Cartón Surfista

Empieza a surfear con estilo, técnica y confianza

Al final del programa, ni siquiera reconocerás tu surf anterior

Original price was: US$147.00.Current price is: US$97.00.


(190 opiniones)   2780 Surfistas

Un buen estilo de surf es sólo una buena técnica.

Si eres un principiante que quiere progresar, o un surfista intermedio que se ha estancado, este programa es perfecto para aumentar tu habilidad y progresión Surf

Mejore su técnica
Este programa mejorará tu técnica, en la comodidad de tu propia casa y sin ojos condescendientes, mejorarás tu surf y realmente "sentirás" lo que es un buen surf.
Progresión de habilidades
Este programa es el primer paso en la progresión de las habilidades. Apréndelo antes de subirte a un monopatín surf .
Mejorar en el agua
Siente los movimientos, los patrones, cómo crear impulso, cómo comprimir, cómo coordinar el movimiento de todo el cuerpo, para que luego puedas reproducirlo en el agua.

¿Está cansado de que su nivel de competencia esté estancado?

Tienes malos hábitos... Es hora de romperlos.

El Cardboard Surfer es "Surf Fundamentos 101". Esto es lo que NECESITAS saber para progresar en tu surfing.

Cambia tu conciencia y comprensión de lo que es el buen surfing. Rompe tus malos hábitos. Entrena Nuevos Patrones de Movimiento Surf , y Aplícalos a tu Surfing.

Serás un surfista diferente al final de este programa.

USD147.00 USD97.00 

Cardboard Surfer
ha estado Bombeando...

2780 Surfistas transformados

Qué necesita para este programa

Todo lo que necesitas son ganas de mejorar tu surf y un trozo de cartón del tamaño de un monopatín.

Lo que debe saber sobre este programa.

Ni siquiera sabes cuáles son tus malos hábitos
La mayoría de los surfistas intermedios están "atascados" porque sus malos hábitos de movimiento están deteniendo su progresión. Necesitas una nueva perspectiva y comprensión de lo que es realmente el BUEN surf. Este programa te dará una verdadera conciencia de la biomecánica del surf. No puedes cambiar nada si no sabes lo que está mal y lo que está bien. 
Es tu cuerpo, no la Junta
Tienes que DEJAR de gastar miles de dólares en tablas de surf nuevas. La tabla no es el problema, ¡la forma en que mueves tu cuerpo es el problema! Este curso te enseñará los Fundamentos del movimiento surf para que puedas ¡PROGRESAR REALMENTE en tu surfing! Toma los frenos de tu surfing con BUENA técnica.  
Practica en casa y luego Surf en el agua
¿Crees que realmente vas a corregir tu técnica en las 4 olas que tienes, en tu 1 fin de semana surf, para un total de 30segundos de realmente estar de pie en una tabla de surf? NO. Necesitas una manera de construir la repetición, de construir la memoria motora, de SENTIR los nuevos patrones. Este programa es para tu surf lo que un campo de prácticas es para el golf. Practica tu surf en casa, construye el patrón, vuélvete eficiente, y entonces podrás replicarlo en surf. 

La mayoría de los surfistas ni siquiera conocen la mecánica básica de las olas... Y definitivamente no saben cómo mover su cuerpo para interactuar con una ola.

¿Qué incluye el programa?  

El Cardboard Surfer es una serie de 7 lecciones primarias, enseñándote los verdaderos fundamentos del movimiento del surf. Desarrollarás una comprensión de la mecánica del surf. Entenderás el Cómo y el Porqué del Buen Surfing. Practicarás Surf Movimientos, SENTIRÁS los Patrones, y los Replicarás en el Surf.  

Sígalo a su ritmo.  
Practique en la comodidad y sin estrés de su propia casa.  
Este programa es la base para el futuro trabajo de habilidad sobre monopatines y en skate bowls.  
Este programa cambiará tu percepción del surf.
  • Bienvenido

  • Por qué cartón Surf

  • Cartón Intro

  • Movimientos fundamentales

    Comprimir Lean Twist

  • Cortar el cartón

  • Tumbarse

  • Subir

  • Cartón Walk Up Pop Up

  • Walk Up Más detalles

  • Tabla corta Pop Up

    & Posicionamiento de los pies

  • Qué es una buena postura Surf

  • Postura neutra

  • Postura neutral

  • Stacking, Front-On, Lunging

  • Comprimir

  • Recoger la taza de café

  • Conductor de tazas de café

  • Compresión, extensión y torsión


  • Salto Adelante

  • Conducir una tabla de surf

  • Manejar el cartón

  • Saltar y levantar

  • Giros con el pie delantero frente a giros con el pie trasero

  • Aprender a girar

  • Twist To Turn

  • Los ojos nos guían

  • Meñique arriba Meñique abajo

  • Las manos nos guían

  • Haga su propio juego

  • Equipamiento

  • Velocidad y potencia

  • Cuerpo

  • Carver Skate

    Bases de la formación

  • Secuencia de estiramientos y movilidad

  • Teoría del remo 101

  • La postura perfecta Surf

  • Errores comunes

    Taza de café

  • Errores comunes


  • Errores comunes


  • Errores comunes


  • Errores comunes

    Paseo Popup


Preguntas frecuentes

¿Tendré acceso al programa para siempre?
¡Sí! Una vez que compres el programa obtendrás acceso de por vida y descuentos en nuevos programas.
¿Qué equipo necesito?
Todo lo que necesitarás para este programa:
  • ¡Un trozo de cartón!
¿Pueden hacer el programa los principiantes?
Absolutamente, hay movimientos alternativos y progresivos para cada nivel.
¿Cómo se me entrega el programa?
Se trata de un programa digital al que accederá a través de la aplicación Surf Athlete App, que puede descargarse en cualquier sitio app store. Está pensado para que lo utilices a través de la app en tu dispositivo móvil, nuestra web-app a la que puedes acceder en tu ordenador de sobremesa o portátil, o acceder en tu iPad. Se registrará en la aplicación Surf Athlete App, se le proporcionarán los datos de acceso y podrá acceder a su programa cuando quiera y donde quiera. 
Política de devoluciones
Aquí está el trato.

Este programa es increíble, y sé que usted va a pensar que es increíble, pero sólo para asegurarse de que está seguro de su compra, estoy ofreciendo una garantía de 7 días.

Si utiliza el programa, y realmente lo utilizan, y no está satisfecho con el contenido absolutamente increíble e impactante, a continuación, ponerse en contacto y vamos a organizar un reembolso.
¿Cómo descargar el programa?
Los programas de Surf Atleta pueden descargarse para que puedas acceder a ellos sin conexión.

El contenido del programa se descarga dentro de la aplicación. No se descargan archivos independientes en tu teléfono u ordenador portátil. Los archivos se guardan dentro de la propia app, para que puedas acceder a ellos sin conexión.

Esta función funciona para la aplicación web en tu ordenador de sobremesa/portátil, y también para la aplicación del teléfono.

Lo que dicen los demás

  1. Scott H.

    Scott H. (propietario verificado) -

    Surf family here -- Dad (48), Mom (older than Dad) and daughter (competitive 12 YO). We regularly use the Surf Athlete, Cardboard Surfer, Surf Skate and Perfect Pop-Up programs.

    We’re now in the advanced beginner to advanced intermediate range. Programs have helped Dad increase hip/ankle flexibilty for faster pop ups as well as overall strength and flexibility, Mom with pop ups and looking down the line, daughter with strength/concept understanding of rail use, eyes, twisting, etc, etc. The programs have helped my daughter since I was pushing her and is still helpful now that she’s a respectable competitor. We all use a variety of aspects of the programs, have been for a few years now, and continue to revert back to various videos for recovery, in-water technique, land training/drills, etc. Hugely beneficial for us. Oh, and “Poo Man” is an active part of our vocabulary. 🙂

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  2. ippolito b.

    ippolito b. (propietario verificado) -

    Programa Pop-up Perfecto

    Dramatically increased my capability in getting in the waves and in surfing more consciously

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  3. Peter B.

    Peter B. (propietario verificado) -

    tutorial sencillo y fácil de entender

    Really helped my pop up.

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  4. Vicente C.

    Vincent C. -

    Ventana emergente sin cita previa

    Incredible content, great value for the money

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  5. Tomas A.

    Tomas A. -

    covers all the surfing Technics

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  6. Alejandro G.

    Alexander G. (propietario verificado) -

    Cardboard Surfer

    Great programm to get a better understanding of the fundamentals and your own movements. Specially for landlocked surfers like myself, who want to progress outside the water.

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  7. Nick L.

    Nick L. (propietario verificado) -


    Great training program – it really made me look at surfing in a different way. Very simple, but hugely effective. Im a pretty average surfer, but this program is allowing me to really improve.

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  8. Helmut Z.

    Helmut Z. (propietario verificado) -

    el pop up

    The pop up technique is pretty clear. It helps a lot.

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  9. Summer L.

    Summer L. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Vale la pena!

    The improvements from his explanations and training are incredible. Next best thing to having a coach out in the water with you. My surfing has improved tremendously. When I come back from long work trips and focused on these routines, my surfing is better than when I left without fail.

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  10. Xisco M.

    Xisco M. (propietario verificado) -

    Paseo hasta el despegue

    It really works!!! Tried and tested in my local sandy beach and in J Bay. Can’t recommend it enough

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  11. Sean B.

    sean b. -

    descomponiendo el surf a las 3 cosas, compresión, extensión y torsión

    great program glad i started it, just completed perfect popup and now doing cardboard surfer program.

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  12. Xisco M.

    Xisco M. (propietario verificado) -

    Camina hasta pop up sin ser explosivo. Consigo ahorrar mucha energía y todo está bien controlado.

    I can understand why so much repetitiveness may be needed to change and break some patterns and old habits

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  13. Phil C.

    Phil C. -

    la idea de la taza de café es brillante

    organization of this app is amazing

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  14. Santiago M.

    Santiago M. -

    técnica bien explicada cambió mi forma de entender el surfiing

    tons of content anda material to train. I am making progress day by day

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  15. Eric K.

    Eric K. (propietario verificado) -

    Siempre estoy aprendiendo

    Even with 15 years of experience, the cardboard surfer has allowed me to refine my pop up and the way I generate speed. I felt a difference in the water within a week of practicing on land. Thank you Cris!

