Recently I’ve had the opportunity to be interviewed, and be on a podcast. My voice, and your ears… what a combination. There’s some good stuff in there and I hope you can gleam some insight. Please let me know what you think!
The Pillars of Surf Fitness Interview with

“We all want to perform better when we surf, from the groms starting out to the pros right at the top of their game.
Think about the amount of times you’ve wanted to hack the top off a wave, pull a floater on that closeout section or just simply ride a wave into shore without wiping out.
We all have goals we want to achieve, but the chances are that too many of us simply don’t realize that it could be our own body that’s holding us back.
Listening to Cris Mills will make you think about just how much you could, even should, be doing to keep surf fit.
Cris veered off his career path in law to follow his passion for a holistic approach to surf fitness, learning everything he could about the human body in the process.
“As soon as you start working with the body it is cavernous, you need such a vast array of knowledge to really work with people as a whole,” explains Cris.”
Read the Full Interview here: –> The Pillars of Surf Fitness
Surf Mastery Podcast
Michael Frampton is the fella that runs SurfMastery. He’s a switched on guy and has interviewed some really big names in the surf world. I was pretty damn flattered that he asked me to be on there.
Past guests have included Tom Carroll, Martin Dunn, Jeremy Sheppard, and Nathan Hedge. There’s some good stuff on his podcasts, so check them out.
Here’s Mine: Cris Mills Surf Mastery Podcast
We get into training, shoulder health, electromagnetic frequencies, light pollution and sleep cycles, water filtration systems… it goes deep! Jump into that rabbit hole.
Gleam some insight from brain… get into those interviews and podcast. Gain some knowledge and apply it.
If you need more insight into how to apply this knowledge to your health, fitness, and surfing, get in touch. [email protected]
surf movement nutrition life — they’re all intertwined