326. Reitor B.

    Dean B. (proprietário verificado)

    Adorando o Programa de Atletas Surf !!

    My training has taken on a whole new dimension thanks to Cris, the Surf Athlete Program and the Surf Strength Coach App!! The attention to technique combined with the app have enabled me to learn heaps and get much more benefit during my exercise time. With limited spare time, this has been a huge gain for me.

    Four weeks into this program, and my training has improved to a whole new level, where my mind and body are getting stronger and I’m becoming incredibly more flexible. I hadn’t surfed for a while until last week when I went for a paddle in small conditions and blew my mind with the ease at which I caught my first wave, stoop up, and surfed it all the way in. I’m very excited to continue this journey. Thanks heaps Cris!!

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  327. Jim N.

    Jim N. (proprietário verificado)

    Desbloqueio do meu corpo

    Over the past several years I have tried several programs to improve my surfing mobility. I am 48 and spent many years lifting heavy weights and following a strict strength training routine. I neglected mobility and flexibility for the most part and also developed weaknesses that I was unaware of.
    As a result my surfing has suffered and in particular I have battled restriction of movement along with associated injuries which have gotten pretty bad over the last several years. My whole body has been pretty locked up and was getting worse and worse. My biggest struggles have been with Kyphosis and anterior pelvic tilt from too much desk time, improper training and overall neglect. This has negatively affected my ability to function efficiently in the water.
    After only one month doing the full routine along with the separate pop-up program I am already beginning to feel my body open up. Paddling is improving and my pop-up is night and day. I didn’t remember how easy and effortless it could be! I still have a long way to go, but I have confidence that the program will get me there. The information and detail in the program is excellent! Give it your 100% and the reward will follow. The program is great for surfing, but also great for your overall mobility for life.

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  328. Dhia B.

    Dhia B. (proprietário verificado)


    A m a great fan of the ap . Lots of updates and the results are there . product made with passion

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  329. Trent M.

    Trent M. (proprietário verificado)

    Vale muito mais do que custa

    Cris’s work is excellent, and he froths on sharing his knowledge with others. Great explanations with videos for every exercise, and he uses minimal props so you can do it just about anytime and anywhere. I’ve had huge improvement in range of motion, and improvement in the water – despite me not being able to do it as often as I would like with a heavy work schedule.
    Workouts with a focus on regaining proper functional movement specifically designed for surfers, with post surf recovery techniques and exercises. Constantly being updated with more content. If you surf, you need to get into this.

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  330. frederic S.

    frederic S. (proprietário verificado)

    Surf Brilhante aplicação de formação

    Been following Chris for quite a while on line and loved the videos on training , stretch etc.. The app takes it to another level by offering great programs for all the aspect of surfing that you would like to improve. I am a part time Life Guard so still in good shape for a middle aged man but the app training program helps me keep me in shape and improved my surfing. Great app strongly recommend all programs to anyone who wants to push the boundaries a little bit. Frederic

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  331. Abbas E.

    Abbas E. (proprietário verificado)

    Benefícios da aplicação

    I have been doing this training for three weeks now and the dynamic flow was a bit annoying and hard at start as I wasn’t understanding their benefits but now I see how it is helping me in terms of mobility and flexibility!
    The app is really amazing and my backside have been improving without even realising it thanks to all the exercices
    Thanks again!

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  332. Jenny Beesley b.

    Jenny Beesley b. (proprietário verificado)

    Really enjoying using the app. The programs are easy to follow, with great instructional videos. I really like the fact that many workouts use minimal equipment. Makes it easy to use them on the road, when you don’t have a full squat rack/weights room set-up easily available. Plus the vids are downloadable, too.
    And Cris is always updating content on the other programs available via the app.
    Very happy with this investment in my surfing – one hundred percent worth the money.

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  333. Kirra P.

    Kirra P. (proprietário verificado)

    Uma aplicação fantástica!!!

    The 12 week surf athlete training program is fantastic. It’s very well designed with gradual progressions once you’ve mastered the foundations. Clear explanations video instructions make it easy to follow. I’ve been after this type of training regime that will positively enhance my surfing rather. I love the dynamic flow warm-ups incorporating specific movement and breath work. Highly recommended any of Chri’s stuff always well worth the money.

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  334. Rob F.

    Rob F. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande programa!

    This program is awesome and has been an amazing Companion piece to my training after completing Pt post meniscus surgery. I recommend Cris most highly!

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  335. Mark L.