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  16. Patrick L.

    Patrick L. -

    Peso en el pie delantero en lugar de la espalda y el uso de la taza de café .

    i now have a clear mental picture of the optimal position for my entire body and the why behind it.

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  17. Santiago M.

    Santiago M. -

    ¡Aprendiendo y practicando sobre postura, conducción, compresión y torsión! arreglando años de mala técnica, ¡Muchas gracias!

    Tons of great content and theory in only one place; carboard program.

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  18. matthew r.

    matthew r. -

    Mirando mis viejas fotos de surf , veo los defectos.

    Break it down, reassemble it correctly. This is the only way to reprogram away bad habits. I teach Chinese martial arts, have a lot of 10 year + students with bad habits that have held them back. Often, the fix is a small thing, but it is hardwired in, below the level of conscious thought. This is what is wrong with my surfing. Without a new process to focus on, I revert to (bad) instincts.
    Thank you

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  19. Carmen P.

    Carmen P. -

    El arma secreta (o no) del éxito

    A great way to improve your surfing in all the needs: strenght, coordination, balance, etc… and in my opinion the most important thing: knowledge

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  20. Federico R.

    Federico R. (propietario verificado) -


    good stuff right here!

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  21. Hakan A.

    Hakan A. (propietario verificado) -

    En pocas palabras: progresión garantizada

    It is so basic and at the same time demystifying. Enlights me everytime I go through it!
    My Go To for improvement. Priceless, legid stuff 🙂

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  22. Hakan A.

    Hakan A. (propietario verificado) -

    En pocas palabras: lo que ha cambiado mi forma de ver el surf

    to the point, understandable, my basic training where i keep discovering new things from time to time. Legendary 🙂

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  23. Gabrielle G.

    Gabrielle G. -

    Cambio de juego

    I was skeptical about this program because I judged it by the name. Cardboard Surfer?! It seemed too simple to offer any new strategies for me.
    I’m very glad I got the program tho! Cris and Clay are complimentary teachers~ Clay puts in every~person terms the info that Cris explains so well more scientifically. The program fun to do, makes a ton of sense and has helped me surf better. Who knew all it was me and not my surfboard that was the problem!!?

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  24. Conrad K.

    Conrad K. (propietario verificado) -

    conrad kriel

    AWESOOME !!!

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  25. Nico S.

    Nico S. -


    best instructional surfing video ever !!!

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  26. Jose A R.

    Jose A R. -


    I have learned more in 3 months with the Perfect Pop-up and Cardboard surf programs than in the last few years with random videos. The thought and progression built into there programs are intense and deep. Outstanding. Highly recommended

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  27. Te B.

    Te B. (propietario verificado) -

    más de lo que esperaba

    yea there’s routines for u to follow but if u have time to invest in watching every single video and again just for giggles then u will have a wealth of knowledge u can share and put to ur own use. u need time and understanding to make the most of thus amazing resource to health and wellbeing

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  28. Nick S.

    Nick S. (propietario verificado) -

    Un verdadero cambio de juego

    More golden nuggets than a safe vault. The theories and practice have really helped unlock some bad habits (that I didn’t even realise I had) and helped progress my surfing. Putting into practice in the water had tangible results in first session. Totally recommended if you feel your surfing is plateauing or if you’re carrying come bad habits. Awesome

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  29. Joe B.

    Joe B. (propietario verificado) -

    gran trabajo

    this program has helped improve my technique

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  30. Sean B.

    Sean B. (propietario verificado) -

    Un campo magnífico.

    Superb course and love how there’s alot of different topics included. I could never understand why surfskate I found easy yet as soon as I got on a surfboard I’d struggle with movements – turns out my stance changed completely yet I would never have realized without this course. For me a game changer.

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  31. Tyson B.

    Tyson B. (propietario verificado) -

    Merece la pena.

    I’m an intermediate surfer of 20 years and definately learnt some great tips from this program. I taught myself some bad habits as a grom and never bothered to get coaching so I was really surprised to notice how some of these simple techniques made such a difference! Highly recommend.

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  32. Daniel G.

    Daniel G. (propietario verificado) -

    Muy contento

    I’ve been looking for a way to somehow improve my technique while being landlocked and Cris’ program actually really helps. They’re not exactly cheap but i have to admit that i learned way more through this than the last surf lessons i took, so it’s well worth it.

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  33. Matt P.

    Matt P. (propietario verificado) -

    Ojalá lo hubiera cogido antes

    This is by far one of the most genius products to improve your surfing skills and with a piece of cardboard no less. The walk up was my first “aha” moment and it all came together after that. The program explanations and demonstrations make perfect sense and are super easy to implement. Lose your ego like me and learn these new skills pronto. This is the one. 5 stars!

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  34. jonathan a.

    jonathan a. (propietario verificado) -

    Gran programa

    I’ve been surfing for over 20 years and this has helped me out of bad habits.
    Cheers Cris

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  35. Jamie 'Roberto' B.

    Jamie ‘Roberto’ B. (propietario verificado) -

    Cosas realmente fundamentales que desearía no haber aprendido hace años.

    I’ve been working through the cardboard surfer and its immediately changed my surfing. I can’t reccommend the programme enough. It’s so effective and provides you with the best visual representation of what you need to be learning and training – developing the right technique and habits on land so that you can unlock your best in the water.
    I’ve watched every surfing tutorial available on YouTube but none of them even touch upon what’s inside this program.

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  36. Thomas F.

    Thomas F. (propietario verificado) -

    Excellent and informative, I’ve found my surfing level has increased significantly over the past few months, (not from an increase in getting to surf,unfortunately) but from an increased understanding and awareness in what I need to be doing when I’m going for, getting on and riding a wave (much better to do the right thing less, than the wrong things loads of times!). Great videos in bite sized segments that are real easy to digest and remember. Highly recommended.

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  37. Shachar N.

    Shachar N. (propietario verificado) -


    I’m still in the middle of the program and my surf technic and understanding got so much better.

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  38. Pen M.

    Pen M. (propietario verificado) -

    Me encanta.

    I’m loving the Cardboard surf program. It’s helping me refine my pop/walk up and moving my board. Stoked to be seeing progression on the waves!!

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  39. Richard B.

    Richard B. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡increíblemente valioso!

    I watched all the videos in Cardboard Surfer and, holy shit, it was like a million lightbulbs going off in my head. I was like ‘I do that…I do that too…Yep, that’s me…’ I’ve never had any coaching or even a lesson, and I had without a doubt plateaued. So last night I surfed the wave pool in Bristol, UK (same design as the Melbourne pool) and I felt like a different surfer. Genuinely! I had so much more flow, my coffee cup arm was helping me drive, I was getting the board on rail and, according to a mate who was in the session with me, throwing loads of spray. He said it was the best he’d seen me surf. I’ve never thought about what my rear arm should be doing, but now I see the coffee cup everywhere on every good surfer. So I guess I’ve been watching surfing, but not taking it in, until you and Clayton pointed it out. Deceptively simple but unbelievable valuable info. So thank you, and please thank Clayton. I can’t wait to see where I’m at after a couple more weeks of walking up and cardboard surfing.

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  40. Martxel I.

    Martxel I. (propietario verificado) -


    Me parece un estupendo programa para mejorar la tecnica y los movimientos del surfing, tanto el contenido como la app.
    Sencillo de seguir y muy efectivo.
    Traslada el surfing a tu casa, reeduca quitandote los malos habitos y transformandolos en movimientos correctos y fluidos.
    Justo lo que hace falta para evolucionar ese surfing estancado desde hace años o para acelerar el aprendizaje.
    La mejor inversion que he hecho hace tiempo.
    Gracias Cris!

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  41. Clemente L.

    Clement L. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Me encanta!

    For a long time I watched videos of pro surfers and tried in vain to understand how and why they moved on the wave.

    All this has changed since taking the Cardboard Surfer program. I love the concept of breaking down the complex art of surfing into simple, repeatable movements that I can do at home with nothing more than a piece of cardboard. – Clement

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  42. Steven H.

    Steven H. (propietario verificado) -

    Gracias por este programa y por todo lo que haces, tío.

    After purchasing the cardboard surfer videos I’ve noticed entirely new train of thought on how I approach surfing. Understanding how to use my body to control the board on the wave rather than using my legs to press on various parts of the board is just one example. I finally have gotten the “feel” of unweighting and when I surf I no longer think about it, it just happens! As a med student who does not have the time to get in the water as much as I would like, this is amazing supplemental training that’s actually applicable in the water. My only regret is that I didn’t discover this sooner.

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  43. John B.

    John B. (propietario verificado) -

    Insanely stoked about Cardboard Surfer

    First off I can’t thank you enough for the content you’ve put together. Just the key aspects of every program associated with your name is so insanely functional. I’ve worked with strength and conditioning coaches at the highest level of professional sports for years and never have I been taught about training muscle memory to improve my craft, in this case surfing. To me surfing is pretty new, I got into it a year ago after moving to the Cocoa Beach Florida area. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve spent practicing pop-ups, and turning just in my living room. Hours poured into watching pros, and tutorials on YouTube from guys that can surf really well. All that did was teach me bad habits, because the surfers I watched either compensated for their own bad habits, or I had no idea if the body positions I was in were right. Now I watch people surfing who I would have considered decent or good and think to myself, man that guy is working way too hard to move that board. Leaning and thrashing, not looking in the right place, standing sideways and not head on, and burning speed. My gained awareness has me taking so much confidence into the water my next time out.

    The Cardboard Surfer Program is a GIFT FROM GOD!! AWARENESS, AWARENESS, AWARENESS!! A couple of weeks into it now and for the first time I’m AWARE of what my body needs to be doing!! I can feel when I’m out of alignment or moving like a complete kook because I’m AWARE of the proper body movement. As someone who has played sports their entire life I had no idea I could be in such violation of the basic movements required to surf well. You preach training proper movement through muscle memory and dude you delivered in a big way! A couple of times per day I go through the movements taught in this program and every time I realize something I had been doing all jacked up and WOAH!! I can actually recognize it, adjust my body position and fix the bad movement. This program gives surfers the tools to troubleshoot their surfing. Diagnose a bad bottom turn, or tweak your technique to create some extra drive. This was the best investment I’ve made for my surfing! It’s kept me super stoked through our flat spell, while applying everything I’ve learned on some cone drills with my skateboard. Now I’m just dying waiting for some hurricane swell to go apply this stuff!

