Surf Workout – 30 Minutes In The Park


Get outside, get some sun, and get in a quick workout that will help your surfing and your body. Check out the video for exercise directions and Surf Workout Circuit.

Active Warmup- loosen up joints, get your glutes active, open up your hip flexors and adductors, mobilize your thoracic spine, and get your shoulder girdle adductors working.

Watch the video here

Prisoner Squat Jumps x10reps, round 2 8reps, round 3 6reps, and so on.

20yard jog leading into a 40yard sprint

Rest 2-3 minutes. During rest period work on mobility in areas that you are lacking – Yoga Plex

Repeat circuit 4-8 times. You decrease number of prisoner squat jumps for each consecutive circuit. With squat jumps you are developing power and explosiveness.

In this circuit you follow the jumps with a high intensity sprint, also training power and explosiveness. You will decrease squat jump reps to not over-stress your joint connective tissue and maintain proper power output during your sprint.

It’s a safety thing! Gotta stay injury free to stay in the water.

Grab the Surf Athlete Program & Enhance Your Surfing & Health Today…and Forever

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