    Mark L. (proprietário verificado)

    Os Programas a 10!

    Cris’s knowledge of the human body and how it can move athletically, is another level. The program caters for all levels, quickly highlighting the individual’s biomechanical and physiological strengths and weaknesses. Cris teaches you to be mindful of your circumstance. His holistic approach in the program encourages and enables the user to move more freely. Moving freely helps a closer connection with the ocean. Free flowing movement, to surf with strength, flow and grace is my goal. It’s epic.
    A frothing 58 yr old

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  336. Rudolf S.

    Rudolf S. (proprietário verificado)

    grande aplicação, grandes treinos!

    The 12 week Surf Athlete Training Program has really pushed my surfing. As it a very holistic, full body program it delivers huge benefits not only for surfing. The free stuff you can find within the app is rad too

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  337. Mike C.

    Mike C. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande Programa

    This app is great. Fills in the blanks on days where this is no surf. Plus feels totally applicable for getting healthier for surfing.

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  338. jim a.

    jim a. (proprietário verificado)

    Demasiado bom!

    been looking for movements that Cris provides In the app for years. Have gotten the pop up program, app and osp and over the last two years and my surfing has really progressed.

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  339. Alicia K.

    Alicia K. (proprietário verificado)

    Fantástica aplicação!

    This app is awesome because Cris is the master of explanation. He gives you all the information you need to feel confident in what you are doing. And the breath work section is exceptional.

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  340. Mo G.

    Mo G. (proprietário verificado)

    Forma divertida e eficaz de melhorar a sua condição física e consequentemente o seu surf

    You can really tell that Cris has dedicated his life to surfing, health and fitness. He is incredibly knowledgable and has a very motivating way of communicating (just check out some of his YouTube to get an idea). The Surf Athlete program is a structured and progressive way to get into the best shape of your life and prepare your body for surfing. The series of videos and exercises are professionally recorded and very well explained. The app is constantly improving and easy to navigate. I’m currently about half way through the program and I’ve noticeably improved my flexibility and core strength by now – and I paddle stronger than ever and have a more dynamic pop-up as a result.
    As an additional bonus, the section on breathing is really interesting and has some good exercises as well… But if you have a good breathing practice (from yoga or free diving), you probably won’t learn anything groundbreaking on that topic. Still, really great stuff!

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  341. Joel P.

    Joel P. (proprietário verificado)

    The whole program is designed to help you surf better, and also help improve your pop-up. I am in-land so I don’t get much wave time, so these exercises and stretches help when I do get surf time. I also like his functional assessments, to see where the focus needs to be.

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  342. Justin M. R.

    Justin M. R. (proprietário verificado)

    Melhor Formação de Surf Online - De longe!

    I’ve always been on the hunt for a good surf training program. I live in the Washington, DC metro area, so getting to waves is a difficult task, and surf is good only in the very cold months. Consequently, I’ve always been in need of a training program to keep up my paddle strength. First, there just were no programs out there. I found Chris Mills a long time ago, from watching youtube videos.
    When he first made a video program to purchase, I jumped on the program. This Surf Strength Coach program and application is the culmination of a lot of great work that is now in a fantastic product.

    Chris’ instruction is always clear and concise. He targets exactly what you need and shows alternative movements. He stresses form, which is always a hallmark of a good coach. Finally, a REAL surfing program.

    This program is worth every penny! Thanks Chris for the years of instruction and for finally making this program and app.

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  343. Kristine B.

    Kristine B. (proprietário verificado)

    I first heard about Surf Strength Coach by searching for some exercises specifically for surfers and Surf Strength Coach videos kept coming up. The videos were easy to follow and exactly what I was trying to find. This led me to discovering the Surf Strength Coach website and getting the program. Cris has a comprehensive program that is inclusive of surfers of all abilities and I find the app is fantastic to follow and really motivating. It takes out the guessing and it’s truly like having a private coach working with you on the fundamentals. I have already learned a ton from starting the program and can’t wait to continue with my training!

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  344. Greg H.

    Greg H. (proprietário verificado)

    I’m glad I bought this. I’ve learned a lot and really enjoy the way Cris has put this together. I add this to the other training that I do, and it really helps me reduce tightness and keeps me limber. And, Cris’ tips have really helped when I’ve implemented them while surfing. For someone who has surfed more than 30 years, I’m stoked on the additional progress I’m making and how I’m able to still pull multi-hour sessions.

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  345. Vincent d.