    If you’re new to surfing don’t even bother going out until you’ve gone through this program. Intermediate or advanced surfers, buy it now. Don’t hesitate, the content has enough for all skill levels to be worth the cost. I promise you will learn better AWARENESS, and tips to tweak the smallest of things in your surfing. Like Kelly said, “Surfing is three things, leaning, compression, and twisting.”

    Insanely stoked about Cardboard Surfer and how it has completely opened my eyes to how the body is supposed to move!

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  44. Nathan Handley H.

    Nathan Handley H. (propietario verificado) -

    El programa Cardboard Surfer es excelente.

    I can honestly say that surfing and skating have a very different feel. The front-centric surf feel has been an eye-opener and explains my inability to turn a surfboard when deploying a ‘skate technique’ of pushing into both wheels/heels/toes and relying on their friction to dig into turns. And obviously, skateboarding relies a lot on the back foot with ollying and pushing into the tail (except if you’re a gun that can skate both ways and therefore use your nose as a tail as well. This is not me!).

    That’s where I found the Cardboard Surf program really helpful. And I’m glad that I completed the Cardboard program before completing the drills of the surf skate program. That way I already had the feel way down before jumping on my surf skate. That helped me move onto the front leg on the Surf Skate and be conscious of when I’m moving the weight too much to the back foot. So maybe recommending to do the Cardboard Surfer before the Surf Skate program could be helpful.

    But you’ve totally changed my understanding of surfing, so at least I can practice that on the Cardboard Surfer program. I don’t need much of an excuse to want to carve up a bowl). With any luck when I get back into the water – probably near next year at this rate – it’ll all be rehearsed, muscle memory-d and my wave riding will come alive.

    Cheers and thanks for your and Clayton’s surf enthusiasm.

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  45. mark smale s.

    mark smale s. (propietario verificado) -

    Cardboard surfer cómo progresar en el surf

    Excellent course would definitely recommend

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  46. Romain M.

    Romain M. (propietario verificado) -

    Recomiendo encarecidamente este programa.

    It gives me so many ways to work and ameliorate my surfing

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  47. Mal M.

    Mal M. (propietario verificado) -

    I am a middle aged man, intermediate surfer, most basic turns. I have had the Cardboard Surfer for almost 3 weeks now, and it is now starting to make differences in my surfing! The first couple of sessions after going through the walk up was not really working for me so I had to change it slightly to my needs but now seems to work better. And as for the cardboard surfer I have performed some slides that seemed ok in the water, but , after this mornings session on one wave where I got to perform a cardboard surfer after a cardboard surfer after cardboard surfer that has me smiling hours later and had the comments coming in from friends that have noticed a difference in my surfing, Yew!

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  48. Ben L.

    Ben L. (propietario verificado) -

    Una forma de desarrollar la memoria muscular cuando llega el bajón veraniego.

    Here on the EC when summer time hits, the surf slows down if not halts. Going through the program helps keep your muscle memory on point and fresh. I’ve learned a few techniques that when the swell showed up I was surprised that I actually caught one where as before I probably would have missed it. If your on the fence like I was about the programs, just do it. You’ll thank yourself later.

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  49. Joey E.

    Joey E. (propietario verificado) -

    Ojalá hubiera tenido esto hace 10 años

    This program is best money I have ever spent on my surfing advancement. Over the past 10years, I have spent money on private lessons amd watched tons of YouTube vids and my surfing was still average. I can’t believe I have never had true help with my surfing until now. Cris is an expert in his field and the real deal. He is helpful, genuine and a guy with integrity in the way he runs his business. I have experienced this first hand. If you want to get to it and get better at surfing and get your body in peak performance for life get any of these programs today. Don’t waste another 10years flailing around thinking you have the basics down. Get this program. U will be shocked at how fast you progress and feel in and out of the water.

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  50. Alvaro L.

    Alvaro L. (propietario verificado) -

    Really good tutorial. My surfing improved a lot with simple techniques

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  51. Michael V.

    Michael V. (propietario verificado) -

    Fácil y claro.

    Like every other beginner / intermediate surfer I though I was doing well. Then you see a video of yourself and think: What? is that me? Bad posture and out of balance all the time. The cardboard surf program gave me some amazing insight of changing all that. Still working on my posture ( Rome isn’t build in 1 day ) but my wave count went up from 50% to 80%, just with some little tips. Great program for every surfer that wants to get better and a must for every beginner surfer.

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  52. Geth T.

    Geth T. (propietario verificado) -

    Gran trabajo Cris y equipo, ¡seguid así!

    A game-changer!

    So simple yet so effective – the content of this program will make perfect and immediate sense to anyone who’s ever surfed. To have it broken down into simple drills you can practice on dry land before transferring what you’ve learnt to the water is amazing! I only wish I’d bought it sooner… the ‘Common Mistakes’ section made me realise how I can quickly and easily make changes that will have huge benefits in the water.

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  53. John S.

    John S. (propietario verificado) -

    Blown Away - Cardboard Surfer

    I went back surfing during the pandemic since everything was closed (Gym, Jiujitsu Academy, Parks, Etc.) and you can go to the ocean but can’t stay at the beach in Hawaii. Picked up the cardboard surfer a few weeks ago. Mind blowing paradigm shift stuff! My pop up improved and and my the exercises strengthened my knees (my quads really). The repetitive pop-up exercise became second nature that it even helped me with my takedowns in another sport. Now I understand what “drive” really means. Don’t hesitate, get the program! Thank you Cris!

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  54. Anne S.

    Anne S. (propietario verificado) -

    Gracias por su maravilloso programa cardboard surfer .

    I have been surfing for 20+ years and have been stuck in a rut and not improving. Cardboard surfer has taught me the importance of posture and this has made quick tangible improvements in my surfing.

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  55. Tim H.

    Tim H. (propietario verificado) -

    Me ha ayudado mucho a surfear.

    This programme is really excellent. Totally changed my understanding of the fundamentals and helped so much in my surfing. I totally recommend the cardboard surfer course!
    5 stars.

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  56. Daniel F.

    Daniel F. (propietario verificado) -

    Gran Programa y bien vale la pena la inversión.

    Great Program and well worth the investment. Been surfing regularly over 15 years but picked up bad habits and techniques that have been limiting further improvement.

    Half the problem is understanding what those bad habits are and how that limits your ability to improve. I watched and practiced the cardboard surfer program numerous times and was able to pick up a lot of useful practical tips, techniques and advice that translated into a direct improvement in my surfing (whilst really understanding what I was doing wrong). Highly recommend the good straightforward professional advice and explanations that this program provides. Surfing like most sports needs repetition to improve technique the develop correct muscle memory.

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  57. Mark C.

    Mark C. (propietario verificado) -

    Consejos inteligentes de Surf

    Very insightful and simple ideas to improve your surf technique and be more mindful of your posture and movement.

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  58. Andy O.

    Andy O. (propietario verificado) -

    Easy to digest program that really helps your technique and ultimately become a better surfer

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  59. Paul H.

    Paul H. (propietario verificado) -

    el programa y la aplicación son cada vez mejores

    LOTS of people, including me, use your app and your training. We understand them and how our bodies get them.  We need them for our bodies but also for our minds, because as we unlock our stiff bodies, our minds feel better and we surf better and everything is better.  
    You’ve been doing this for 10 years and you’re getting better at it and the programs and app get better and better. Well done!

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  60. romano D.

    roman D. (propietario verificado) -

    Sorprendente enfoque técnico del surf

    So i’ve seen hundred of surf tutorials. This is the only one that really made me undestand what surfing is really about and improved my surfing in just one day. This is not a step-by-step tutorial that is impossible to apply because you’re just not that good, this is a extremely simplified explanation of surfing fundamentals and their analogue to other sports. This is going to help you understand what to do and when because you understand surfing not because you saw it on a tutorial.

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  61. DANIEL S.

    DANIEL S. (propietario verificado) -


    I surf for several years, but unfortunally not so often as I Wish and this program gave me a lot of “AH-AH!!” moments. Some mistakes that i was doing and thinking i was doing it right. Like sometimes i like to say “if you do something for 20 years, it doesnt mean you are doing it right!” thanks a lot. Buying surfskate program and surf athlete for sure!

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  62. DANIEL S.

    DANIEL S. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡gracias por la aclaración!

    My name is Daniel and I bought your program while a solo surf trip to the Maldives.

    Actually, besides doing surf for several years – unfortunately not so often – I was stuck in the same mistakes for years and years, and I did not have only ONE “aha” moments but several, such as the wrong idea of surfing with the back foot for bigger carvs, or “spray”.

    I was so f*ing amazed by your program that I “ate” it in 2 days!

    I want to thank you for the enlightenment!

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  63. Joe M.

    Joe M. (propietario verificado) -

    "Estaba ciego pero ahora puedo ver"

    An unintended biblical reference but to be honest most appropriate. As a life long intermediate level surfer I was so stuck in a non-progressional mode for way too long. I had fought against what always felt natural and bowed to the “standard” way to accomplish the pop-up, which should be referred to as the “walk-up”. For anyone struggling with the most fundamental aspect of surfing I honestly could not praise this approach any higher (“I was blind but now I can see”). This “cardboard surfer” is honestly the key to unlocking so many other aspects of your surfing. Cris and Clayton have done a stellar job of walking you through this widely troubling aspect. Gove this training an honest effort and I guarantee you you’ll have quite a few “aha moments”. Thank you Cris & Clayton. 5 star plus.

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  64. Matt G.

    Matt G. (propietario verificado) -

    Os agradezco todos los recursos que ofrecéis, ¡seguid así!

    Being a surfer for over 25 years the Cardboard Surfer program helped me see the nuances of good surfing technique and gave me the knowledge and tools to undue the bad technical habits I’ve been forming over that time. The level of detail and approachable nature of the information made it easy to understand and implement.

    As someone who lives inland and can’t get to the beach as much as I’d like the resources Cris offers to keep the body in shape allows me to still get quality sessions, catch waves, and surf competently as if I am able to surf regularly.

    Appreciate all the resources you offer, keep it up!

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  65. Rod N.

