FREE 14-Day SURF Development Program

Liberte o poder total do seu potencial de fragmentação

Melhore os seus Níveis de Satisfação da Sessão Surf Ao Tornar-se
Melhore o seu Surf
melhorando a forma como o seu corpo se move.
Treinos simples
Melhorar a força do núcleo, a flexibilidade e o atletismo do surf.
Melhore o seu surf através do aumento da sua aptidão física
Surf Fluida, Poderosa e Durável. Mexer-se bem & Surf Melhor


  • Bem-vindo

  • Introdução

  • Walkthrough

  • Como consertar o seu Pop Up

    Técnica & Exercícios

  • Surf Skate

    Como virar para baixo

  • SURF Tutorial do SKATE

    Como Melhorar o seu Surf

  • A Posição Perfeita Surf

    Posição dos pés, Postura, & Melhor Navegação

  • Apanhar mais Ondas

    Como Surf Um Novo Ponto (Com Sucesso!)

  • Como Surf uma prancha de surf mais pequena

    Não o faças!

  • Campeão do Mundo Pop Up Análise

    Movimento lento

  • Como Ler Ondas e Apanhar Mais Ondas


  • Mobilidade rotacional


  • Como enrolar espuma



  • Surf Fitness & Mobilidade

    32:15 min
  • Surf Flexibilidade

    19:40 min
  • Trabalho do hálito e aptidão de palhetas

    17:35 min
  • Surf Fitness & Mobilidade

    33:05 min
  • Surf Flexibilidade

    19:40 min
  • Recuperação

    09:15 min
  • Surf Fitness & Mobilidade

    33:05 min
  • Surf Flexibilidade

    19:40 min
  • Trabalho do hálito e aptidão de palhetas

    08:05 min
  • Surf Fitness & Mobilidade

    32:15 min
  • Surf Flexibilidade

    19:00 min
  • Recuperação

    09:15 min

Aceda ao  teu treino
Onde quer que estejas 24/7

Mesmo sem rede! Descarrega os vídeos e aceda a todo o conteúdo mesmo quando estás Offline!


O meu objectivo é ajudá-lo a melhorar o seu surf .

Através da aptidão física, treino e nutrição pode construir o seu potencial atlético, melhorar o seu corpo e, por fim, impulsionar o seu surf. 
Desde os domínios da reabilitação até à optimização de alto desempenho, nutrição à força e condicionamento, quero dar-lhe informação eficaz e relevante para tirar os travões à sua navegação e desempenho.

Estou cheio de espuma

O meu nome é Cris Mills, e mudei o curso da minha vida para perseguir as minhas necessidades de alma para surf. Profissionalmente, sou terapeuta de massagem licenciado, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Chek Practitioner, Foundation Training Instrutor, e outros acrónimos e títulos que têm a ver com ajudar e melhorar o corpo humano.  
Dediquei a minha vida a ajudar as pessoas com a sua saúde, desempenho, vitalidade e, por fim, com o seu surf. A saúde e o surf estão intimamente ligados entre si.
- Cris 

O que os outros estão a dizer

  1. Brandon F.

    Brandon F.

    Back pain is way better and feel way stronger and flexible.

    This workout has been a game changer for my back and shoulder pain.

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  2. Miguel A.

    Miguel A.

    el walktrough

    el animo

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  3. Angelo F.

    A sua contribuição está à espera de aprovação

    o modo como estes exercícios ajudam a ampliar a amplitude dos meus movimentos

    pienso que los planes están muy bien diseñados porque te enseñan a entrenarte de calidad y no por cantidad. La App tiene algunos defectos pero no arruina la calidad del entrenamiento.

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  4. Colin P.

    Colin P.

    Como surf um novo spot. Este vídeo ajudou-me a afirmar o meu lugar no alinhamento quando viajo, uma vez que sou um surfista sem costa.

    Cris Mills is a great teacher and really goes into depth on things that I need to improve on.

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  5. Eugene S.

    Eugene S.

    Ajuda um halterofilista a ser mais flexível quando se trata de surfar!

    Very easy to follow and take with me at home to the gym. Feels good both in and out of surfing.

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  6. Vitor d.

    Vitor d.

    Aumenta rapidamente a minha flexibilidade

    It is a complete workout and is helping me to increase my strenght and flexibility

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  7. Brandon F.

    Brandon F.

    Os melhores exercícios de surf que experimentei até agora.

    I love how good my back feels after these workouts.

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  8. Steve B.

    Steve B.

    Provavelmente seria considerado um sénior aos 59 anos, mas continuo a fazer espuma. Este programa permite-me manter-me forte e flexível.

    Love your professionalism and enthusiasm Chris. Looking forward to one of your surf camps when my budget allows it.🤙🏼

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  9. Paul P.

    Paul P.

    Sessões de mobilidade e flexibilidade

    I can really feel that the areas of tightness are easing so I’ll keep doing the sessions to help with my flexibility and mobility.

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  10. zohar .

    zohar .


    my surf was improved so much, im so greatful that i ran into this app.

