SURFERS SHOULDERS PART 2: Thoracic Extension and Rotation

The second video in the series of “surfers shoulders”. If you surf, you need to work on thoracic mobility as a pre-requisite for improving your shoulders.

If you’ve got crappy shoulders, you’re not gonna have that great of a time in the water. Start using this mobility drill, as well as the exercises from part 1, and utilize them prior to your workout routines, or bang out a few of them on the beach prior to your surf.

Watch the video here

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  • [...] for your surfing endurance, strength, paddling abilities, and shoulder health.  Incorporate some thoracic mobility work as well and really reinforce proper thoracic spine postures.  Standard back squats, coupled [...]
  • [...] or simply the ability to paddle pain free, you first gotta lose the crap posture.  Stretches and mobility work, so get on it. Check out those posts and get to work on some of those movements.  A bit of [...]

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