Bodyweight Surf Athlete

12 Semanas

Constroí o melhor físico possível e Arrasa no teu Máximo potencial

Acompanha todos os nossos treinos e nunca mais vais precisar de entrar num ginásio

(66 reviews)   2174 surfers


Surf é Movimento.
Quanto melhor te moves,
Melhor Surfas.

Torna-te mais Forte,e mais Flexível,e Move-te Melhor no Surf
Este programa irá melhorar a tua técnica no conforto da tua própria casa, irá melhorar o teu surf e vais poder finalmente "sentir" o que é um bom surf.
Move-te e Treina como um "Aquaman"
Treinos, Rotinas de alongamento, & Breathwork.... Desenvolvido para os Watermen e Waterwomen, & aqueles Guerreiros de Fim-de-Semana que querem sentir-se como um Waterman!
Movimenta-te Fluidamente, treina Intensivamente, Alonga Eficientemente
O pico de desempenho é mental, físico, e emocional. Constrói a confiança e a capacidade física.


Alcança o teu Pico de Desempenho Físico, Melhora a tua Confiança e Energia dentro de água  sem nunca ter de pôr os pés num ginásio! Melhoria do Surf e da Longevidade através de Métodos de Treino Comprovados. Adequado para surfistas de todos os níveis, este programa irá proporcionar-te resultados que irás sentir na água, melhorar a longevidade e durabilidade do teu surf, e ajudar-te a ter um Surf perfeito !



Maior Flexibilidade, Resistência Infindável,Mais Força, Saúde Articular e Treino de Respiração


DESDE Principiante a Avançado


3-4 dias por semana 


NENHUMA, Apenas O Desejo de Melhorar!

A tua saúde + o teu desempenho =
A tua capacidade de surfar

Restaura a Tua Saúde e Boa Forma

Como se sente o seu corpo no surf? Sente-se leve, fluido e rápido? É capaz de surf desde que o deseje? Ou o seu corpo é o limitador? Tem dificuldades com os seus pop-ups.... Anca rígida!? Será que a tua resistência a remar desapareceu... será que te tornaste um linguado?!


Isto NÃO é treino ao estilo de fisiculturista. Este é um treino que apoia o seu surf. A ênfase é no movimento fluido, velocidade, equilíbrio, força do núcleo, resistência e potência. É um treino de movimento concebido para o tornar mais ágil, menos propenso a lesões e muito mais confiante na água.

Junta-te ao Surf Athlete Pro e obtém acesso imediato a Peso corporal Surf Athlete

Surf Atleta PRO
US$10.99 US$9,99
Surf Atleta PRO
US$10.99 US$ 4,97
Um programa
Pagamento seguro
Cartões de Crédito Disponíveis

Fim do Desconto em breve


O peso corporal Surf Atleta
tem estado a bombear...

2174 Surfers Transformed



Instruções passo-a-passo
Um processo simples de acompanhamento que decompõe cada movimento numa linguagem fácil de compreender para que se obtenha o máximo benefício!


Formação Eficiente em termos de Tempo
Treinos que o constroem, em vez de o derrotarem. Deposita um grande esforço no teu "surf-time"....   O treino está concentrado em fazer-te sentir e mover melhor!


Surf Treinos Específicos
Todos os nossos treinos e exercícios foram especificamente concebidos por surfistas, para que os surfistas sintam os resultados na água.


Aumento de Confiança
Formação Integrada de Respiração para aumentar a confiança, lidar com a ansiedade, e melhorar a respiração.


Total comodidade
Treinar em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora graças à aplicação móvel Surf Athlete e a alguns toques no ecrã.


Resultados Radicais
Rotinas de treino que se integram com a SUA vida. É um surfista e o seu tempo de água tem precedência. Os treinos vão integrar-se na sua agenda semanal, e ampliar as suas actividades de vida (surf).
Semanas de Formação, Alongamento, & Respiração
Surf Exercícios Específicos & Treinos Eficazes
Confiança & Sentimento Surf-Fit

Eis o queo programa te oferece


Rotinas de alongamentos para te ensinar os movimentos mais eficazes que podem ser feitos várias vezes por semana... para não mencionar que te fazem sentir muito bem. O trabalho da respiração está  intrínseco nas rotinas de treino. Isto vai ajudar-te a entrar no teu sistema nervoso de modo a manteres a postura mental em situações stressantes .
Saúde e Mobilidade da Anca
Treino da Respiração tranquilizante
Saúde da coluna vertebral e rotinas de alongamento
Treino de suster a respiração
Técnicas para melhorar a Saúde das articulações


Treinos de peso corporal que podem ser feitos em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. Muito completos, desde a resistência cardíaca, á força das pernas, ao poder do teu "sixpack",á resistência à remada e  também a uma maior durabilidade da parte inferior das costas. Este treino irá prepará-lo para os movimentos tridimensionais necessários para se mover com fluidez, permanecer livre de dor e surfar melhor.
Sequências de fluxo para flexibilidade de movimentação
Treino da parte Inferior do corpo para melhorar a Saúde das articulações e aumentar a Força Funcional.
Treinos de mobilidade para obter um movimento de fluído
Treino de resistência da parte superior do corpo para melhorares a tua remada.
Resistência do abdómen para pop-ups mais rápidos e uma saúde melhorada da zona lombar. 
Treinos de 20-60 minutos para facilitar a comodidade. 
  • Bem-vindo ao Programa