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  11. Adrian Alberto G.

    Adrian Alberto G.

    os tutoriais

    it explains things clearly

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  12. Brandon F.

    Brandon F.

    Não acredito como as minhas costas estão melhores

    I feel stronger and more flexible.

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  13. Trang T.

    Trang T.

    Exercícios relativos ao equilíbrio

    I notice an improvement with each training session

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  14. Ariel S.

    Ariel S.

    Posicion del surf

    Muy bueno

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  15. Enrico B.

    Enrico B.


    guide to keep motivated

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  16. Richard F.

    Richard F.

    Conteúdo Incrível

    Chris gives valuable information about health and well being and exercises that keep the body fit and ready for the waves at any given moment….

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  17. Alexandre P.

    Alexandre P.

    o método que usou para nos ensinar

    good vibes only

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  18. Jess H.

    Jess H.

    Apercebi-me de que não tenho sido capaz de pop up consistentemente devido à minha postura corporal e posição uma vez para cima, além de olhar para baixo. Adorei os conselhos sobre a leitura das ondas e estou ansioso por pôr isto em prática

    I loved the simple take home messages in each theory video then the addition information that details these. Have watched these videos several times in the theory under the 2 week programme and still learn things I didn’t pick up last time

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  19. Chris B.

    Chris B.

    Derrubar tudo

    Real good communicator, good stuff big fella🤙

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  20. Bruce J.

    Bruce J.


    easy is good

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  21. Vinicius P.

    Vinicius P.


    top good

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  22. Vladimir K.

    Vladimir K. (proprietário verificado)

    as posições mais ousadas queimaram a sensação mais, muito boa

    Thank you for possibility to try workouts for free, I pretty much appreciate it and would like to buy payed plan and continue to make workouts, I believe it is even good for those who to not plan to go surfing, lots of good exercises for all people to do to stay fit

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  23. Ben P.

    Ben P.

    Grande trabalho aqui Chris!

    Really great theory and tips, thank you Chris you’re the man!

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  24. Eric



    All I can say is I THOUGHT I knew what surf fitness was. I didn’t know shit. of course it is a full system of all of these things in balanace and I am beyond stoked to finally truly feel what REAL surf fitness feels like. Thanks brah 🤙

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  25. Jeff R.

    Jeff R.

    Realmente útil

    The app has really helped my rotational flexibility. Less headers off the Board now!

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  26. Arthur K.

    Arthur K.

    A vossa inspiração encorajou-me!

    Thank you for all your information & technical advice. It’s slowly coming together. My hips are getting better. I think it will take a lot more time but unbelievable results. I haven’t trained for over ten years. I bumped into your stretching programs. I loved it.

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  27. Mariano


    Programa épico

    Loved it so much!

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  28. Todd H.

    Todd H.

    Cris Mills and his program have provided me w huge strength and flexibility benefits as I push my surfing into my 60’s. many thx!

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  29. George B.

    George B.

    Terra Trancada

    This program is a great way to keep flexibile and your training focussed on surfing for those long periods that you cannot make it into the water.

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  30. Jonathan J.

    Jonathan J.

    Grande programa para todos os níveis

    Perfect programs for any level of Surfer. if you’re willing to put in the work on the land, it will pay huge dividends in the water!

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  31. Lorenzo C.

    Lorenzo C.

    Vale a pena dedicar tempo a

    The app is very good! just finished the 2 weeks of the program! Will try the 12 week one and see what happens! Overall great job!

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  32. Adrian H.

    Adrian H.

    Grande arranque!

    I spent more than 45 mins, to learn the movements. Since the beginning I knew It wouldn’t be easy 😅

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  33. David H.

    David H.

    Mantenha o bom trabalho Crise, o seu conhecimento, paixão e compromisso com o que faz é verdadeiramente admirável.

    What you’re providing the average punter like me with, is a truely valuable resource to help us to enjoy our passion for surfing at a deeper level, and subsequently live a healthier life in the process.

    I’ve been a follower of your posts for probably 8 of the last 10 years, adopting the odd stretch or movement into my (sometimes) daily routine, and found them really beneficial. I appreciate your take on how us humans should be able to keep moving in the way we were designed to. It all makes perfect sense.

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  34. Lennard Cristo

    Lennard Christ

    muito bom

    a verry good surfing workout

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  35. Michael Zazzali

    Michael Zazzali

    Sempre achei a vossa informação perspicaz, inteligente e, claro, divertida.

    I’ve been following you for the last few years. I have been surfing only 8 years and initially always looking for intelligent info on how to advance my surfing. As a physical therapist for over 27 years I’ve become critical of what info is on the internet. I realize how much useless and at times even harmful information is out there. I told all of my surf friends to check your site out and they have enjoyed learning from you.

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  36. Camron C.

    Camron C.

    Ajudaste-me a ficar melhor no surf!