    Rod N. (propietario verificado) -


    This program is the best! It’s full of awesome strength, flexibility, mobility & recovery routines. It has changed everything for me, I wish somebody told me all of this in my 20s instead of my 40s!
    The app works great and everything is presented so well.

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  66. D K.

    D K. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡buenos videos!

    The Program has been a fantastic way to get a ton of reps while out of the water. Very organized, very well communicated. Thank you!

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  67. Clem P.

    Clem P. (propietario verificado) -

    Estoy muy agradecido por este material.

    I am at the beginning of my surfing journey. And I took this program for one thing: to speed up my progress.
    It helps so much to form good habits and focus on the fundamentals. And that greatly simplifies the vision of surfing. It shows that Cris is really keen to give the clearest and fairest advice possible. It is not only a question of learning to slide on a cardboard, but of understanding the basic mechanics which govern a good and stylish surf. After following this program, we immediately spot what is wrong when we see others surfing. It is really a chance to have access to this today! Thanks man !

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  68. Ryan L.

    Ryan L. (propietario verificado) -


    This is the third program I’ve bought from Chris and it might be the best one yet. It really has tied in the work I’ve been doing on the other fitness programs and made me progress that much quicker. I highly recommend this grade A program for anyone that wants to feel results on land that will translate to results in the water. Yeeww

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  69. Fred K.

    Fred K. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Eres una estrella del rock!

    Hi Cris, I have a NASM certification but my flexibility is limited and I realized that during my first surf lesson and immediately bought a few of your products. They work. Your email speaks to me. I am just really getting into the programs. I have been doing some new things I learned in terms of flexibility and dude you are a rockstar. Great communicator, first class instruction. Well thought out. I can’t begin to compliment you enough and I wish we were neighbors, you are my kind of guy. So yes, I am in, all the way. Thank you for creating a system that is bringing joy to my life.

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  70. Karen B.

    Karen B. (propietario verificado) -

    Sigue enviando todas las vibraciones positivas y saludables.

    I’m so impressed by your cautions and advice as to when to see a healthcare practitioner. I really just wanted to thank you for your help. I love your positivity and the supportive vibe you have. I have really enjoyed watching your videos progress and this website is totally rad. Keep sending all the healthy positive vibrations out there. It makes a huge difference and wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated it. Peace and love my friend.

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  71. Geraint T.

    Geraint T. (propietario verificado) -


    GAME CHANGER!!! I considered myself a decent high level intermediate/advanced surfer but the basic principals taught in cardboard Surfer have massively improved my surfing. Love the app. Top work my friend.

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  72. Scott C.

    Scott C. (propietario verificado) -

    Sigan con el gran trabajo.

    I just wanted to tell you how big a fan I am of your program. I was a decent surfer when I was younger, but had a 12 year gap where I didn’t surf, plus a neck injury I was recovering from. I’ve gotten pretty close to my skill levels and fitness from my younger days, plus corrected several bad habits/mechanics in the process. Seems like everything I’ve tried of yours is gold, especially for someone who has had to come back from a pretty serious injury. Keep up the great work. All the best, Scott

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  73. Dean B.

    Dean B. (propietario verificado) -

    Muchísimas gracias por su ayuda.

    Aloha Cris
    I want to take a well-deserved moment to say a massive thanks for your help via your program, and regular Instagram motivation which has also improved my approach and outcomes to cooking too. Things have been gradually improving and coming together since I started with your program, and…….. I had an awesome surf a couple of days ago, where a few things aligned and I got a bunch of waves and rode them with more focused awareness resulting in better positioning, more confidence, quicker take-offs, more rail time, and longer rides……… so stoked!!!! It’s been many years, and I specifically attribute 99.99% of turning the clock back to my significantly improved SSC training program (including the cardboard surfer) and surf knowledge and awareness that I have learnt in the last 6 months from you
    I’m still working my way slowly through the programs so there is still heaps more knowledge and skill work to tap into and I’m loving it. Thanks heaps, and all the best,

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  74. Gordon M.

    Gordon M. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Gracias, amigo!

    I just wanted to let you know how massively chuffed I am at the program it has been a complete change in my life over the last few months. As a 59-year-old I wish I’d come across you years ago. Your explanations and videos are fantastic clear to understand underproduced fantastic results. Thanks buddy

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  75. Kevin K.

    Kevin K. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Eres el hombre!

    I’ve never felt so good as I do after 2 months doing your surf athlete app program, it’s so addicting! You’re the man!

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  76. Bernie Carrozza C.

    Bernie Carrozza C. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Tu trabajo es increíble!

    Thanks again Cris, your program is amazing. Thanks for all your hard work and quick replies. Can’t wait to share them with my kid for years to come!

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  77. Craig W.

    Craig W. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡ha sido una revelación!

    I’ve been surfing for around 20 years and was recommended the cardboard surfer program by a friend who was also an experienced surfer, I was intrigued,
    I purchased the program and my son and I watched all the videos. The pop up was enlightening and I realised that I was taught and using a poor technique. I still see people being taught inferior methods.
    The pump when trimming was another penny drop moment! The movement was familiar to me from skating on a halfpipe, but I’d never linked it with surfing.
    I’ve applied these to my surfing since and it’s been a revelation! Thanks so much!

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  78. Dean B.

    Dean B. (propietario verificado) -


    Thanks for the opportunity to get onboard this programm!ll Cheers!! I had another fun surf at my local today….again, another big thanks to you and your Surf Strength Coach programm for giving me the tools and roadmap to make this happen!!!! Mate, don’t sell yourself short….. Positive impact on my time in the ocean……..FK YEAH!!! SUPER POSITIVE IMPACT!!! HUGE THANKS!!! Positive impact on land, positive impact in the gym, positive impact in my mind, positive impact on my choices, positive impact on my diet, positive impact on life……. Also, ABSOLUTELY loved the passionate Instagram rant verbal download (and subsequent post) on paddling starnina and the required training and impact!!!

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  79. Scott H.

    Scott H. (propietario verificado) -

    Merece la pena.

    Hi Cris, my wife and 8yo daughter gave me your program for Christmas. Since we all surf together it was really a gift for all of us. We’re watching your program as a family…it’s awesome. We usually watch a video or two on the program before we hop on our boards and practice and critique each other on those drills. No more big effort pop ups. Just to land with feet in the wrong position and have to readjust on a critical part of the wave! It’s wild to get this knowledge after surfing nearly 30 years and see how much more fun we can have in the water by being intentional about our focus for that session. It is such a great asset for my coaching my daughter too. It’s crazy to go out in the water and see how few people really pay any attention to their technique. Glad we’re not in that camp any more. You’ve really got some incredible programs and have put a massive amount of work into putting them together. We appreciate that work, the improvements its already bringing to our surfing and even drawing us closer as a family.

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  80. Zachary G.

    Zachary G. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Yo surf mejor!

    Your surf strength products are the best thing that happen to me in 2020. I believe I have purchased every one product you offer. I’m healthier, more flexible, and surf better than I ever have. Because if that, 2020 was all that bad for me… basically because of your online programs. If you are ever is San Diego reach out and we can grab a surf. You’re a legend.

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  81. Eric S.

    Eric S. (propietario verificado) -

    Sigan trabajando así de bien.

    I also bought the Cardboard program. I always thought of trimming off the front foot, but not turning. What an eye opener! Along with the coffee cup, makes me want to break out my 6’6. even for the point break. I normally ride a 7’2 Stewart 949(awsome!). and the thought of popping up on the 6’6 felt like it would never happen again. Great stuff Cris!

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  82. Ben C.

    Ben C. (propietario verificado) -


    Thanks Cris, awesome, you should know that because of your work and communicative skills you are part of a group of people who have transformed my life over the last 5 years…big time bro Much gratitude I can’t believe I’ve only been surfing 5 months!! We have so many years ahead.

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  83. Dano C.

    Dano C. (propietario verificado) -

    Ojalá lo hubiera comprado antes.

    I was told about Cris and his videos by a friend who was organising a trip to the Mentawais. Initially I just watched the YouTube strength training videos and the ‘packing for a trip to Indo’ which was really useful.
    I randomly ran into Cris in the water at Macaroni’s a few days before the Corona virus forced us all home early.
    When I was allowed back in the water back home, I purchased his program. His relaxed but quick walk up and totally focusing on looking down the line has massively improved my ability to get waves. I hardly ever fall on take off, and that definitely wasn’t the case in Indo

    Once on the wave, the arm/leg/coffee cup positions, no poo man, twist, be like a sprinter feels great, brilliant advice.

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  84. Christopher C.

    Christopher C. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡El programa es excelente!

    Hey Cris, my name is Chris Campbell. The program is excellent and has really helped every aspect of my surfing. Specifically, the Cardboard Surfer helped me surf faster. So yes I am a customer. But I am also an exercise physiologist. Because of my profession, I can really appreciate your expertise. You are incredibly good at what you are doing as a surf strength coach. I just wanted you to know that. Hang in there, man. These are tough times. My wife and I are really struggling too. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

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  85. Walter S.

    Walter S. (propietario verificado) -

    Esto es increíble.

    Welp, the cardboard surfer program improved my surfing 2-3 levels in as many weeks. I’m no longer skidding out and bogging on backside bottom turns. I’m no longer catching rail at the top. I’m taking different lines on the wave and throwing much more spray. I finally understand the shape of my boards.

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  86. Yosef M.

    Yosef M. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡los mejores 100 pavos que me he gastado!

    I’m loving the cardboard surfer program! This program is the best 100 bucks I’ve spent in a while. My surfing and mindset changed the first time I got in the water after finishing the first section, I feel like I have all the time in the world now, when “walking up”. Thank you and clay for breaking down to the popup so methodically. Stay healthy and hope you’re getting some waves, Yosef

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  87. Bjoern H.

    Bjoern H. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡No puedo creer lo que pasó en mi última ola!