  • Como ler o Programa

  • Como alterar o calendário de formação

  • Como Acrescentar Resistência

  • Mais de 30 anos de idade - Deve ver isto

  • Seguir ao longo da introdução

  • Foundation Training


  • Foundation Training


  • Rotina da anca

  • Rotina da anca

    Supine Hip Pails Rails

  • Rotina da Coluna Vertebral

  • Sequência de Mobilização dos Pés

  • CARS Rotina de corpo inteiro

    Rotações Articulares Controladas

  • CARS Rotina Rápida de Corpo Completo

  • Meditação Respiratória

  • Introdução á nutrição

    Comece agora 

  • Nutrição: Começar

  • Nutrição

    Lição 1

  • Nutrição

    Lição 2

  • Nutrição

    Lição 3



  • Introdução ao Programa - Deve Observar

    00:03 min

    Foundational Strength

    31:58 min

    Hip Power & Core

    43:50 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    28:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    20:15 min

    Full Body Training

    32:05 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    03:00 min

    Foundational Strength

    34:02 min

    Hip Power & Core

    51:40 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    27:05 min

    Full Body Training

    38:40 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    03:00 min

    Foundational Strength

    38:37 min

    Hip Power & Core

    01:30 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    32:55 min

    Full Body Training

    39:05 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    03:00 min
  • Como Utilizar os Treinos da Semana do Desafio

    00:04 min

    26:35 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    28:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    14:55 min

    26:00 min



    Strength & Power

    29:32 min

    Dynamic Strength & Core

    41:15 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    20:25 min

    Bodyweight Surf Fitness Circuits

    35:40 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    03:00 min

    Strength & Power

    34:07 min

    Dynamic Strength & Core

    47:35 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    30:20 min

    Bodyweight Surf Fitness Circuits

    41:55 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    03:00 min

    Strength & Power

    34:55 min

    Dynamic Strength & Core

    41:30 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    27:55 min

    Bodyweight Surf Fitness Circuits

    39:00 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    03:00 min

    38:11 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    15:15 min

    24:35 min



    Power & Surf Strength

    29:45 min
  • P-PASS

    Fast & Durable

    32:55 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    13:40 min

    Surf Speed & Endurance

    26:00 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    03:00 min

    Power & Surf Strength

    34:00 min
  • P-PASS

    Fast & Durable

    39:30 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    18:45 min

    Surf Speed & Endurance

    30:55 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    03:00 min

    Power & Surf Strength

    39:20 min
  • P-PASS

    Fast & Durable

    43:30 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    22:30 min

    Surf Speed & Endurance

    33:35 min
  • Dia de Cardio

    03:00 min

    25:00 min
  • Recuperação e Respiração

    27:00 min
  • Dia do Movimento

    Flexibility & Joint Control

    13:40 min

    23:25 min


  • Snapper Rocks

    Treino de Remo

    25:15 min
  • Rincon

    Treino de Remo

    29:30 min
  • Teoria da Remada 101

    00:23 min
  • Formação com equipamento

    00:03 min

Aceda ao  teu treino
Onde quer que estejas 24/7

Mesmo sem rede! Descarrega os vídeos e aceda a todo o conteúdo mesmo quando estás Offline!

O que é preciso

20-60 minutos por dia,
e 2-4 sessões de treino por semana.
É tudo o que é preciso!
Aprenderás movimentos, alongamentos, & técnicas
que devem ser implementadas para o resto da tua vida de surfista!

Perguntas Mais Frequentes

Os principiantes também podem fazer o programa?
Absolutamente, existem movimentos alternativos e progressivos para cada nível.
Como é que o programa me é entregue?
Este é um programa digital ao qual terás acesso através da aplicação Surf Athlete, que podes descarregar em qualquer app store. Destina-se a ser utilizado através da aplicação no teu dispositivo móvel, na nossa "web-app" ao qual podes aceder apartir do teu "desktop", computador portátil ou até mesmo no teu iPad. Inscreve-te na aplicação Surf Athlete e poderás aceder ao teu programa sempre que quiseres e onde quiseres. 
Política de Reembolso
Aqui está The Deal.

Este programa é espantoso, e sei que o achará espantoso, mas só para ter a certeza de que está confiante na sua compra, estou a oferecer uma Garantia de 7 Dias.

Se utilizar o programa, e o utilizar realmente, e não estiver satisfeito com o conteúdo absolutamente incrível e impactante, então entre em contacto connosco e providenciaremos um reembolso.


US$10.99US$ 4,97
por semana


Cris Surfing nas Mentawais 2019

Cris Mills

On a daily basis I help people (predominantly surfers) improve performance, ranging from nutrition, to rehab, and sport specific training.