    Vincent d. (proprietário verificado)

    encaixa perfeitamente no meu modo de vida

    when you get older (49) you have to do all this to be able to continue surfing. Especially surfing with confidence, strenght and mindsetTo prevent injuries or to cope as they do now. I have an MCL sprain. I was in good paddle condition and I don’t want to lose this. My plan is to follow it here and also learn some extra tricks (when is it online?)the surf atlhlete training program is so good to fit into your life and especially into your surfing life. I feel fitter, stronger and more confident and follow the extra info about food, podcasts etc, to know more and to learn more.its good stuff.I will be fully committed to the surfing program and hopefully in a better state than before my injury.Cris.if you have some tips for my recovery let me now please.I need to buy a brace for surfing,you now some good ones.Thxs

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  346. Jon A.

    Jon A. (proprietário verificado)

    Muy buen programa!

    Muy buen programa que te permite mejorar tu estado físico de manera funcional, preparándote para aprovechar al máximo las mejores sesiones en el mar. Buen trabajo!

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  347. Scott Barnes B.

    Scott Barnes B. (proprietário verificado)

    Started surfing in my mid 30’s and love the sport, I found myself struggling to pop up correctly and move around freely.
    Now in my early 40’s I recently signed up to the surf strength coach 12 week challenge.
    My hips and lower back are starting to move the way they should again, I have more energy and my pop up has improved, i’m surfing better than I ever have.
    It is the perfect surf fitness program.
    Thanks Cris awesome program.

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  348. Mitch P.

    Mitch P. (proprietário verificado)

    This program is legit! Surfer or not it will get you moving and feeling better for the rest of your life. Super easy to follow along with the videos and lots of extras as well. The exercises are high quality and focus on form and function. Cris is awesome and is always willing to answer questions and help out. I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time and am stoked I found it!

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  349. THIERRY O.

    THIERRY O. (proprietário verificado)

    Oportunidade fantástica

    I did the surf athlete training. Amazing results in terms of flexibility, core, strength…. I never stayed that long in the water, so I could take more waves. Moreover, I am much more confident now… I can try things I never tried before. It’s really indredible…. If you want to improve your physical capacity for better/longer surfing, do it…. no doubt. But one thing, be patient at the beginning, it does not come that fast, keep going weeks after weeks. Then …. comme back in the water…. Waouuuuuh….. Really, GO

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  350. Gary Crocker C.

    Gary Crocker C. (proprietário verificado)

    Se não consegui planear, então planeei falhar

    Let me explain. I’ve been surfing almost non stop since 1968 and although I went through periods of hitting the gym to “up my game”, aging never stops, injuries became more frequent and harder recoveries even more so. I stumbled upon Cris’s Surf Strength Coach programs back in 2013 and dealing with minor injuries, I incorporated some of the free tips and movements into my workouts making up my routine as I went. All good so I thought. Fast forward two years Sept 2015 and another injury but this one was something different. I broke my neck and was out of the water for a year. Out of shape, limited movement, fatter than I’ve ever been. Nothing moved like it should. Not just my neck but everything…. back, legs, shoulders you name it. Just a mad circle of constant setbacks. So back to the gym right? Incorporate some of my “free” tips and movements right? But things did not progress as I expected. I mentioned age and was beginning to think that maybe it’s getting the upper hand and just maybe my lifelong surf journey was ending. I’ve had a lot of time to think about this so what was missing? Was I doing something wrong? What is the plan to get my body moving? It’s obvious that my self made “plan” was not working and if I was to continue to be a surfer and move like one I need to have a plan and follow it. So as a birthday present to myself and a commitment to progressing, I purchased the Surf Athlete program. I have to say this program is spot on. In the first week alone I realized the depth of neglect my body has endured by not having a plan focussed on flexibility, movement and strength. It’s just plain awesome that I really don’t need to go to a gym and I can still get totally worked. The phone app (which is perfect) and an open spot to move and a plan is all that’s needed. It’s what I needed. The journey continues. Thanks Cris

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  351. Johannes B.

    Johannes B. (proprietário verificado)

    Desde 2012

    Started to leech Cris free videos on YouTube in the beginning. Bought my first training program in 2012 called STS (Surf Training Success). Back then it was all about PDFs. Been hammering that program ever since but thought it was time to get into a new program. Surf Athlete Training Program is an app in my phone with videos, feels like Cris is in the gym with me guiding me through. No more PDFs.