    First surf in 7 weeks, have been doing all the cardboard surfer stuff daily and some of the Bosu stuff you guys posted on social media. I cannot believe what happened on my last wave: Short and sharp backhand wave into the shore break. I walked up effortlessly, suddenly flew down the line (must have been the walk up to cardboard slide combo I practiced at home), did a bottom turn into the lip of the shore dump, and believe I pivoted of my front foot freeing my fins(never had that feeling before), did NOT get stuck in the lip but landed safely in the flats ahead of it. I don’t know about that whole wave, I have never felt anything like that. I have surfed for 20 years now, probably the last 10 to 15 on my same intermediate to shit level. Maybe those past 7 weeks have changed my surfing. Just an addition: I did the exercises thoroughly, filming myself, checking my form, comparing my posture to pro surfers, and thinking about the process and surfing nonstop! The cardboard slide generated incredible amounts of speed, but felt completely effortless, I don’t recollect needing any power whatsoever. I guess the unweighting is the trick really.

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  88. Shane M.

    Shane M. (propietario verificado) -

    Me cambió la vida.

    I just watched the entire Cardboard Surfer program today…I’ve been surfing for 15 years and it changed my life!!!

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  89. Zachary G.

    Zachary G. (propietario verificado) -


    Your online surf coaching program is paying off big time.
    Thanks again for what your helping all of us I’ve
    better at what we love.

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  90. Dan S.

    Dan S. (propietario verificado) -

    Me encanta el programa

    I love your work, my only regret is I didn’t find you ten years ago. Your programme has been life-changing for me. I have found an exercise routine that really suits my ageing 50-year-old body, I also have a chronic lower back issue from 30 years of landscaping. But I can honestly say I have never felt this good in 20 years. I have been trying to learn to surf for 5 years. I am 110miles from the nearest coast and west wales is fickle, to say the least, but I am undeterred, your programme makes me feel like I’m making small steps all the time and I can really feel it when I do get to surf. Also, your programme has really helped with my mental health and well being through the pandemic and through losing close family members. Your breathwork introduced me to Wimm Hoff, cold water therapy, o2 advantage and blue mind, which has all become part of my daily/weekly routine.

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  91. Edgardo F.

    Edgardo F. (propietario verificado) -


    This program help me a lot I only 9 mounth surf and I progres a lot with this!

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  92. Eric S.

    Eric S. (propietario verificado) -

    Buen trabajo, Cris. Sigue trabajando así de bien.

    I always thought of trimming off the front foot, but not turning. What an eye opener! Along with the coffee cup, makes me want to break out my 6’6, even for the point break.

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  93. Malcolm D.

    Malcolm D. (propietario verificado) -

    Merece la pena comprarlo.

    The Cardboard surfer is the best money I have every spent on surfing!!

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  94. Anders M.

    Anders M. (propietario verificado) -

    Se lo he recomendado a un par de amigos.

    I have to add I really enjoy the training program, especially in these quarantine times, and I have recommended it to a couple of my friends already 🙂

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  95. Ed D.

    Ed D. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Qué locura!

    I been surfing forever. I just went thru cardboard surfer and it changed everything. Crazy! got the best barrel of my life on Wednesday cus cardboard surfer.

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  96. Matt G.

    Matt G. (propietario verificado) -

    Os agradezco todos los recursos que ofrecéis, ¡seguid así!

    Being a surfer for over 25 years the Cardboard Surfer program helped me see the nuances of good surfing technique and gave me the knowledge and tools to undue the bad technical habits I’ve been forming over that time. The level of detail and approachable nature of the information made it easy to understand and implement.

    As someone who lives inland and can’t get to the beach as much as I’d like the resources Cris offers to keep the body in shape allows me to still get quality sessions, catch waves, and surf competently as if I am able to surf regularly.

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  97. Peter W.

    Peter W. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡La mejor inversión!

    I´m generally not one for reviewing solely out of pure laziness, but I am delighted to make an exception for such a fantastic product. This program is the best investment I have made for my surfing – by far. 
    I’ve perfected my paddling but maintained an awful technique on the wave face. This program has unlocked a path to progression in a way endless YouTubing just won’t. After a vast amount of ‘aha’ moments, I have a clear trajectory for taking my surfing to the next level. Excellent work. Just TAKE MY MONEY! Workout programs are also great.

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  98. Tom M.

    Tom M. (propietario verificado) -

    Gran instrucción y funciona

    After moving a bit further from the ocean where I could not surf multiple times a week, I started noticing a decline in the quality of my surfing. After reading reviews I gave this and the Surf Skate programs a try. The instruction is super easy to follow. The drills are easy to do. I absolutely saw an improvement in my surfing. Have been using the drills a couple times a week to stay on top of things and it’s still helping out. Give it a shot!

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  99. Tom M.

    Tom M. (propietario verificado) -

    Gran instrucción y funciona

    After moving a bit further from the ocean where I could not surf multiple times a week, I started noticing a decline in the quality of my surfing. After reading reviews I gave this and the Surf Skate programs a try. The instruction is super easy to follow. The drills are easy to do. I absolutely saw an improvement in my surfing. Have been using the drills a couple times a week to stay on top of things and it’s still helping out. Give it a shot!

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  100. Eric L.

    Eric L. (propietario verificado) -

    Estoy muy contenta de haber encontrado este programa.

    I want to leave a review, I just don’t know where to start! I’ll give it a go anyway… 
    For years I’ve been struggling with my pop-up, which has been very inconsistent especially in more challenging surf. I attribute my plateauing at the low end of the intermediate surfer spectrum to it. This made for very frustrating sessions at times. And a failed surf trip in Samoa, ironically probably close to the top of my surfing form. Scouring the internet I just kept getting conflicting info on the proper way to pop up. Starting with the chicken wing and then becoming convinced I had to jump on my two feet. Method for which I don’t have the required core strength and flexibility. And for context, I’m 38 and I have some legacy minor lower back issues. 
    I discovered the cardboard surfer on Instagram, by following you and then Clayton, and just couldn’t wait to get the full course. I can only say that while I’m still not a great surfer, my pop-up (well my walk-up) is at least 5 times more consistent and I enjoy my surfs a lot more simply by making more waves.
    I also get more and more of these “aha” moments on waves, keeping up with it with a cardboard slide or the realization that arms up and front/coffee cup do wonder for stability and turns. 
    And to top it up you keep updating the programs with refreshed and new content! 
    So a big thank you, and I hope I’ll be able to redeem that failed Samoan trip at some point! 

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  101. Dave P.

    Dave P. (propietario verificado) -

    Este programa ha sido de gran ayuda

    It has shown me results, session after session in the surf. That feeling is addictive!!
    This program has been extremely helpful in identifying and clearing out those bad habits (you know the ones that hinder progress only after realizing feeling it in the water) and also gaining body awareness. This brings out results in;giving confidence from land traininglooking for & feeling out the power zones of the wavegliding across and making the section or overtaking drop-in’sdrawing out turns with REAL lean and holding the rail engaged back to the power zone still high on the face

    I feel these are the results from your program, your App updates keep it fresh.I can recommend the program as applying to real-life surfers all in the preparation in chasing and dialing in for THAT wave, whatever the conditions.

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  102. Sam B.

    Sam B. (propietario verificado) -

    Cris y sus programas de Surf Strength han cambiado mi forma de ver el surf, y he mejorado a ojos vista

    I can’t recommend these programs enough. The stretching, the techniques and the exercises are so beneficial, and all taught/ explained in a simple way that is easy to get your head around!

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  103. G E.

    G E. (propietario verificado) -

    Cierta mejora

    Pay attention, practice, implement and your improvement is certain. You’ll get insights that’ll take years or that you might never get trying to figure it yourself.

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  104. Jacob R.

    Jacob R. (propietario verificado) -

    Deshazte de esos malos hábitos

    I bought this program after reading “nosupermanchris’s” review on Reddit. After 10 years of paddling out, my surfing felt like it was in a rut. Time watching You Tube videos was helpful, but I found many of the drills for increasing skill only marginally transferable to my time in the line-up.

    The program is well put together. It starts with reviewing core concepts before moving onto drills. The program is broken down into a series of lessons that all build off of each other. After 2 weeks of doing the program I began noticing a difference in my surfing. Although I do not do the cardboard drills as often as I should anymore, my turns feel better and my ability to maintain control while popping up has increased significantly.

    $127 for a program that will improve you surfing better and cheaper than a new board or fins is well worth the investment.

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  105. Dylan V.

    Dylan V. (propietario verificado) -

    Alucinante en los 3 primeros videos

    The video’s on the “walk-up” blew my mind and made me completely retrain myself from ‘popping’ up . This tip alone makes the course entirely worth it.

    I’m a big fan of body mechanics, reminds me of learning to perfect throwing a fastball, and Clayton does a great job breaking down each component of fundamental surf mechanics. I wish I watched this many years ago.

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  106. Joe B.

    Joe B. (propietario verificado) -

    Gran programa, una manera de compartir el entusiasmo.

    The content and products are great. I have been utilizing many of the programs and have truly benefited from these great resources. Since first watching the programs on youtube and now investing in the product, I have noticed that my surfing has improved, my body mechanics have improved and I have improved mobility even when I am not surfing. I have so much to learn but am stoked to keep learning as much as I can through these programs. Thanks again.

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  107. Martina H.

    Martina H. (propietario verificado) -

    Ideal para surf y surfskate

    The cardboard surfer is a FINE program which gives a lot of good insights to surf technique. It has reasonable explainations why you should move this way (lunge) or not (squat). With a lot of helpful ideas (coffee cup) it´s easy to practice and doing the right moves. I have no idea how many surfers can surf poo stance, when you know it´s wrong.

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  108. Deirdre O.

    Deirdre O. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Cris es una leyenda!

    I got 3 massive takeaways that have completed changed my surf stance and speed generation. I’ve been surfing 20 years the wrong way and have attended many surf camps around Europe over the years where this wasn’t corrected. Chris is a brilliant teacher and the visual cues really stick when you go out in the water.

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  109. Michael S.

    Michael S. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Cambia el juego!

    It would have been cool if someone told me to point my hips forward like 20 years ago. It’s been hard transition but it’s a game changer.

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  110. Daniel G.

    Daniel G. (propietario verificado) -

    Cambia tu forma de navegar

    Comprehensive, step-by-step guide to becoming a better surfer. Changed my surfing.

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  111. Ben Hamley H.

    Ben Hamley H. (propietario verificado) -

    Transformó mi pop up y mi surf

    I found the cardboard surfer program great for breaking out of the bad habits i’d made from just ‘trying’ to surf. Re learning how to get to my feet on a surfboard and working on the techniques on land has transformed my ‘successful’ wave count! Highly recommended. Thanks!