I know what a surfer needs to work on in order to maintain their interaction with the ocean (surfing). Not only from a personal standpoint, of being a freakish surf-addict who has an intention to keep charging, while also dealing with my own laundry list of injuries, but also having worked with countless surfers from rehab to skill development.

The intention is to keep surfing. In order to do that an individual's perspective must shift to a focus on health and longevity. Your body is the vehicle through which you interact with the ocean. Keep yourself capable, and invest in your body, it’s movement capacity, it’s joint health, and it’s durability.


Os Mais Abrangentes Programas de Formação de Surf de Sempre Criados

Está pronto a partir.
Assim que tiveres os programas aperceber-te-ás de como isto é realmente um recurso tremendo, e como não precisarás de outros programas de treino surf . Podes, e vais, voltar a consultar estes programas durante anos. Enquanto estiveres a surfar irás usar estes programas, eu garanto-te.

Isto irá mudar a forma como treinas e como moves o teu corpo. Em última análise, vai ajudar-te com o teu surf. 

Estas são as ferramentas que guiam os seus treinos, acompanham o seu progresso, e removem as adivinhações dos seus treinos. Tenha confiança sabendo que está a fazer os melhores treinos possíveis.

100% de satisfação garantida ou o teu dinheiro de volta em 7 dias

Aqui está o acordo:

Os nossos programas têm resultados comprovados, mas o teu esforço, dedicação e consistência são fundamentais. Apoiamos totalmente os nossos programas, aplicações e produtos com histórias de sucesso de clientes e métodos testados ao longo do tempo. A nossa Surf Athlete Academy oferece uma garantia de reembolso de 7 dias - cancela ou reembolsa a qualquer momento (menos uma pequena taxa). O potencial da tua condição física e do teu surf está nas tuas mãos! Em que é que a tua condição física e o teu surf se podem tornar!

O que os outros estão a dizer

  1. Angelo F.

    Angelo F.

    Bodyweight surf training.

    Biggest impact is flexibility in training programs. When you don’t have much time just use short training. if you feel weak in paddling just use the specific training video. We don’t have excuses to miss a day of training.

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  2. Simon M.

    Simon M. (proprietário verificado)

    Utilizo a aplicação há alguns anos e a minha saúde e condição física aumentaram significativamente.

    I have a decent daily stretch routine & at the moment I use the paddle endurance & bodyweight programs for movement, strength, hip mobility & flexibility. This all helps me stay surf ready when i have weeks of no surf due to working offshore on rotations. It has also given me more confidence on surf trips and when a decent swell runs through, the breathwork allows me to feel more relaxed in bigger waves of consequence knowing the extra tools i now have in my bag to deal with situations. Next on the agenda is some technique training. Not had much ise out of the surf skate in the UK winter weather but plenty of surf. Thanks for helping keep the stoke Cris 🤙

    Cris & his team have helped me on my journey answering questions & pointing me in the right direction when I wasn’t sure what to improve next. There’s so much info out there it can be a minefield & sometimes it’s best just to grab a mid length & go have fun!

    Rating :

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  3. Paul S.

    Paul S. (proprietário verificado)

    força e mobilidade


    Rating :

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  4. Kristi K.

    Kristi K.

    Execução regular do(s) programa(s) de formação (todos os dias)

    I am specifically thankful for the recovery and breathing execises – i was not aware how much i need them. Recovery execises and stretches after surf – and the following day i am like a new one 😀 Rolling balls now are in the daily use and I recommend them everyone. My knee after three surgeries – none of the exersises have caused the pain that made me stop to train or to replace any of the exercises – all thanks to step-by-step advancing of the effort through the programs. I was doing lots of sports and still doing, but i am happy to find the programs that i can execute every day anywhere and which helps my body to stay healthy and better prepared for surfing where I am always trying to become better and pushing my limits. Many thanks! <3

    Rating :

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  5. Chris G.

    Chris G.

    Mudança de vida!

    bro everything – honestly life changing. i played rugby league for 20 years – surfing on weekends where i could. body was in shambles when i retired. this program has improved my surfing 100x. thank you cris!

    Rating :

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  6. Brian M.

    Brian M. (proprietário verificado)

    A oportunidade de ter todos os exercícios explicados tão detalhadamente

    So far my body have been just improving in and out of the water.

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  7. David H.

    David H. (proprietário verificado)

    flexibilidade nas ancas

    great well rounded programme. I love the variety of excercises and I’m feelin reel benefits in flexibility and strength. Great to have all the extra info on nutrition.

    Rating :

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  8. Kyle R.

    Kyle R. (proprietário verificado)

    Todo o trabalho de mobilidade/flexibilidade é fantástico para mim, que sou um surfista idoso (43)

    The body weight program has really improved my surfing and upped my wave count! Thanks Cris!

    Rating :

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  9. Dan S.

    Dan S. (proprietário verificado)

    um programa que não te destrói com circuitos HIT ridículos que demoram uma semana a recuperar. O bom progresso constante transformou-me física e mentalmente.

    it’s changed my complete outlook on being able to surf in my fifties and given me real motivation and belief to keeping trying to improve and learn.