    Excellence & full dedication to craft is rare to find in this world and you exemplify it and that has helped me get better at and enjoy surfing much more than I had previously to being made aware of Surf Strength coach last year . I look forward to taking and retaking all of them and continuing on with fitness and nutrition provided through your formats. Thank you again and keep up the great work !

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  37. L C.

    L C.

    Programa espantoso com que um homem pode sonhar...

    Excellent breakdown of exactly how you should be moving during workouts and how it should feel in the water. I cannot emphasize enough how well I feel even after a few weeks. I swam and played water polo for over a decade and as cliche as it is, my shoulders feel stronger than ever. Cris is dedicated to his craft and continually looking to improve the products even after I have purchased them

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  38. Thomas G.

    Thomas G.

    Grandes coisas

    Your programs have begun to have a positive impact. While I haven’t transitioned any of it to the water just yet, the joint mobility and strength guidance is positively affecting my life generally – improving my joint health and mobility, improving my posture when I play guitar, improving my agility and strength in jits, hell just helping me sit, stand, and breathe better.

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  39. Vara N.

    Rod N.

    Obrigado, montões! O melhor dos melhores!

    This program is the best! It’s full of awesome strength, flexibility, mobility & recovery routines. It has changed everything for me, I wish somebody told me all of this in my 20s instead of my 40s! The app works great and everything is presented so well.

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  40. Henry M.

    Henry M.

    Não consigo agradecer o suficiente a Cris

    I have had lower back problems for years and can get quite stiff through the hips with limited movement and yes a lot of pain at night after work (concreting). Since starting the program I have had a huge transformation through this area, the stiffness has greatly reduced my range of movement has increased and I feel like a grommet again. I can’t thank Cris enough.

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  41. Josh S.

    Josh S.

    É bom perder este incrível programa!

    Been smashing the program and have never been as flexible as I am now absolutely frothing on it. Thanks for taking the time to put that content on the app it’s seriously changed my surfing.

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  42. Scott H.

    Scott H.


    Hi Cris, my wife and 8yo daughter gave me your program for Christmas. Since we all surf together it was really a gift for all of us. We’re watching your program as a family…it’s awesome. We usually watch a video or two on the program before we hop on our boards and practice and critique each other on those drills. No more big effort pop ups. Just to land with feet in the wrong position and have to readjust on a critical part of the wave! It’s wild to get this knowledge after surfing nearly 30 years and see how much more fun we can have in the water by being intentional about our focus for that session. It is such a great asset for my coaching my daughter too. It’s crazy to go out in the water and see how few people really pay any attention to their technique. Glad we’re not in that camp any more. You’ve really got some incredible programs and have put a massive amount of work into putting them together. We appreciate that work, the improvements its already bringing to our surfing and even drawing us closer as a family.

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  43. Zachary G.

    Zachary G.

    Crise você é uma lenda!

    Your surf strength products are the best thing that happen to me in 2020. I believe I have purchased every one product you offer. I’m healthier, more flexible, and surf better than I ever have. Because of that, 2020 wasn’t all that bad for me… basically because of your online programs. If you are ever is San Diego reach out and we can grab a surf.

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  44. Guilherme A.

    Guilherme A.

    sente realmente uma diferença

    I did the two week workouts and after the first week I immediately felt a difference in mobility, quite mind blowing. I ended subscribing for the surf athlete bundle and I am really impressed by the amount and quality of content. Chris really loves and knows his trade!

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  45. yachih c.

    yachih c.

    The program really contains of great info! Awesome!

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  46. Jacob Danielson

    Jacob Danielson

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  47. Fabian B.

    Fabian B.

    awesome program!

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  48.  .


    Surf é fantástico

    It’s a good program and worth every penny!

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  49. Jshar Rattnz

    Jshar Rattnz



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  50. Paul H.

    Paul H.

    surf dad

    can’t believe it! Cris is a legend and really knows what he is doing!

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  51. Wes .

    Wes .

    I always feel more loose and limber after these stretching sessions. I have a lot of low back pain from sitting all day so I’ve incorporated these routines into my daily workouts and have noticed a big difference.

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  52. Tim Dixon

    Tim Dixon

    awesome bro

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  53. P W.

    P W.

    grande aplicação

    great app for surf training

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  54. Sean Sugihara

    Sean Sugihara


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  55. thomas c.

    thomas c.

    Got this program off an ad they had on social media, an amazing program!

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  56. Max G.

    Max G.

    exercícios e informações sobre a grear

    straight forward and easy to use

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  57. David H.

    David H.

    great information explained and demonstrated in a really clear, concise way. I can’t fault it. It’s what happens when good knowledge and passion are combined. Great work.

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  58. Jeffrey C.

    Jeffrey C.


    Really enjoyed the program!

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  59. Bron .

    Bron .


    love it

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  60. sara h.

    sara h. (proprietário verificado)


    Good Job

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  61. Scott D.

    Scott D.

    Awesome program!

    Rating :

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  62. Bron .

    Bron .

    love the enthusiasm

    Rating :

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5 em cada 5 estrelas

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Programa de Formação em Surf Grátis

(61 comentários)   60454 surfers