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  112. Kecia D.

    Kecia D. (propietario verificado) -

    gran manera de mejorar tu surf o empezar con una buena base

    After doing this program I was able to improve my surfing quite a bit. Cris really breaks down the movements and explained how to use your body movement in a way that I had never heard in any of the camps/classes I had taken before. I would highly recommend any beginners to get this so they can learn good technique from the start and not develop too many bad habits.

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  113. Kevin K.

    Kevin K. (propietario verificado) -


    I have been surfing for nearly 15 years but sadly my skill has not shown the duration I’ve been in the water until I implemented tweaks to my surfing found in these programs and started training properly for surfing. I feel way more energetic and can now pull off maneuvers I thought would always be impossible. Thank you Cris!

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  114. Paul V.

    Paul V. (propietario verificado) -

    Asesoramiento excepcional

    I’ve been following Cris now for about a year and only have good things to say about his programmes.
    For some background, I’m 40 years old and live in-land so only get to surf once or twice a month and I was always struggling to find training that was specific to surfing….I’ve been training for years now, from weight training to swimming, cycling, running, yoga, pilates, cross fit etc.
    Since working through the programmes, the latest of which is the body weight training, I’ve seen amazing results in both my physical and surfing ability – I’m far more mobile, flexible and my paddling endurance has improved significantly!
    I’m super stoked and can honestly say Cris is one of the most knowledgeable and passionate people I’ve come across and his practical application of training principals in a simple and easy to understand format makes this training so special and I would highly recommend it to anyone, not only surfers, as it definitely offers amazing results both in and out of the water.

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  115. Jason S.

    Jason S. (propietario verificado) -

    Prepárese para la emoción

    I’ve really enjoyed the Cardboard Surfer program. It’s laid out in a way that makes sense, is easy to follow and has absolutely helped me make the most of my time in the water though building my technique on land.

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  116. Aaron A.

    Aaron A. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Chris es el hombre!

    His products are great. I’ve been following his work for years and every one of them have help up my surfing. Whether it’s improving strength, increasing mobility, or building technique fundamentals, he’s working it all. I started surfing at 37 and now only a couple years later can now reliably catch waves on a board only four inches taller than me. I have a lot more to learn but credit Chris with the majority of my success. Through his app, he’s my personal trainer, physical therapist, and surf coach all in one. What a bargain!

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  117. Bernardo R.

    Bernardo R. (propietario verificado) -

    Potente herramienta para mejorar la técnica de surf

    Congratulations Chris Mills and all the staff of Surf Strengh Coach.

    I am an experienced surfer and an avid searcher for surfing tutorials to upgrade my style and technique.
    The Surf Strengh Coach is by far the most complete, detailed and comprehensive program I have ever come across . I bought several programs including the Surf Skate, the Perfect Pop Up, Surf Atlethe and the Body Weight Training. I’ve been trainning constantly I can say that me and my buddies have already noticed a big improvement in my surfing. I feel more loose, more fit, more aware and more confident than ever. I highly recommend the programs. They are highly effective and worth the price you pay. Differently than many other bullshit coaching programs I unfortunately acquired before I knew Surf Strengh Coach.

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  118. Mike C.

    Mike C. (propietario verificado) -

    Nunca pensé que alguna vez aprendería a surf una tabla corta.

    Learning how to “pump” properly has been a huge game changer for my surfing. The Cardboard Surfer program not only teaches you the technique but you actually experience the sensation in your body of what a real “pump” should feel like in the surf using only a piece of cardboard. I was surprised how well this translated into the water. Throughout my time surfing and learning from Cris I’ve let go of my 9’0” longboard and am now comfortably surfing and new 5’11” twin. Even though I’ve been surfing for almost 20 years now, Cris’s programs have taken me to the next level. His attention to detail has brought out the small but necessary tweaks that I needed to make in order to fully embody my movement and style on surfboard. I will always look to Cris for my surfing performance progression.

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  119. Christopher C.

    Christopher C. (propietario verificado) -

    Surf más rápido

    Before the Cardboard Surfer program, I had not progressed in years. My surfing was slow. I felt like I was always struggling to get speed. Through the Cardboard Surfer program, Cris and Clayton opened my eyes to how to generate more speed on a wave. Then they showed me a simple and effective way to practice and repeat it at home. Not only am I surfing faster now, but my style has improved and I am able to do more maneuvers with the speed that I am generating. Surfing has become way more fun. My surfing has gone from dull and lifeless, to fast and lively. Get this program if you want to surf faster and with better style.

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  120. Aleksander S.

    Aleksander S. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Estoy muy agradecido!

    I’m so happy I had the Cardboard Surfer so early in my surfing life. No idea how long it’d take me to figure these things out by myself, I’d probably keep being stuck for years. The principles are simple, but key to progression, yet nobody teaches them! Everyone says this program is a game changer and it truly is.

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  121. Boris W.

    Boris W. (propietario verificado) -

    Tiempo y dinero bien invertidos

    These programs are really great. Each one of them offers a different but very important angle. If you really want to improve your surfing, you better have a plan. And this is the BEST PLAN I have seen until now. And TBH … I also purchased other programs but they dont measure up.

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  122. Peter B.

    Peter B. (propietario verificado) -

    Formación en tierra

    Only get to the waves for a few weeks a year. Wanted to keep improving and having the movement patterns to be more natural and not have to think about it. This program will for sure help.

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  123. Mariesa I.

    Mariesa I. (propietario verificado) -

    Quién me iba a decir que deslizarme sobre un trozo de cartón cambiaría mi forma de ser. surf

    The cardboard surfer program is packed with instruction and “ah ha” moments that have changed the way is surf. Small adjustments taught/discussed in the app have helped make huge improvements in my surfing, such as consciously being “front on”. For some it may be a given but I started surfing way later in life and just the smallest tweak of my hips forward have changed my ability to turn better and generate more speed. I can’t recommend the program enough.

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  124. Daniel A.

    Daniel A. (propietario verificado) -


    Cardboard surfer and surf skate program helped me to access to every single detail that I needed to really improve as I wanted.Thanks.

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  125. Robert M.

    Robert M. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Gran programa!

    All of Chris’s programs are great. Currently working on bodyweight surf workout and it is legit. I come back to the cardboard surfer if I haven’t surfed in a while. It helps get the body coordination back, plus the cardboard slide is a gamechanger. I would carry a piece of cardboard in my suitcase and practice with it on the road.

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  126. Mick H.

    Mick H. (propietario verificado) -

    Producto excepcional

    Very well researched and top of the game. The walk up analogy was definitely my ah ha moment
    Plenty more though

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  127. Steven T.

    Steven T. (propietario verificado) -

    Contenidos "apasionantes" presentados con profesionalidad

    I found Cris by accident through one of the YouTube teasers and even though I’m a level 0.5 beginner, the logic of what Cris was talking about resonated with me as someone from a science background.
    On buying the programmes, it was refreshing to have an app sitting on the iPad and it made it easier to progress through the content (which in itself is all worthwhile and eye-opening stuff).
    I think Cris is a really good presenter and you can see he is really passionate about his subject(s) and he makes it very easy to keep interested in the content, delivered in bitesized chunks.
    For the cost fuel and of a couple of sessions at Bristol’s “The Wave”, I have lots and lots of content that I can go back to again and again to help my dryside drilling so that when I do get into the water I can hopefully progress at a half decent rate.
    I am even getting to grips with a Carver and I never thought I would see myself as a skater!!!
    In summary: buy the programs, you won’t regret it.

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  128. Tim Guyton Elleriis G.

    Tim Guyton Elleriis G. (propietario verificado) -

    Massive knowledge and nicely build. I have been on my carver for some years, but the program helped me focus on some details that i would not have othervise. Also it helps you with awareness and gives you focuspoints. I would highly recommend

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  129. Muzza M.

    Muzza M. (propietario verificado) -

    The Cardboard Surfer program was fantastic, it’s easy to follow and has lots of ‘a-ha!’ moments. It has honestly improved my wave count and stoke!

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  130. Thibault Mokuenko M.

    Thibault Mokuenko M. (propietario verificado) -

    Dope program, everything you need to understand to improve your surfing !

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  131. Jake B.

    Jake B. (propietario verificado) -

    El eslabón perdido

    I have been a UK based surfer for approx 10 years. I really started to focus about 5 years ago. The progress was steady but happening. I then stagnated until I started the cardboard surfer program. I realised for 9 years my stance was wrong! I was poo man. I was well known for my distinctive stance but I didn’t realise this signature move was also holding me back. After rewiring my pop-up with the walk up and being conscious of my stance after a few sessions I already feel that I have broken the plateau and on my way to my next goal. Bigger turns. Which co-incidentally the cardboard surfer program has given me some of the tools to help as well. I have followed Cris for years and really rate his work and I am glad I bought into his community!

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  132. Matt B.

    Matt B. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Gran programa!

    Thanks so much Cris and Clayton! Cardboard Surfer has definitely helped me getting through a plateau with taking off and trimming on shortboards. I’d been struggling for a while in transitioning to a shortboard as I live in a town with a notorious beach break where you have to be quick. Couldn’t believe it when a fun two foot swell turned up recently and I pulled off a dozen long left handers. Will continue to dip into this programme as I progress. So stoked!!

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  133. Anthony W.

    Anthony W. (propietario verificado) -

    Gran teoría y práctica

    The perfect pop up program, walk up not pop up, has been great to help me finesse and improve my pop up , making it smoother and helping me to work out which bits of my physiology have been slowing me down and giving me stretches to work on them.

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  134. Richard H.

    Richard H. -

    ¡Aprenda conceptos clave superrápido!

    Cardboard surfer changed my surfing and the way I understand how the body controls the board. Can’t recommend this enough.

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  135. Richard H.

    Richard H. -

    ¡Aprenda conceptos clave superrápido!

    Cardboard surfer changed my surfing and the way I understand how the body controls the board. Can’t recommend this enough.

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  136. Julian Z.