    Rating :

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  10. Xisco M.

    Xisco M. (proprietário verificado)

    Variedade de exercícios e fazer algo diferente todos os dias

    I really feel it inside and outside the water. Best part is that my instructor saw the difference and was shocked

    Rating :

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  11. Stephen C B.

    Stephen C B. (proprietário verificado)

    o teu estilo e treinos combinando diferentes movimentos com força e flexibilidade.

    not sure what this is asking but if it’s what positive things I habe to say is it’s an amazing program and don’t know what if do without your stuf Cris thank you!!!

    Rating :

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  12. James F.

    James F.

    Flexibilidade melhorada e resistência ao surf

    Loving the app

    Rating :

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  13. Joachim H.

    Joachim H.

    A respireção descompressiva ajudou-me a melhorar a minha postura e a posição das costas

    Good muscle training what I never did before for surfing trip preparation

    Rating :

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  14. Andy M.

    Andy M. (proprietário verificado)

    Fez-me fazer novamente algum exercício

    The Bodyweight program I have finished already once, so this is my second round.

    The benefits I gained:

    My surf schedule is going surfing twice a year for one to two weeks. Using your training gave me surf weeks without pain and aches. 2022 I was a fit surfer (beginner haha).

    And more important it showed me also where to improve and making me an aware surfer.

    Until last year it was more luck then skill. No I know a little better and progress will show up hopefully in 2023.

    But most import it made me do some exercise again!

    Rating :

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  15. Nicholas P.

    Nicholas P. (proprietário verificado)

    os detalhes por detrás dos movimentos

    Love the program, Love the content. Cris conveys his passion for health and surfing and is an example for others to follow.

    Rating :

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  16. Theo A.

    Theo A. (proprietário verificado)

    O programa de peso corporal

    Helped my flexibility, my strength, how i move, helped my paddling

    Rating :

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  17. Michael V.

    Michael V. (proprietário verificado)

    agachamentos búlgaros

    Keep it awesome!

    Rating :

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  18. Jason G.

    Jason G.

    Grande melhoria na mobilidade e força, tornar-se parte da rotina diária

    Love the routines and progression mobility exercises have become something I now enjoy

    Rating :

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  19. Thomas M.

    Thomas M.

    a força geral do meu corpo teve grandes melhorias!

    workouts have made big changes on my flexability and strength generally feel better in the surf!

    Rating :

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  20. Theo A.

    Theo A. (proprietário verificado)

    Peso corporal

    Great App . Has improved my mobility and strength a lot. Hope it will improve my surfing aswell. Thanks Cris

    Rating :

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  21. lael p.

    lael p. (proprietário verificado)

    Bem concebido, explicações cristalinas, grande valor e, o mais importante, produção de resultados!

    I feel much fitter and have been able to size back down on my boards after having my son. Having a program that is completely laid out and well explained had made the biggest impact. It helps me stay consistent. The exercises actually have helped me get stronger in a range of movements.

    Rating :

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  22. Shane W.

    Shane W. (proprietário verificado)

    Incrível plano de treino de viagem!

    I travel a lot for work and don’t always have access to a gym. This program keeps me on track by allowing me to workout virtually anywhere. Even without weights, the daily workouts continue to help me build strength while maintaining mobility, flexibility and function.

    Rating :

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  23. Ian K.

    Ian K. (proprietário verificado)

    Ganhos notáveis de força e mobilidade

    I’m finishing up Phase 2 of the Bodyweight Surf Athlete program and all I can say is I wish I had started training like this years ago. I can already feel the mobility gains in my hips when I pop up, my T spine when I paddle AND my favorite is that I wake up feeling ready to surf.

    For years I’ve been doing more intense circuit type training (CrossFit) and some daily mobility. it kept me in shape but left me too sore to surf or I’d have to spend a while calming down sore muscles and warming up just to get out there.

    This program is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I get a good workout that focuses on mobility, core and other strength to really prioritize my surfing. Phase 1 was easy but a good reset for me, I love how the movements progressed into Phase 2. For me, I typically tack on a little more core and short strength circuit a few days a week. I’m also impresssed with the app interface.

    My only question is, what will I do next? Keep cycling through the Phases or will there be a Level 2 version?

    Rating :

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  24. Kelly P.

    Kelly P. (proprietário verificado)

    As rochas da aplicação

    It’s helping me more than any physical practice yet, and that is translating to many things in life. Thank you so much for creating this program and app, and for the generous discount!

    Rating :

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  25. Theo A.

    Theo A. (proprietário verificado)

    Peso corporal

    Improved my flexibility, and strength and made me respect and understand surfing better. You need to surf a lot to become an intermediate surfer. This program prepares your body to have the ability to do so

    Rating :

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  26. Vara W.

    Rod W. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande Programa para este 66 yo, mas e agora?

    For me, this is the complete program that keeps me fit enough for my approx 3 times a week surfing sessions.