    This is a extremely well formated and solid program. I do not regret one cent spending on this program, nor the STS program. Loving the term “prehab” by the way. Ever since the STS program I have been getting funny looks at the gym performing some of the drills. Six years later look who’s laughing – pain free, strong & mobile.

    Looking forward to get to the next level with this program.

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  352. Samuele F.

    Samuele F. (proprietário verificado)

    Caminho do surf.

    You can join the gym and follow a generic program, but if you want to progress in surfing, Chris has all the tips. He is a professional and enthusiast. Money well spent!

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  353. lucas p.

    lucas p. (proprietário verificado)


    Great program. I had a knee injury and I used it to be fit again for surfing. I was able to be surfing again, and with a higher level of strenght.
    Chris is also available for questions and doubts during the training journey. Highly recommended!

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  354. Susan J.

    Susan J. (proprietário verificado)

    Finalmente um programa que é LEGIT

    Been following along with the content Cris has been putting out since I started surfing 7-8 years ago and always end up coming back for more. There is SO much BS in the health and fitness world, I feel like this program has gotten it figured out. While other programs might briefly hit one or two important subjects, this program is well rounded from the importance of breath, recovery, mobility, injury prevention, etc. The guy is all about learning, growing and progression for himself and everyone he comes into contact with. I find myself constantly recommending his content to fellow surfers and any athletes really that are seeking legit health and enhancement of their performance. I have finally figured out some ongoing injuries and gained confidence that I can charge without an exceeded risk of injury. I couldn’t be more grateful.. Cris is an absolute legend and an inspiration on so many levels. This app is an awesome life hack for anyone interested in true health, well being and kicking ass in the meantime.

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  355. Matt P.

    Matt P. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa específico para desportos espectaculares

    Love this app, been following Cris for some time and he puts out the best content. Not only do the programs help improve your surfing but it carries over to everything else. So much up to date and exclusive detail, the instruction in the videos are top notch. The dynamic movement and stretches are worth their weight in gold. Highly recommend this program.

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  356. William M.

    William M. (proprietário verificado)

    Regresso ao alinhamento após cirurgia ao ombro.

    In the last 3 years I’ve had surgery on both shoulders for torn rotator cuff muscles. Recently started using your program to improve my pop ups which as you can imagine have become very sloppy. As I write this review I’m in Lombok and thanks to the strengthening and mobility protocols I’m back surfing as well as or better than before. Keep up the good work.
    Cheers William

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  357. r. matthew.

    matthew r. (proprietário verificado)

    Really enjoying the program. I’ve noticed a sustainable improvement in both my surfing and general fitness and flexibility. The specificity of the program is great, especially aiming to increase joint mobility under load, rather than a standard stretching program.
    Cheers Matt

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  358. Nick L.

    Nick L. (proprietário verificado)

    Um programa de bem-estar surpreendente e abrangente

    The app is an amazing tool for anyone interested in increasing performance, both in terms of technical development and sustained health and longevity. You need to take care of yourself if you hope to surf at a high level into your 30s, 40s and beyond; Chris Mills knows his stuff, clearly has done his research, and has laid out clear and well organized plans for keeping your body fit and moving well.

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  359. Jay Z.

    Jay Z. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande produto

    I have surfed for over 20 years along the way I have paid for lessons and have been to several surf camps. Nothing even comes close to the instructional videos and demonstrations from Cris.

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  360. Fabian K.

    Fabian K. (proprietário verificado)

    I finished phase 1 now and I’m in to the basic of the programm… feel already some progress and I’m excited to go on with the training! It’s fun too… let’s start!!

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  361. Scott F.

    Scott F. (proprietário verificado)


    Cris has put together an amazing package to cater for both the seasoned trainer and absolute newbie.
    I’ve been regularly training for twenty years and have been a trainer and coach for the past ten.
    Do yourself a favour and jump on board!

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  362. ANDREW S.

    ANDREW S. (proprietário verificado)


    Love the stuff Chris puts together for an everyday hacker like myself to feel more flexible and more confident in various levels of surf. I’m sharing the Stoke with all my mates who don’t get to surf enough

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  363. Aleksander S.

    Aleksander S. (proprietário verificado)

    For the first time, I feel that my gym workouts make sense! Not only am I getting stronger, but my body moves and feels better. 6 weeks into the program, I know I’m gonna be prepared for my next surf trip. Keep up the great work, Cris!

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  364. Brian C.