    Julian Z. (propietario verificado) -

    Enormemente informativo

    Cardboard surfer is an outstanding way to improve posture and performance. So much information, even after 20+ years of surfing I was stunned by how much I learned, all of which flowed straight into the next surf. I am still integrating it, using it in dry land practice and in the water. Really solid piece of surfing education. Oh, if you are really wondering if it is worth it….think about how else you could spend a small amount of money to improve your surfing. Here you’ll get loads of lectures demonstrating proper body position, for almost every relevant move. These include exercises you’ll practice on your own cardboard surfer which translate 100% into the water. You’ll have them forever, so you can just keep working on it. Easily worth it.

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  137. Rod K.

    Rod K. (propietario verificado) -

    Realmente surf específico

    I’ve been on Chris’ programs since back before the app – shout out the Surf Mastery Podcast!
    I continue to enjoy the artfully put together programs mainly down to the fact that Chris takes methodologies and concepts from lots of different disciplines and distills it all down in to concise and simple yet challenging chunks. I only started surfing a few years ago and was looking from the outset to build good techniques, habits and surf specific physicality all of which Chris (and friends) deliver. Cheers mates!

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  138. Clinton norte N.

    Clinton north N. (propietario verificado) -

    Love the program kept me moving and surfing as I got older

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  139. florestan l.

    florestan l. (propietario verificado) -

    Gran valor

    I am only halfway through the class, and it already positively impacted my surfing.
    The way Cris breaks down the walk-up process has been so helpful, the cardboard pumping is great too.
    Loving it so far!

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  140. Alexis M.

    Alexis M. (propietario verificado) -

    El mejor programa de surf

    I have been using this program for more than a year now and really felt a massive improvement in my surfing! Sometimes it’s just common sense but having someone who breakdown so well each movement is perfect ! Thanks to you I have been level up my surfing ! I highly recommend this app if you are willing to improve your style and surfing ! 5 stars for sure

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  141. Jason B.

    Jason B. (propietario verificado) -

    No se puede recomendar más. Legit awesome

    45. Wanted to learn to surf with my son. Could not more highly recommend. This guy is awesome. I have purchased a number of his videos and they are all great.

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  142. Kelly P.

    Kelly P. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Este programa es genial!

    Loved the program! Got to really understand how to improve my technique!

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  143. Tomas A.

    Tomas A. -


    I improve drastically my surf skills

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  144. Malcolm D.

    Malcolm D. (propietario verificado) -

    La mejor relación calidad-precio.

    Cardboard surfer app is the best money I have every spent on surfing!!

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  145. Emma S.

    Emma S. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Qué alegría!

    I am so glad I purchased this program during the quarantine. Like most people, I thought my popup was pretty solid. After working through this program, the walk-up technique taught here has changed my surfing. I’m much quicker getting up on the wave, fluid, and efficient. My friends have noticed how much I’ve improved and asked me how I’ve gotten so smooth. I don’t hesitate to tell them it’s because of this program! The simple biomechanical principles that Chris and Clayton use in this program are no brainers; it makes total sense when they show you more efficient ways to move your body when surfing. If you’re looking to improve your surfing by starting at the foundation, this is it!

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  146. Luke Petterson P.

    Luke Petterson P. (propietario verificado) -

    Si eres nuevo en el surf, este programa es imprescindible.

    I only recently started surfing at the ripe old age of 42!!!. At first I did all the usual searches on the internet and YouTube firstly on how to pop-up etc and then how to generate speed and turn etc. I watched all the videos over and over only to be left confused. Once I found the Cardboard Surfer program all that confusion was replaced with a well thought out plan that just made sense due to the way the body naturally moves. My surfing has improved so much over the last couple of months as I took the time to understand the movements and more importantly practiced them on a continual basis. This is a fantastic program that will improve your surfing no doubt.

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  147. G E.

    G E. (propietario verificado) -


    Original, practical, insightful, distilled to what matters – posture as the cog driving speed, flow and great surfing

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  148. Dan M.

    Dan M. -

    This program is amazing for dialing the fundamentals of surfing and for giving insight to all the small adjustments that need to be made. It has 100% improved my surfing. satisfaction guaranteed!

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  149. Richard H.

    Richard H. -

    ¡¡Realmente impresionante!! Más allá de las palabras.

    Just downloaded and purchased the cardboard surfer. After viewing about 1/4 of the content, I can say that after my board, this is the best investment in surfing I’ve ever made! I’ve learned more here than all the other videos and books I’ve looked and that’s a lot!

    There is so much more on the app that I’m looking into learning as well.

    This is really an incredible set of programs, and I’m grateful to have been exposed to it.

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  150. German L.

    German L. (propietario verificado) -

    Me gusta mucho el enfoque de la taza de café y el cartón.

    At first I thought What the heck? a Cardboard Surfboard? But after doing the exercises from the program I really understood the benefits from it. I really improved my techniques with the coffee cup moves and most of all, getting speed down the line with the cardboard deck. This training is a must!!! Way to go Cris!!

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  151. matthew r.

    matthew r. (propietario verificado) -

    Cardboard Surfer

    I’ve been watching surfers generate their own speed for years, but haven’t been able to do it myself. My first session after the programme I was pumping down the line.
    Thanks Cris and Clayton

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  152. Miguel L.

    Miguel L. -

    As an intermediate surfer wishing to improve to surfcard program was a real help, refresh and self-confidence builder. As always Cris puts together a great thing! You will surely appreciate it. Good work

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  153. Chas D.

    Chas D. (propietario verificado) -

    Otro programa sólido

    Cris and Clay deliver with the Cardboard Surfer. This program has all the information you need to make progress in your surfing who knew cardboard could be so useful and it’s so nice to be able to practice at home.

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  154. Alicia K.

    Alicia K. (propietario verificado) -

    Muy recomendable.

    This program is ingenious! Who would’ve thought a piece of cardboard could transform your surfing?! Doing the drills in this program has helped me feel the fundamental movements required for good surfing and it is something I keep coming back to over and over. Highly recommended!

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  155. Dave P.

    Dave P. (propietario verificado) -

    Este programa mejora tu cuenta de ondas mediante movimientos corporales eficaces.

    This program identifies correct techniques & required posture to change & improve your wave count by effective body movements. This program can reverse years of poor technique and muscle memory, this needs to be matched with time in the water . Thanks .

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  156. matthew r.

    matthew r. (propietario verificado) -

    Con este programa mi surf ha mejorado más en los últimos 2 meses

    As a direct result of this program my surfing has improved more in the last 2 months than in the last 8 years. I’m making sections that I used to watch run off into the distance, and am able to generate enough speed to actually turn rather than wobble from side to side.

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  157. Dean B.

    Dean B. (propietario verificado) -

    Ojalá hubiera encontrado esta información hace 20 años ....

    If only I stumbled across this information some 20 odd years ago……. Essential for anyone who surfs and wants to improve their knowledge, technique, skills and surfing ability.

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  158. Samuele F.

    Samuele F. (propietario verificado) -

    Enfoque eficaz y divertido del surf

    If you like simple concepts or a different, effective and fun approach to surfing. Go and get it.

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  159. ARKAITZ P.

    ARKAITZ P. (propietario verificado) -

    Este programa es oro puro

    I’ve been surfing for two decades, and I have many bad habits built in that had stopped my progression for years. This program has helped me learn some critical details that will make me a better surfer, and it has shown me the way I can internalise and reinforce those movements, by repetition out of the water, where I can do them hundreds of times. I really think this program is pure gold for anyone interested in developing his surfing, from beginners to advanced surfers.

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  160. Nick L.

    Nick L. (propietario verificado) -

    Le recomiendo encarecidamente que lo lea todo.

    In surfing there is no equivalent to going to the driving range and hitting a bucket of balls; it’s very difficult to work on technique, you’re at the mercy of the ocean of what you can work on in any given session. This program helps make up for that fact; it lays out simple yet profound movements you can work on so you can perfect that muscle memory on land, removing the variability of water. That way once you’re out there you’ll be able to intuitively perform the correct motions. It’s a great program, great for progression, I highly recommend going through the whole thing!

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  161. Duncan K.

    Duncan K. (propietario verificado) -

    This programe has really helped me with sorting out my pop up and surf stance and has helped increase my wave count. The programe has easy to follow,in depth and practical excerises that you can replicate at home to help teach muscle memory and correct technique. I would reccomend this product to anyone 😎

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  162. Duncan K.

    Duncan K. (propietario verificado) -

    This programe has really helped me with sorting out my pop up and surf stance and has helped increase my wave count. The programe has easy to follow,in depth and practical excerises that you can replicate at home to help teach muscle memory and correct technique. I would reccomend this product to anyone 😎

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  163. Íñigo G.

    Inigo G. (propietario verificado) -

    A mí me funcionó

    I have tried this a couple of times in the cold Atlantic waters off Northern Spain on slower 1.5m waves and it worked for me. I still mix it up with classic pop up though. I will try on faster and/or larger waves as soon as I can, probably off the coast of Cornwall. I also make my wife laugh as I slide about the living room on a piece of cardboard, so it is a win-win on the home front too.

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  164. Greg H.

    Greg H. (propietario verificado) -

    Deslizarse sobre cartones funcionó tremendamente mientras surfeaba

    Practicing the lifting and weighting that was taught sliding on cardboard worked tremendously while surfing. I couldn’t believe how easily it translated to being on water.

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  165. Kane N.

    Kane N. (propietario verificado) -

    El programa es atractivo...

    The program is engaging and it certainly makes you think more about the movements that culminate in surf technique.

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  166. Justin B.

    Justin B. (propietario verificado) -

    Estos son los resultados mensurables

    Surfing is and always will be an “incremental growth” process … Time in water + time + more time …lol I’m a true believer in foundation and fundamentals in surfing are critical to any progress … This is a great breakdown of more than “just do this “ and more of a “do this … and this is why it works , and these are the measurable results”

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  167. Rudolf S.

    Rudolf S. (propietario verificado) -

    Definitivamente me ha beneficiado

    The program includes great step by step guidelines on how to improve surfing technique. After a bit of practice, it is easy to add these techniques to actual surfing and I definitely benefited from it.

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  168. ricardo s.

    ricardo s. (propietario verificado) -

    Increíble mejora de la concienciación sobre el surf

    It changes my mind and the way I feel and understand surfing, been a surfer down the deep south part of Chile, with almost not surf culture around. Makes you to do a lot of mistakes and with the cardboard surfer I realizes a lot of them.

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  169. Matthew C.