    Rating :

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  27. Talia N.

    Talia N. (proprietário verificado)

    que vale cada centavo.

    all of cris’s programs are worth far more than you will pay. not an internet gimmick; there is a lot of very well informed value. you’d be lucky to pay a personal trainer 100x the same amount and get such carefully considered, thoughtful, intelligently tailored content.

    Rating :

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  28. MARIO D.

    MARIO D. (proprietário verificado)

    Muitos momentos de AHA!

    It’s very easy to find a lot of AHA moments since I’ve started the program 2 months ago.

    I’m a middle-aged overweight man (49) that just started to try to surf 1 year ago. The first step was to learn to popup. Prior to the program, my popup was very ugly involving my knee and a lot of contortions. Now I’m not sure it is pretty, but at least it is quick and effortless. I can report after a week in Salvador that I can finally popup efficiently and quick enough to actually surf a green wave. Now I need to learn to balance and turn 🙂

    Also, the exercise helps a lot to gain the strength and flexibility necessary. I’ve seen a great improvement since I started.

    Rating :

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  29. Brett T.

    Brett T. (proprietário verificado)

    Adoro a aplicação e o conteúdo!

    Hey Cris, just wanted to reach out and let ya know I love the app and the content. Has helped me gain mobility and a better understanding of how I should be moving my body. I only stated learning to surf at age 40 and am now 43 but you’ve been a massive help and inspiration. Thanks mate. Yeeew Brett 👍

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  30. Morgan O.

    Morgan O. (proprietário verificado)

    Não há limites , a idade não é uma barreira.

    Thanks a million for everything , you have helped me move from a long-board to a short-board at the age of 48 !!
    I never in a million years would have thought that possible.

    You have also helped me recover from a spinal injury that had me nearly 5 years out of action.

    So forget about the haters , what you do and provide is just brilliant.

    Please keep it up!

    Rating :

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  31. Andrew R.

    Andrew R. (proprietário verificado)

    Vale cada tostão!

    Cris, stellar program. I bought the complete set of packages and have been going through them all since. I’m in my 40s and current landlocked. The mobility and strength exercises have had a huge impact on my overall well being. The foundation training especially opened up a few things for me. Anytime I go through and rewatch a video I get something new out of it. I’ve been active my whole life, so I took your advice and cherry pick pieces out of each video to work into my routine and change it up. A little foundation work and stretching/mobility drills 6-7 days a week and added in body weight 4-5 of those days consistently. Workouts are between 15-45 minutes each day. Days I’m feeling rough I stick to breath work, and mobility. I’ve yet to jump into the nutrition, but years of bad habits take time to break. Thank you for putting all of this info in one place. I’m happy to let anyone know it’s worth every penny, probably more, (good on you for knowing your audience, we all want to spend our money on our next surf excursion). Like anything else though, if you don’t put in any work, you won’t get any out. Keep up the good work.

    Rating :

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  32. Anthony D.

    Anthony D. (proprietário verificado)

    Gosto muito de tudo sobre este programa!

    I have always found your training and videos to be informative and I have learnt what I needed to learn.

    All of which has help improve my surfing and how much fun I have.

    I really enjoy how much passion and thought goes into what you teach.

    Rating :

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  33. Paul S.

    Paul S. (proprietário verificado)

    Você é um mestre!

    Just like your original series, I am disecting and absorbing these new programs. I started the STS series all over again (it had been a couple years) a month ago so I am still on the “Learn” tab in Bodyweight Athlete … haven’t even gotten to the “Train” tab. There’s just so much in there. Articular rotations (CARS=Awesome!), skeletal routines, mobility evaluation tests (super valuable), stretching of course, and TISSUE RELEASE! Man, you thought of everything, and what’s more, the sequence is so well-thought out. People can learn the physiology and the techniques to gain (or regain) proper range of motion and flexibility to slowly strengthen the joints and muscles.

    You are the master of surfing physiology. Your video instruction is so succinct. Fully explained, clearly demonstrated. Very impressive. Plus, you’re just a regular dude who loves the ocean and gives what he knows back to help the rest of us keep moving at a higher level. And you do it all with a genuine enthusiasm.

    When you open up the surf trips again, I’d be all in, if you have space for a 62-year-old guy shortboarder who can still bust a move on occasion. One more trip to the Ments is on my bucket list, or maybe just as far but not as remote or intense, Maldives! Just let me know when!

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  34. Martin R.

    Martin R. (proprietário verificado)

    Continuem o bom trabalho!

    I am so thank full for all the work you do and especially your openness and full understanding of the body mind connection and how a young and cool dude like you is using it in your training and teachining !! keep it coming. I am a big fan of Paul Check and in some ways you remind me of him. I am very appreciative of your work so keep it flowing especially all the recovery stuff as I have felt with my fair share of injuries.

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  35. Toby M.

    Toby M. (proprietário verificado)

    Só há coisas boas a dizer sobre o programa!

