Surf Training – Surf Workouts

What Is Surf Training?

Surf training: The athletic demands of surfing are vast….. it takes huge amounts of skill to pull off what the pros do. It even takes a hell of a lot of skill to pull of what some kooks do! Balance, flexibility, strength, power, speed, mental cognition, quick decision-making, muscle coordination, visual input…. the list continues.

This is some really demanding stuff for the body. So get yourself into some surf training or surf workouts to boost your body’s ability to deal with all these demands.

If you aren’t a kook, and you’ve got some sharpened surf skills in the water, then consider how much better your performance could be if you were to train your body to become faster, stronger, and more powerful with some specifically designed surf training programs or surf workouts?!?!

All the pros are training now, so why aren’t you!

Watch the video here

How about those of us with some joint problems that are pissing us off in the surf! I’ve personally got a shoulder and a knee that are always giving me some issues in the surf….

So my training is consistently focusing on those areas to make them stronger and more resilient. So that my sessions aren’t cut short by upset joints or tissue. What are you doing to make your body more injury resistant, or to manage your current aches and pains?

Get moving with some well designed surf workouts that focus on the movements and positions that will let you surf for hours, pain free!

Here’s a few past vids for you to take a look at and get some ideas for your own surf training and surf workouts.

Surf Training

Surf Workouts

Surf Training – Core Power

Just this week, after a few online consultations and discussions with a surfer in Morocco, I put together 4 specific programs to give him surf exercises and high performance surf training for the next 6months!!!

These programs were specifically designed for him and his surf needs…To strengthen his leg power, as well as his paddling endurance for those big points all along that coast.

Email me and we can get you going with some individualized programs… some real deal surf workouts to focus on your weakness, and get your body moving the way it needs to in the water.

[email protected]


Grab the Surf Athlete Program & Enhance Your Surfing & Health Today…and Forever

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    [...] let’s get your surf workouts an surf training boosted with some power development. Depending on your rest periods, your surf workout can really [...]

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