    Matthew C. (propietario verificado) -

    I loved this program. It made me realize how I was basically doing absolutely everything wrong. Everything is broken down into small movements that translates into a fluid progression. It has progressed my surfing to a point where I no longer look like a kook.

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  170. Ian S.

    Ian S. (propietario verificado) -


    This program is great! really improved my awareness of efficient posture, movement of my body while surfing. Its been about 6 months since i’ve used the program, and the improvements are starting to become more natural. Old habits die hard they say. I’ve had to constantly check my body position, hand positions and the likes and have had fund doing it, because it shows in the way i move on the water. The program really helped me in understanding those small mistakes that make a huge difference. Cant wait for the surfskate program!

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  171. Oliver M.

    Oliver M. (propietario verificado) -

    I got this to help me a few(all) my average surf techiques.
    Its been a massive help,

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  172. Bjoern H.

    Bjoern H. (propietario verificado) -

    Este programa me da esperanzas

    This program is giving me hope to actually surf good one day!

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  173. Ayuda

    Support -

    Gran manera de avanzar en el surf

    The cardboard surfer program provides great exercises and insights into how surfing in the water should feel. It gives many exercises to practice at home (without looking like a kook to everyone) and to get a better feel for the board (and your own body). Cris and Clayton are very insightful and following them has helped me progress my surfing significantly.

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  174. Ayuda

    Support -

    Gran manera de avanzar en el surf

    The cardboard surfer program provides great exercises and insights into how surfing in the water should feel. It gives many exercises to practice at home (without looking like a kook to everyone) and to get a better feel for the board (and your own body). Cris and Clayton are very insightful and following them has helped me progress my surfing significantly.

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  175. Phil D.

    Phil D. (propietario verificado) -

    De primera categoría

    As someone fairly new to surfing and being a landlocked surfer, the Cardboard Surf Program is perfect for maximising my time in the water. The program is straightforward to use and as long as you put the time in you’ll definitely see results from dry land practice to being in the water. What has changed my surfing and ongoing progression has been the ‘walk up’; no more ‘pop up’ no more ‘poo man’. Do yourself a favour, if you are relatively new to surfing or have been surfing a while and stuck on a plateau of progression, get this program, it will change the way you surf for the better. The Cardboard Surf Program – simply awesome, 7 stars!

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  176. Rosie M.

    Rosie M. (propietario verificado) -

    I’m a complete beginner so wasn’t sure if this would be too advanced for me, but it’s been awesome. Rather than teaching myself poor technique then trying to correct it later, it makes so much more sense to try to get it right from the start. Even though some of the skills are beyond me at the moment, I love that I can come back to the drills as my surfing progresses.

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  177. Rob W.

    Rob W. (propietario verificado) -

    Hi guys the cardboard surfer program has not only change my surfing but so fun to be a part of easy to understand and apply I’d recommend this program to anybody looking for a new lease on surfing thanks Chris love it Combine this with stretches for surfers perfect package 🤙

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  178. Simon G.

    Simon G. (propietario verificado) -

    Mejoró mi éxito en las olas en un 1000%.

    I’ve known for a while that my pop-ups were hopeless. Walk to pop-up has improved my wave success 1000%. And that’s just the beginning. Every segment of Cardboard Surfer has been insightful and helped my understanding of how to surf and gradually I’m feeling more success in the water. Thank you

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  179. Wayne S.

    Wayne S. (propietario verificado) -

    Me sorprende.

    Thanks so much Chris and Clayton for this program. It has opened my eyes and mind to all the things I have been doing wrong but also doing right. Every-time I’m in the water, I try to focus on a particular technique detailed in the cardboard surfer. It blows my mind sometimes when it just works with less effort than my pre-cardboard surfer days. I would recommend the cardboard surfer program to anyone who wants to improve their technique.

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  180. John K.

    John K. (propietario verificado) -

    Grandes programas para todos

    I have been able to apply the lessons to my carve boarding and it feels like its helping, it makes pumping and turning feel more natural and easy to understand. Great programs for anyone that wants to improve their surf fitness, or anyone just looking for something different than hitting the gym and throwing some weights around. My wife doesn’t surf…at ALL…and she even loves the programs because the keep the workouts interesting and you can feel your body moving better after a few weeks of using them.

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  181. Carlos L.

    Carlos L. (propietario verificado) -

    I’ve spent hours looking for clues in youtube videos as I’m learning to surf and it was so refreshing to find this program. It explained in a simple direct way the core movements needed to surf, and the common errors that surfers fall into as they learn the sport. It was shocking to see how I was doing them most of them! The corrective exercises are surprisingly easy and provided a solid approach which I have seen results after just 1 week. So rad!

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  182. Yosef M.

    Yosef M. (propietario verificado) -

    Resultados inmediatos

    This program is the best 100 bucks I’ve spent in a while. My surfing and mindset changed the first time I got in the water after finishing the first section. I feel like I have all the time in the world now, when “walking up”.

    Thank you and Clay for breaking down the popup so methodically.
    – Yosef

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  183. Rik M.

    Rik M. (propietario verificado) -

    muy útil

    great program for beginner/intermediates with simple & very effective instructions from Clayton. Will definitely improve your surfing

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  184. Mike C.

    Mike C. (propietario verificado) -

    Cardboard Surfer es el verdadero negocio

    For the past 17 years of me being a surfer, I’ve always struggled with exactly what to do when I’m on a wave. I’d see other surfers absolutely just ripping and I wouldn’t understand entirely what they were doing and why I couldn’t surf like that. Surfing didn’t exactly come natural to me and having been an athlete my whole life (also an ex NCAA D 1 athlete) I needed specific instruction on how to generate speed and turn my board. Enter The Cardboard Surfer. This program lays it all out. The program’s specific technique instructions were so thorough and precise that surfing finally made sense to me. I had tried using other surf technique instructions on YouTube but they paled in comparison to Cris’s analogy-based teachings like the “coffee cup” and “beer pass.” I’ve already incorporated the techniques on my carver surf-skate and am seeing incredible results (super stoked for the Carver program btw- DEFINITELY going to get that one when it comes out). Since I can’t make it out to the coast due to COVID-19 at the moment (beach closures), I can’t even imagine how much progress I’ve made since learning from the Cardboard Surfer program. I definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to level up their surfing!

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  185. Dale H.

    Dale H. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Un enfoque impresionante para mejorar tu surf!

    I am a high school teacher with two teenage boys who have picked up surfing during this Covid crisis. They are fearless and naturals.
    I just wanted to get to the line-up and surf some green waves with my boys. This app has everything in once place. It’s awesome.
    As a teacher I appreciate the methodical approach to surfing.
    I have the cardboard surfer and the surf athlete programs. Both are go at your own pace and designed to help me do what I enjoy, surfing with my boys.
    The cardboard surfer app is helping me learn the proper movements in a simple non judge mental way. I can practice at home as much as I want and following great videos and a simple piece of cardboard. Amazing!
    The surf athlete is helping my 49 year old body handles the pressures of surfing and more impotently morning t will help my overall health and wellness.
    I’m excited to be on this journey and so thankful for Surf Strength Coach!

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  186. Ashlee S.

    Ashlee S. (propietario verificado) -

    ¡Gran programa!

    Great program! The walk up to pop up makes a big difference. Was able to apply several concepts right away with great results. Thanks for turning me on to the Carver skateboard too!

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  187. Marc W.

    Marc W. (propietario verificado) -

    Great product. Was difficult in the beggining as i had alot of bad habbits that this programme helped me get rid of. Feeling more confident in the water and the reaults are awesome

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  188. Claude Visagie

    Claude Visagie (propietario verificado) -

    This program is one of the best I’ve seen to really break down the basics of what you need to become a better surfer. My surfing has progressed just because I knew about these exercises and what to do with your arms and legs (which I probably would not have figured out on my own). I would recommend it to any surfer (beginner, intermediate or advanced) that would like to better their surfing and progress to the next level. This has honestly changed my whole understanding and approach to my surfing and makes me so excited to just get back out in the water and try these exercises in real surf. It’s awesome!!

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  189. Marrik

    Marrik (propietario verificado) -

    Hard to get my head around it at first, but after Ments trip (week 2) with Clay & you (briefly!!) it’s going to set me up for smashing
    It for years to come!

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  190. Christian Pons

    Christian Pons (propietario verificado) -

    The “Cardboard Surfer” ist exactlly what I´m looking for because it starts from the beginning (right posture) an I can performed in my livingroom (how good is this) or on a surfskate. Now that I´ve been through the Programm I realised that I´was only told how to catch a wave but not how to surf it the right way (not even by the so called “coaches” back in Portugal). I also have some of the “110% surfing technique” dvd`s but they are virtually useless when you`re not living by the sea.

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  191. Johnnie Durbin

    Johnnie Durbin (propietario verificado) -

    We have a newborn at home and I have been studying for my Physical Therapy board exam, so I have not had a chance to get in the water and put this to use as of yet. But soon!

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  192. Mo G.

    Mo G. (propietario verificado) -

    Gran manera de avanzar en el surf

    The cardboard surfer program provides great exercises and insights into how surfing in the water should feel. It gives many exercises to practice at home (without looking like a kook to everyone) and to get a better feel for the board (and your own body). Cris and Clayton are very insightful and following them has helped me progress my surfing significantly.

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  193. Russell B.

    Russell B. (propietario verificado) -

    Justo lo que necesitaba

    I have been a long time struggler with injury and mobility that had taken away a lot of my surfing ability. This program has introduced me to the technical aspect of surfing which I have never been exposed to before. I now have a different way of approaching my surfing which includes stretching, mobility work and surfing my cardboard around the house. It is immense help when you are shown through technique how to achieve what you have been aiming for. Reminded me of what frothing for waves is like….

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  194. Cyril S.

    Cyril S. -

    El cardboard surfer mejoró mi surf

    The information Chris provides in this program is the best and enlightening I ever found on the internet. After struggling with my pop up for years and never knowing exactly what went wrong, following the cardboard surfer improved my surfing and my knowledge of what I was doing wrong. I can recommend this program for every surfer, combine it with one of his other programs and be a better surfer. It won’t come easy though, you need to invest your time and practice a lot. But the result is magic,

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5 de 5 estrellas

190 Reseñas

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Cardboard Surfer

(190 opiniones)   2780 Surfistas
USD147.00 USD97.00