    In J bay on a 3 day strike mission from Cape Town. Been scoring some sweet waves at supers. The peanut tennis ball has been coming in handy. That and the foam roll are the great tools. Slowly building knowledge, strength and confidence from using the app. Only good things to say about it. Yewwwwww

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  36. Bernardo R.

    Bernardo R. (proprietário verificado)

    O programa mais abrangente!

    I am an experienced surfer and an avid searcher for surfing tutorials to upgrade my style and technique.
    The Surf Strength Coach is by far the most complete, detailed, and comprehensive program I have ever come across. I bought several programs including the Surf Skate, the Perfect Pop Up, Surf Athlete, and the Body Weight Training. I’ve been training constantly I can say that I and my buddies have already noticed a big improvement in my surfing. I feel more loose, more fit, more aware, and more confident than ever. I highly recommend the programs. They are effective l and worth the price you pay. Differently than many other bullshit coaching programs I unfortunately acquired before I knew Surf Strength Coach.

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  37. Jason B.

    Jason B. (proprietário verificado)

    Isto é doentio!

    Dude, your programs are sick. Here’s quick story;
    College athlete, 20 years later still lifting and running, good general shape. Stiff, immobile.

    Moved to Hawaii years ago and wanted to teach him to surf while I learned. Quickly realized P90x type lifting wasn’t gonna work.

    Bought two of programs and do them at the same time. I do the Surf athlete one and the new bodyweight. I combined them. So I do the two lifting days from the athlete and the three workout ones from the body weight one. Also do plenty cardio and stretching.

    Dude, I’m more flexible than I have been in decades. And my second-grade son and I are surfing together at beautiful Hanalei Bay. Couldn’t have done this without you, brother. Y’all ever visit Kauai, shave ice on me.

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  38. Mateus C.

    Matthew C. (proprietário verificado)

    Continue a fazer o que está a fazer!

    Thank you for everything you are putting out.  Been surfing for 20 years and absolutely sucked.  Last year (pre-pandemic) I decided to get my shit together and really focus on it, so I bought your program.  I’ve always been a runner and weightlifter but that never translated well into the water.  After a solid year of doing your program and getting out in the water every chance, I could get I’ve improved significantly so thank you!
    Also, I was watching when you were taking questions and answering them, and something you said really stuck with me.  Someone asked what to do to get over the “fear” of dropping in on bigger waves and you said something along the lines of “You just need to keep taking a pounding until you get used to it.”  So I paddled out into surf that was a little above my abilities that I normally wouldn’t (about 6 feet) and totally got worked for about 2 hours.  Didn’t catch a damn thing.  But got way more comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Between that and the breathing exercises, I noticed the other day that my mentality had switched from “Please don’t eat shit” to “Paddle paddle paddle I’m going to catch this”.
    Anyway, keep doing what you’re doing. It is a dope program!

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  39. Clem P.

    Clem P. (proprietário verificado)

    O programa de peso corporal é fantástico

    The Bodyweight program is awesome. Really! I learn so much. 
    Even if, at my level, it’s really challenging. In fact, I’ve never do strength training before. So even week one of phase one is pretty intense for me, lol. And I spent quite a bit of time in the water lately (all sports combined), so I haven’t gone further yet.
    But, I’m aware that it’s a process, so I follow my rhythm and I am pretty confident for the rest. So, when I can, I do the training every two days (two days in a row is too intense).
    And it also allowed me to see my flexibility limitation (I’m really stiff), like in the quadruped to bear mouvement for example. So that at the same time I try to apply as much as possible the stretches for surfers program. 
    So yeah, pretty challenging from the outset, but I already see some progress. I noticed an improvement in my supports and “their precision” even in other sports like windsurfing. I think exercises like isometric squat, lateral lunge, or deep lunge isometric have something to do with it. 

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  40. Glenn C.

    Glenn C. (proprietário verificado)

    O melhor programa!

    I have a long history of training and racing at an elite level and through that have always sort to look after myself. I am now in my late 40s. I have surfed all my life. After retiring from my sport I have become increasingly passionate about surfing   
    I am really enjoying the program. I am almost 6 weeks in and I can feel the range of movement coming back in places I never knew I had lost it. 
    I have tried many different things to mostly help with improving my surfing and your program has been the best. 

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  41. Paulo Mendes M.

    Paulo Mendes M. (proprietário verificado)

    O programa tem sido fantástico!!

    A bit of background:
    I am a 48-year-old surfing father of two keen grommets (11 and 9).
    Always been fit- have done ironmans, ultra marathons, etc.
    But the last year I started getting pains and twinges in my legs, and couldn’t run much.
    I had always done traditional stretches- straightforward and backward stuff.

    Since getting and following your program, the improvement in all physical aspects of my life has been amazing. Heaps of twisting and functional stretching and movement have been the key!

    I have zero pains or twinges in my body, I spring out of bed in the morning, and my surfing is still sharp.

    I did eight hours in the wave pool over three days, did five hours surfing last weekend, and am chasing waves every opportunity.

    I love your App and program. It’s super easy to use, workouts aren’t too long. Easy to follow, and the demo videos are great.

