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TRX Surf Workout – Suspension Trainer

TRX Surf Workout – Get Some Straps

Woman doing TRX
How Absurd Is This Picture

Oooooooohhhhh!!! Workout straps. Suspension training is all the rage in some training facilities, with some people doing some damn silly stuff on them. But in all seriousness, get some workout straps, they’re great for those of you that travel, and it’s always nice to be able to take it to the park and get a workout in some sun.

I’ve been writing a lot of training programs the last few weeks, for clients all over the world and a common thread among them is they’ve utilized a TRX (suspension trainer). They can be a really great piece of training equipment, I in fact travel with one (brought it to Oz with me).

It’s easy to get a workout in the park by just strapping it to a tree, and they’re really versatile in terms of what you can do with them. If you’ve got a bit of common sense and an hour of spare time, you could even make a suspension trainer with some various parts from the hardware store.

So, from writing these programs, I’ve gotten a few videos showing some quality surf workout movements using these suspension straps…. so here ya’ go.

TRX Pushup – Suspension Pushup

Bulgarian Split Squats (you can just do them bodyweight if you’re in the park)

Squat Row


Shoulder Y’s

1-Arm Rotational Rows

Overhead Squat Stretch/Mobility Drill

Rotational Stretch

So there ya’ go, a bunch of videos of me doing some exercises with my shirt off! What a wanker!

Surf Workout Program – Suspension Trainer

I’ll give you a rundown of what I’d do in the park with those movements.

-Get warmed up… a good warmup, not some bullshit armswings.

CIRCUIT 1 – Repeat 4-6times, 60-12-sec rest between circuits

-Sprint (full out sprint, run your ass off, fast as you can, at least 50meters), light jog back

-** If you don’t want to do sprints, although I think you should for the anaerobic stimulus, you could do Bulgarian Split Squats

-1Arm Rotational Rows – 8-12/arm

CIRCUIT 2 -Repeat 3-5 times, 60sec rest between circuits

-Squat Row

-Rotational Stretch

-Suspension Pushups

CIRCUIT 3 -Repeat 2-3times, 45sec rest between circuits

-Overhead Squat Mobility


-Shoulder Y’s

BOOM!!! A full workout, and more importantly, a well structured workout with the most demanding movements at the beginning of your training, and tapering towards smaller movements in general. Get your TRX Surf Workout game on!

If you want some ideas on how to structure your training… check this out HOW TO DESIGN SURF TRAINING PROGRAMS

Do You Want To Learn The Secrets To Pro-Level Surf Training?

Something else you should probably check out if you want to seriously ramp up your training…. SURF TRAINING SUCCESS  I’m completely serious that this program will completely change the way you train, for the better.

It will make you more mobile, stronger, more power, more athletic, more durable, and train your body specifically for surfing.

I lay it all out for you in a simple to follow plan. Stretches, recovery drills, soft-tissue secrets for pain elimination, months of training, 3 Phase training protocols… check it out, you’ll dig it, and it will change your body and your surfing. -cris

Grab the Surf Athlete Program & Enhance Your Surfing & Health Today…and Forever


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