    Brian C. (proprietário verificado)

    This program is great! I have been able to go down in volume my boards… and my 6mm winter suit doesn’t feel like a hinderance any more. Why wasn’t this available 20 years ago:P

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  365. Evan B.

    Evan B. (proprietário verificado)

    Ajudou-me a ficar forte e móvel

    Loved the program, I’m a kite boarder and couldn’t find anything that would translate well. Love how much functional and mobility work is built in. In 3 months I felt my body change and I was visibly more confident on the water. Can’t wait to see what programs be builds next.

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  366. James D.

    James D. (proprietário verificado)

    Empurrar para o futuro

    Every year brings added aches and pains. When you’re in your 20’s and 30’s these changes appear subtile and inconsequential. Once we stagger into our 40’s and beyond, the changes are more noticeable and impactful to overall health. Realizing you’re going through these changes is critical in ensuring you remain healthy and active for the years ahead. Knowing how to extend your bodies functionality is critical. The Surf Strength Coach program delivers on all accounts. It addresses the importance of pliability and flexibility to one’s surfing. It focuses on the key strength muscles needed for each surf session. As a 70 year old surfer, I find Cris’ instruction to be doable and totally applicable to my surfing capability. Cris also encourages direct communications between himself and the client to capitalize on his knowledge and the client’s desire to improve. Growing old gracefully is not an option without dedicating the time and effort to counter the bodies desire to essentially digress into old age. The saying “use it or lose it” sadly has a critical impetus on surfers as we age. We must be able to identify with certainty those parts of our bodies that need special focus for rehab and enhancement as we age. In addition, an overall exercise program that keeps us limber and strong helps us to stroll into the golden years of surfing with minimum suffering — both physical and mental. Cris’ program accomplishes this on all levels. Well recommended !

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  367. Susanne N.

    Susanne N. (proprietário verificado)

    Um enorme recurso não só para os surfistas

    Since I got lazy the last year, I started the program. It is well structured, easy to follow and it offers something for everybody. Unfortunately I injured my knee badly and had to switch to rehap 🙁 but the breathing programm is still a great resource & got me back on the Wim Hof method as well. I still have a-3-months-break to go and I happy to start over again.

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  368. Jorge R.

    Jorge R. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa Incrível

    I started seen results right away, a lot of movements that I neglected for a long time. The new app is great, very organized, making it easier to follow the workouts. The instructional videos are awesome to have in the app to use while doing the workouts. This is a game changer.

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  369. Greg C.

    Greg C. (proprietário verificado)

    I have purchased a few apps from Surf Strength Coach and added the Surf Athlete Training Program a few months ago. It is a great program which focuses in detail on training for surfers. I am a middle aged shortboarder and since using Surf Athlete Training Program my pop ups are quicker and I am more dynamic in the water. I would recommend bundling the Surf Athlete Training Program with the Stretches for Surfers for the best results, a combo of fitness with mobility.

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  370. Mattia A.

    Mattia A. (proprietário verificado)

    I have just started but I really like the program, there are a lot of specific surfing exercises and every time I can’t wait to train. It’s the program I was looking for! Thanks so much!

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  371. Don H.

    Don H. (proprietário verificado)

    Programa sólido

    This training program is great. Unfortunately, I got about 1/2 way through and my 30 year back issue flared up (unrelated to the surf program). I’m now back at it, starting over, but found it is a really good for progressing through my recovery. The app is decent, the workouts and movements are clear and concise. Looking forward to getting back in the water!

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  372. Carl C.

    Carl C.

    I’m a middle aged beginner trying to pick up where I left off about ten years ago. I’m working through the Surf Athlete Training program and it’s great. It’s helping me in the water as well as out. The increased mobility has actually sorted out back pain issues that I’d been having as a result of too much time sitting in front of a screen. I’ve gotten so much out of this program.

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  373. Matej P.

    Matej P. (proprietário verificado)

    I’ve been having back pain issues for quite a while, tried a lot of different programs etc., but this one did it for me. Not only you get a surf training you never knew you needed, but you get to increase your overall mobility, body control, strength, all in one. I dont go on surf trips as often as I would like, but man, can’t wait for the next one. Thanks Cris!

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  374. Mariano Ponce

    Mariano Ponce (proprietário verificado)

    Been surfing for a long while and was not able to step up my game until I started training with this program. Not only I feel more confident, but I have the capacity to surf better and be ready for when the swell comes. Stoked level has gone up and I am so thankful for the teachings from Cris!

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Surf Athlete Programa de Treino

(373 comentários)   4976 surfers