    So thank you, Cris! Keep up the great work you are doing. I wish you every success with it, and will continue to follow your programs. All the best mate!

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  42. Ana M.

    Ana M.

    um grande programa

    Cris is a legend!

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  43. D K.

    D K. (proprietário verificado)

    grandes vídeos!!

    The Program has been a fantastic way to get a ton of reps while out of the water. Very organized, very well communicated. Thank you!

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  44. Fred K.

    Fred K. (proprietário verificado)

    Grande comunicador, e instruções bem pensadas! O melhor mesmo

    I have a NASM certification but my flexibility is limited and I realized that during my first surf lesson and immediately bought a few of your products. They really work. I have been doing some new things I learned in terms of flexibility and dude you are a rockstar! I can’t begin to compliment you enough and I wish we were neighbors, you are my kind of guy. So yes, I am in, all the way. Thank you for creating a system that is bringing joy to my life.

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  45. Ted P.

    Ted P. (proprietário verificado)

    estás a ajudar pessoas como eu.

    Hey Cris, just wanted to say thank you. Your encouragement in one of your videos seems to have been the motivation that got me to be serious about losing weight and I have lost 20 lbs (215 to 195). Turns out EVERYTHING (with the possible exception of duck diving) in surfing is easier with less weight: paddling, generating speed, popping up…. Thanks man. I am on my way down to a surf camp in Costa Rica in a couple of weeks in a much better way than I was a few months ago. Keep doing what you are doing …. you are helping people like me.

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  46. Bryan G.

    Bryan G. (proprietário verificado)

    isto tem sido perfeito

    Hey Cris, I really enjoy your program, this has been perfect. I really like that each exercise/stretch has its own video with instructions on form. To be honest, I had been using the free content on your app for a few months, and wasnt really sure that paying for a program would be worthwhile, since you have so much rad free content on the app! But I’m really glad I did. I’m stoked to progress through each of the phases and look forward to seeing the results when I get to surf (hopefully sooner than later).

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  47. Phillip C.

    Phillip C. (proprietário verificado)

    alterador de jogo

    Cris Mills surf athlete app has been a game changer for me.

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  48. Scott C.

    Scott C. (proprietário verificado)

    Continuem o bom trabalho.

    I just wanted to tell you how big a fan I am of your program. I was a decent surfer when I was younger, but had a 12 year gap where I didn’t surf, plus a neck injury I was recovering from. I’ve gotten pretty close to my skill levels and fitness from my younger days, plus corrected several bad habits/mechanics in the process. Seems like everything I’ve tried of yours is gold, especially for someone who has had to come back from a pretty serious injury. Keep up the great work. All the best, Scott

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  49. Reitor B.

    Dean B. (proprietário verificado)

    Obrigado heaps

    Aloha Cris
    I want to take a well-deserved moment to say a massive thanks for your help via your program, and regular Instagram motivation which has also improved my approach and outcomes to cooking too. Things have been gradually improving and coming together since I started with your program, and…….. I had an awesome surf a couple of days ago, where a few things aligned and I got a bunch of waves and rode them with more focused awareness resulting in better positioning, more confidence, quicker take-offs, more rail time, and longer rides……… so stoked!!!! It’s been many years, and I specifically attribute 99.99% of turning the clock back to my significantly improved SSC training program (including the cardboard surfer) and surf knowledge and awareness that I have learnt in the last 6 months from you
    I’m still working my way slowly through the programs so there is still heaps more knowledge and skill work to tap into and I’m loving it. Thanks heaps, and all the best,

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  50. Alex J.

    Alex J. (proprietário verificado)

    A aplicação deixa-me estupefacto

    I’m blown away by the app, your knowledge, the exercises, and your holistic/applicable approach to this all. I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time. So so grateful that I found your stuff, and I can’t wait to enlist in your other modules, too. Very impressive man. I see you’re based in Bali. My wife and I took our honeymoon there, I miss it. Take care, and please keep the content, workouts, knowledge comin’. Phenomenal!

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  51. Ben C.

    Ben C. (proprietário verificado)

    Muito obrigado por criar este programa

    The App rocks! It’s helping me more than any physical practice, and that is translating to many things in life.
    Thank you so much for creating this program, and the App, and for the generous discount!

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  52. Reitor B.

    Dean B. (proprietário verificado)

    impacto super positivo!

    Thanks for the opportunity to get onboard this programm!ll Cheers!! I had another fun surf at my local today….again, another big thanks to you and your Surf Strength Coach programm for giving me the tools and roadmap to make this happen!!!! Mate, don’t sell yourself short….. Positive impact on my time in the ocean……..FK YEAH!!! SUPER POSITIVE IMPACT!!! HUGE THANKS!!! Positive impact on land, positive impact in the gym, positive impact in my mind, positive impact on my choices, positive impact on my diet, positive impact on life……. Also, ABSOLUTELY loved the passionate Instagram rant verbal download (and subsequent post) on paddling starnina and the required training and impact!!!

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  53. Zachary G.

    Zachary G. (proprietário verificado)

    És uma lenda.

    Your surf strength products are the best thing that happen to me in 2020. I believe I have purchased every one product you offer. I’m healthier, more flexible, and surf better than I ever have. Because if that, 2020 was all that bad for me… basically because of your online programs. If you are ever is San Diego reach out and we can grab a surf. You’re a legend.

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  54. Ben C.

    Ben C. (proprietário verificado)

    Obrigado Cris

    Cris you should know that because of your work and communicative skills you are part of a group of people who have transformed my life over the last 5 years… big time bro! Much gratitude I can’t believe I’ve only been surfing for 5 months!! We have so many years ahead.

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  55. Aleksi A.

    Aleksi A. (proprietário verificado)

    obrigado e continuem o bom trabalho!

    Coach, you probably get tons of testimonials already, but quickly I want to say that your program is simply awesome. I have done now first 4 weeks of the program and I am already feeling big differences in my body. Earlier I have done crossfit, climbing, yoga etc, but none of these prepare body for the waves or paddling. Also the surfskate program has opened new ideas. I am 43 years old and have surfed only for 3 years but the plan is to keep surfing in my 60s, and with this stuff it is possible.

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  56. Anthony D.

    Anthony D. (proprietário verificado)


    I really like the breath work. It is definitely something I struggle with and at 51 have tended to avoid surfing past about 2-3 ft because I had a couple of bad experiences with wipe outs and being held under. Today I went for a surf and it was a good 2 – 3 ft (live on the Northern Beaches of Sydney) and wiped out and was held under. I could feel the panic rising, then the breath training kicked in. I focused on holding my breath and started counting and stopped fighting the wave. I popped out of the water at about 8 seconds (like I said small waves). The breath training is building my confidence to be able to surf conditions that I would have avoided. Don’t get me wrong I ain’t ever gonna be a big wave surfer, but I now have a way of feeling better about surfing slightly bigger waves. I now look forward to the 4 footers.

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  57. Ben C.

    Ben C. (proprietário verificado)

    A aplicação é o máximo!

    The App is helping me more than any physical practice yet, and that is translating to many things in life. Thank you so much for creating this program and app, and for the generous discount!

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  58. Dan S.

    Dan S. (proprietário verificado)

    Loving it!

    Loving the programs really changed my lifestyle especially in this weird covid times. Thanks for the breathwork vid on you tube, mind blowing ive read Wim Hoff and am well on with O2 advantage, its like a parallel universe, i’m fifty and been fit and active since a teenager and didn’t think anything like it existed. I am totally nurding out on it.
    Please keep it going, loving it.

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  59. Inigo G.

    Inigo G. (proprietário verificado)

    Fica bem companheiro.

    Cris, you are helping lots of people, starting by yours truly.
    I hope you give yourself credit for that every morning.

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  60. Ka'iulani B.

    Ka’iulani B. (proprietário verificado)

    Não pode ir sem a sua aplicação!

    I’m a lifeguard on Oahu and an avid stand up boogie/surfer, all of your videos and knowledge has changed the game tremendously. I love sharing all your videos with my coworkers (normally they too cool for yoga or stretching but when they see and hear you, it’s a different package entirely 😆) right on for using your knowledge to help people like me with the long game, longevity!

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  61. Robert H.

    Robert H. (proprietário verificado)

    Obrigado por tudo

    Just to let you know your videos/workouts have made a difference in my surfing. I guess you could say I’m a conscious incompitent and am making the transition to a shortboard now.

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  62. Pete G.

    Pete G. (proprietário verificado)


    I just want to say thanks for the time and care you put into all the videos. I love the attention to detail.
    I am recovering from a knee injury (4 years ago:) and my body has never righted itself since. After only 2 weeks of the bodyweight course, I’m getting a deeper understanding of where the imbalances lie. In the short term, I’m already feeling stronger in the water.

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  63. Peter W.

    Peter W. (proprietário verificado)

    Um fantástico programa de treino!

    I´m generally not one for reviewing solely out of pure laziness, but I am delighted to make an exception for such a fantastic product. This program is the best investment I have made for my surfing – by far. 
    I am an intermediate surfer not spending nearly as much time in the water as I would like. I’ve perfected my paddling but maintained an awful technique on the wave face. This program has unlocked a path to progression in a way endless YouTubing just won’t. After a vast amount of ‘aha’ moments, I have a clear trajectory for taking my surfing to the next level. Excellent work. Just TAKE MY MONEY!

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  64. Tom M.

    Tom M. (proprietário verificado)

    Mantém-me em forma entre viagens de surf

    This program is a great way to keep in shape between surt trips. Chris breaks down the movements with simple to follow instructions. The workouts are fun and move quickly. You can do it just about anywhere. Give it a shot!

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  65. Richard K.

    Richard K. (proprietário verificado)

    super knowledgeable , super informed great break down of movemts posture and Breath good fun

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  66. Sarah J.

    Sarah J. (proprietário verificado)

    great program so far- very through

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Surf Athlete Peso corporal 

(66 reviews)   2174 surfers